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Autor Tópico: What  (Lida 65884 vezes)

Meme Dealer

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #340 em: 2021-01-20 01:38:51 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #341 em: 2021-01-20 02:58:00 »
É a censura total.

Hoje foi o Roosh V censurado por tocar em pontos sensiveis.

É esta merda o futuro da web? Aquilo que andava a ser anunciado?

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #342 em: 2021-01-20 03:01:20 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #343 em: 2021-01-21 17:13:00 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #344 em: 2021-01-21 17:20:50 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #345 em: 2021-01-21 18:51:54 »
Nunca liguei muito a estas coisas para lá da Terra mas hoje olhando para os press release da NASA tenho mesmo que rir.
Isto são uns buracos fundos em Marte 🤣🤣🤣
(Um esferovite ou parecido)

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #346 em: 2021-01-21 18:52:58 »
Why God

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #347 em: 2021-01-21 21:31:03 »
Coisas que google devolve quando estou com prisao de ventre


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #348 em: 2021-01-21 23:37:48 »
like to keep things simple.  There was a time, in the not too distant past, when girls were girls, boys were boys.  Girls had girl parts and boys had boy parts.  They grew up and women continued to have vaginas and men continued to have penises.  There were males and there were females.  Period.

But, accordingly, to the über liberal Mayor of New York City, Bill De Blasio, and his equally far left NYC Commission on Human Rights, there are now thirty-one, yes, 31, genders.

You can forget about biology, it’s all about emotions.  In other words, political correctness vs. common sense.

According to the Commission, “it’s illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender identity and gender expression in the workplace, in public spaces and in housing” and businesses who violate this new law can be subject to a fine of up to $250,000.00.

So, here’s the list:



Drag Queen

Drag King

Femme Queen



Gender Bender



Trans Person







Third Sex

Gender Fluid

Non-Binary Transgender


Gender Gifted

Gender Blender


Person of Transgender Experience



“Gender identity” is described as one’s internal, deeply-held sense of one’s gender as male, female, or something else entirety.  Gender is expressed through one’s name, pronouns, clothing, haircut, behavior, voice, or body characteristics.

According to the Commission, if you don’t know what pronouns to use, ask.  If you use the wrong pronoun, apologize and move on.  Don’t make assumptions about a transgender person’s sexual orientation.  I’ve never made such assumptions about anyone. I’m not one of those people who’s interested in someone’s sex life. It’s none of my business and I don’t want to know.

And, finally, if you believe you’ve been discriminated against, you can call the Commission by dialing “311.”

As a prosecutor in dependency court, I remember when I’d be preparing a child to testify and making sure they knew the difference between a truth and a lie.  Most of my colleagues used the old standby questions of color – holding up a black pen and asking the child, “if I said this pen was red, would that be a truth or a lie?”  Many of the kids we dealt with didn’t know their colors or their numbers and, for me, the one sure question to ask a little girl was, for example, “if I said you were a little boy, would that be a truth or lie?”  The child always knew the correct answer.  Like I said, things were simple.

I have an attorney acquaintance I’ll call “Tom.”  During the day, this person dresses as “Tammy” in the courtroom, but when “Tammy” attends “her” children’s school functions, “she” reverts to being “Tom” wearing men’s clothing and being bald.  Like I said, things have gotten complicated.

But this new world of gender identity and expression shouldn’t surprise me.  Recently, at Seattle University, some students didn’t see much, if any, difference between even men and women.  I was stunned.

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #349 em: 2021-01-22 23:18:25 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #350 em: 2021-01-24 00:13:14 »
Not good

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #351 em: 2021-01-24 00:14:18 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #352 em: 2021-01-24 00:22:35 »
The world is f***ed

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #353 em: 2021-01-24 00:28:20 »
La vai o mundo para as couves 😂

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #354 em: 2021-01-25 02:08:19 »

Um amor de miuda e muito ar de fofinha

Jodi Arias

Alexander was murdered on Wednesday, June 4, 2008.[19] He sustained 27 to 29 stab wounds, a slit throat, and a gunshot wound to the head.[20][21] Medical examiner Kevin Horn testified that Alexander's jugular vein, common carotid artery, and trachea had been slashed and that Alexander had defensive wounds on his hands. Horn further testified that Alexander "may have" been dead at the time the gunshot was inflicted, and that the back wounds were shallow.[22][23][24] Alexander's death was ruled a homicide. He was buried at Riverside's Olivewood Memorial Park cemetery.[25]


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #355 em: 2021-01-27 18:01:37 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #356 em: 2021-01-27 18:08:18 »


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #357 em: 2021-01-28 14:05:09 »
Os Humanos não nasceram na Terra (e um cientista explica porquê)

Há muitos cientistas que partilham a teoria da panspermia, segundo a qual a vida no nosso planeta foi trazida por meteoritos, asteroides e outros corpos celestes.

O investigador da raça humana Ellis Silver afirma que a nossa origem não provém da Terra, mas sim de um mundo extraterrestre, revela este domingo o Daily Mail. No seu livro, intitulado “Humanos não são da Terra“, o autor assinalou que a raça humana teve as suas origens fora da Terra, citando várias evidências para defender esta afirmação.

De acordo com Silver, há muitas diferenças entre os humanos e as outras espécies da Terra, diferenças que levaram o cientista a chegar a esta conclusão no que diz respeito à nossa verdadeira origem.

Silver destaca o facto de os humanos serem muito sensíveis à luz do Sol – algo a que outras espécies são imunes. O investigador assinalou que, enquanto os répteis são capazes de regular a sua temperatura quando expostos à luz do Sol, permanecer durante um período longo sob o Sol causa tonturas e insolação nos seres humanos.

“A humanidade é, provavelmente, a espécie mais avançada do nosso planeta, sendo incrivelmente mal preparada e inadaptada para o ambiente terrestre: incapaz de suportar o Sol, com forte repugnância à comida natural e com um nível ridiculamente alto de doenças crónicas”, argumenta Silver.


ahahahah  e os macacos vieram de onde?
O Socialismo acaba quando se acaba o dinheiro - Winston Churchill

Toda a vida política portuguesa pós 25 de Abril/74 está monopolizada pelos partidos políticos, liderados por carreiristas ambiciosos, medíocres e de integridade duvidosa.
Daí provém a mediocridade nacional!
O verdadeiro homem inteligente é aquele que parece ser um idiota na frente de um idiota que parece ser inteligente!


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #358 em: 2021-01-28 16:39:58 »
Esses, já cá estavam! Lol

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #359 em: 2021-02-02 00:00:26 »
Quem é que inventou esta treta dos LGBTXMAIYGDKFJTLFBW?
Social experiment🦌🦌?