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Autor Tópico: What  (Lida 65889 vezes)

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #280 em: 2021-01-07 22:10:26 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #281 em: 2021-01-07 22:11:46 »
Raptossaurus corcundis

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #282 em: 2021-01-07 22:26:42 »
Raptossaurus corcundis

Parece um coelhinho... deve ser o pêlo q lhe dá um aspecto bem fofinho...   ;D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #283 em: 2021-01-07 22:39:31 »
E é um coelho eheh

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #284 em: 2021-01-07 22:50:40 »
The end of alpha males

Isto é um tema giro de ler.

A sociedade ou a mao invisivel está a tirar a força aos homens.
Vejamos o mundo nos ultimos 30 anos.
Alias ate o documentario " the disappearing male" menciona isso.

É tudo programaçao subliminal.
Os actores dos filmes ha 30 anos, herois de guerra ou super herois, grandes corpos e barba,
Hoje, homem aranha de cara fininha e cara de puto sem barba.
Antes, rolling stones, bruce springsteen doors etc
Hoje, justin bieber

Hoje os filmes metem sempre um gay pelo meio, ou um transgender ou algo parecido.

Pela moda a mesma coisa. Antes, gajos grandes, definidos, secos. Hoje umas amélias.

Antes, putos a brincar na rua, ir para escola a pé, canelada nas pernas, porradas, um estalo ou outro de um prof etc
Hoje ai coitadinho, hoje videogames agarrados a um joystick fálico, sempre em casa no ecrã,  hoje menos desporto ate na escola, de cu tremido para escola, roupas à totó, cu cheio de mimo.

Ha 30 anos atras o nivel medio de testosterona num homem era 1000, hoje é 400.

Nunca prestei atencao a estes pontos subliminais mas estao la.
As elites querem enfraquecer os homens. Po-los mansos. E distraidos no entertenimento.
Vou ver se encontro uns videos que vi ha tempos. É claro como agua
As coisas estao mesmo a nossa frente e nao reparamos

E depois isto

E outras.
Irei pondo aqui.
« Última modificação: 2021-01-08 02:39:18 por Cro Magnon »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #285 em: 2021-01-07 22:54:45 »
É de ouvir este gajo para perceber o problema


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #286 em: 2021-01-07 22:57:36 »
This is a serious topic, one that’s getting plenty of talk time lately, the over sensitivity of males…..as they take on conventional female traits in excessive ways, literally exhibiting too much care and compassion, which is usually reserved for the female gender. The discussion around such topics revolves around things “getting out of balance” and the societal collapse that’s coming because we see men becoming “not male enough” (for political correctness based reasons) and females also retaining plenty of their hyper compassionate qualities. Hyper feminine males + regular female energy from females = too much female energy in total. Let me review only one example where this is leading to the collapse of our society here in North America.
Let’s take accelerated immigration right now, which is being caused by a very small number of psychopathic leaders around the globe, who destroy various nation states for control/profit motivations and herd those ravaged populations toward countries that aren’t their own. (like ours) Things are definitely out of balance between male and female energy because we easily observe these psychopathic leaders that conventional males should have “dealt with” long ago but they don’t because the men today are hyper feminized, showing too much care, peace and compassion…..when the opposite is needed. Yes, if criminals have taken over the government, you’re not supposed to vote harder and try to negotiate with them. That’s female energy and female energy is a good thing…..but not when male energy is needed. Balance is needed, which we aren’t getting right now.
So psychopathic personalities now occupy all the top positions in world governments because the average male today really doesn’t know how to be male, especially when being female is more encouraged through corrupt media sources and government policy. These psychopathic leaders I refer to carpet bomb and destroy dozens of countries across the planet for their own personal gain using men again WHO DON’T really know what a real man is supposed to do in this world, which obviously shouldn’t include fighting for psychopaths so the psychopaths can have bigger houses, faster boats and longer vacations.
As a result of this out of balance situation millions of “really upset” refugees are driven toward OUR HOMES, which normal men long ago would have defended from invasion BUT as described already, the men today (in North America and the Eu) are now carrying too much female based empathy and compassion, celebrating the arrival of such large groups of foreigners. When you see the news coverage of the “welcomers”, you see mostly women and their beta male counterparts. This scenario involving men not knowing when to be men and what that really means, will eventually destroy our entire culture and our way of life. Too much female energy + not enough male energy = WORLD OUT OF BALANCE. Here’s the worst part……the cultures we’re waiving in and celebrating as they arrive are BASED in ancient ideology where the males of these cultures know EXACTLY what their roles are, which means we’re about to take a major ass whooping on all fronts, because our males aren’t sure what their roles are anymore. HINT – you’re not supposed to cheer lead another culture that despises your culture, as they enter your own country. You can thank inverted Hollywood media and corrupt government policy for making our males so weak and female (too compassionate), that they can no longer even muster getting off the couch to defend their own culture and their own way of life, from complete annihilation.

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #288 em: 2021-01-08 02:28:54 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #289 em: 2021-01-08 02:34:53 »

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #290 em: 2021-01-08 02:47:27 »
Smoke that crack kkk



On Landing Day, Feb. 18, 2021:
Tune in to Watch Live
The NASA TV broadcast from Mission Control starts at 11:15 a.m. PST/2:15 p.m. EST.
After Landing:
Explore Mars with Perseverance
As the rover begins its mission at Jezero Crater, visit the mission website for the latest news and images every day.
The Perseverance Rover Landing
Perseverance will touch down on Mars on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021, at approximately 12:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m. EST). During landing, the rover plunges through the thin Martian atmosphere, with the heat shield first, at a speed of over 12,000 mph (about 20,000 kph). A parachute and powered descent slow the rover down to about 2 mph (three-fourths of a meter per second). A large sky crane then lowers the rover on three bridle cords to land softly on six wheels. Landing on Mars is hard. Read all about the rover’s harrowing entry, descent and landing.
Landing at Jezero Crater
The rover’s new home is Jezero Crater, a large impact crater about 28 miles wide (45 kilometers wide) just north of the Martian equator. Jezero once contained a lake, which scientists think is one of the most ideal places to find evidence of ancient microbial life. If life exists anywhere else in our solar system, chances are, it might be at Jezero Crater. The main question Perseverance is trying to answer is: Was there ever ancient life on Mars? To answer that question, the rover will collect and store the most compelling rock and soil samples for return to Earth by a future mission. Once on Earth, scientists can use a variety of sophisticated instruments, many of them too large and bulky to transport to Mars, to help answer this question.
Landing on Mars is Hard
Landing on Mars is challenging. Only about 40 percent of the missions ever sent to Mars – by any space agency - have been successful. Perseverance is only the fifth rover to attempt landing on Mars. Will you be watching? Tune in to our Watch Online page.


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #291 em: 2021-01-09 21:04:43 »
O Twitter, o Jack, os nerds, passaram-se.
Tudo a levar razia.

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #292 em: 2021-01-10 20:38:08 »
Blackout de horas no Vaticano.
Pelo twitter, o Papa foi assassinado ou detido a noite passada.
Adoro isto ahah


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #293 em: 2021-01-10 20:41:43 »
Blackout de horas no Vaticano.
Pelo twitter, o Papa foi assassinado ou detido a noite passada.
Adoro isto ahah

tens de ir arejar um bocado a mioleira. fazia-te bem. 8)
wild and free

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #294 em: 2021-01-10 20:43:42 »
Vai primeiro. Eu vou a seguir.


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #295 em: 2021-01-10 20:48:47 »
Vai primeiro. Eu vou a seguir.
amanhã ás 10,30 ja estou a dar aulas. :P
wild and free


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #296 em: 2021-01-10 20:52:22 »
E o Parler continua ativo. As ligaçoes é que foram eliminadas em algumas plataformas. vai lá com calma que eles reorganizam-se.
a wild web dos anos 90 voltou mas no mundo real. aí as guerras entre grupos eram frequentes. assisti a muitas. vao atrair muito mirone e depois esvaziam. entretanto muito odio será destilado. se isso servir para manter a rotina e normalidade no mundo material melhor. a raiva tem de ser canalizada para esmorecer.
wild and free


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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #297 em: 2021-01-10 21:21:14 »
hungria nao e la muito conservadora!

mais valia dar volta hungria para perder raiva!
« Última modificação: 2021-01-10 21:31:49 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #298 em: 2021-01-10 22:12:12 »
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

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Re: What the fuck ?
« Responder #299 em: 2021-01-10 22:38:06 »
O que dizes para aí Maria?
Nao percebi o teu raciocinio