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Autor Tópico: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?  (Lida 261907 vezes)

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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #440 em: 2015-09-11 21:34:45 »
Concordo com o LArk.... é atroz , tanta falta de respeito por duas vidas , uma delas sendo uma criança...
Vindo de uma mulher que normalmente ate tem uma sensibilidade superior ao homem , nao ha muito a dizer , so....que é cultural na Hungria onde é cultivado o odio por tudo que nao seja Hungaro ou clarinho de pele.

Ja vi muita coisa , mas isto nunca esperava ainda por cima filmado.....tudo documentado


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #441 em: 2015-09-11 21:36:23 »
Hungary Rejects E.U. Action and Quota for Migrants

BERLIN — Germany on Friday failed to persuade Hungary and three other central European partners to accept joint European Union action and a quota to distribute migrants from the Middle East.

The German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, using blunt language that indicated Berlin might be losing patience, called the crisis “the greatest challenge the European Union has faced in its history.”

Up to 40,000 people might arrive this weekend, he said — double the total warmly welcomed in an outpouring of emotion last Saturday and Sunday. The new figures came as questions mounted about the wisdom of throwing open the borders last weekend, in a humanitarian gesture that was described as a one-time offer, but which appears to have encouraged more asylum-seekers to join the migrant trail.

In an indication that the government was troubled about maintaining control, Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s defense minister, announced that 4,000 troops were on standby — a measure more often used to preserve order in natural disasters.

Mr. Steinmeier stressed that Germany now expects 800,000 migrants to arrive this year, and added, “None of these will be taken in by others, so I ask for understanding, that we discuss not only those who are already here, but a fair quota of distribution of those who are still on the way.”

His statement during talks in Prague with Hungarian, Czech, Slovak and Polish counterparts suggested that neither he nor the foreign minister of Luxembourg, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, persuaded the former Communist countries, which have not been immigrant destinations, to adopt quotas to house 160,000 migrants as suggested this week by the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker.

The Prague talks were held in anticipation of a meeting on Monday of European interior ministers to discuss the Juncker proposals, and there were indications on Friday that heads of state and government might have to hold a summit meeting if no progress is made then. Officials in Berlin, speaking on condition of anonymity as they groped for a solution, even mentioned using majority voting — and not the traditional consensus — to decide the matter.

That would be highly unusual in an affair so central to Europe’s destiny.

But Mr. Steinmeier indicated that Berlin is keenly aware that failure to control the situation might tip the popular mood in Germany, and other countries like Sweden and Austria, where the welcome for the migrants has to date been warm.

While Social Democrats like Mr. Steinmeier have long supported immigration, the conservatives in Bavaria’s Christian Social Union, Ms. Merkel’s partners in her center-right bloc, have long been critical, and have grown more so this week. “We’ve lost control,” said Hans-Peter Friedrich, a former interior minister and deputy leader of the Bavarian party, in the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse.

Throwing open the borders to migrants coming from Hungary by way of Austria last weekend “was a failure that we will have to deal with for a long time,” said Horst Seehofer, head of the Bavarian party and governor of that state. “I don’t see how we will put the cork back in the bottle,” he was quoted as telling Der Spiegel magazine.

Mr. Steinmeier said Europe needed a common message, that “not everyone who arrives has the right to asylum, or the right to a job.” Smugglers, he said, spread such rumors “and are working on purpose to lure people into undertaking dangerous journeys.”

The harsh response to migrants in some countries in Eastern and Central Europe has spurred debate about why many in former Communist countries, which themselves spent four decades craving liberty, are in some cases unsympathetic, and even downright hostile, to those fleeing war and tyranny.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary reiterated his criticism of migrants on Friday, and he warned that his country would soon take an even harder line.

“They have seized railway stations, refused to give fingerprints, failed to cooperate and are unwilling to go to places where they would get food, water, accommodation and medical care,” Mr. Orban said after a meeting with Manfred Weber, chairman of the conservative European People’s Party in the European Parliament.

Tougher laws on immigration will go into effect on Tuesday, Mr. Orban said, and migrants who cross the border illegally will be arrested.

At the meeting in Prague, some countries reiterated that immigration policy was a matter of national sovereignty. Lubomir Zaoralek, the Czech foreign minister, said, “Every country has to have the sovereign right to decide who it will or will not accept.”

Mr. Steinmeier took issue. “We can, as Europe, say that we will shut all borders, and not let anyone else in,” he said. But in doing so, “we would betray our values.”

The United Nations on Friday gave qualified support to the Juncker plan. It “would go a long way” toward addressing the crisis, William Spindler, a spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency, told reporters in Geneva, but he added that it was still insufficient.

“Our estimates indicate even higher needs,” Mr. Spindle said, “but the focus must now be on ensuring all member states take part in this initiative, and that it is swiftly implemented.”

Elsewhere on Friday, the Austrian railway said there would also be no regional traffic between Austria and Hungary this weekend, after Austria stopped rail service across the border with Hungary under the pressure of migrants streaming in.

That prompted several groups of migrants who had arrived from Hungary to start marching toward Vienna along various routes, according to Helmut Marban, a spokesman for the police in the eastern Austrian province of Burgenland.

The main highway in the direction of Vienna was closed at least for some hours on Friday because of the danger of migrants marching along the road.

The Geneva-based International Organization for Migration said that in Geneva, a record 432,761 migrants had crossed the Mediterranean already this year, compared with 197,940 people crossing in all of 2014, Reuters reported.

The situation also continued to deteriorate in Macedonia, where the authorities are scrambling to find ways to cope with an immense increase in the number of migrants traveling through the country.

More than 11,000 migrants entered the country in a 24-hour period that ended Friday, according to the United Nations refugee agency, and the number was expected to remain similarly high over the next few days.

Despite the challenges facing the country, a proposal on Thursday by Nikola Poposki, Macedonia’s minister of foreign affairs, to follow Hungary’s example of build a fence along its border was met with harsh criticism from domestic civil organizations and political parties.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #442 em: 2015-09-11 21:37:59 »
Concordo com o LArk.... é atroz , tanta falta de respeito por duas vidas , uma delas sendo uma criança...
Vindo de uma mulher que normalmente ate tem uma sensibilidade superior ao homem , nao ha muito a dizer , so....que é cultural na Hungria onde é cultivado o odio por tudo que nao seja Hungaro ou clarinho de pele.

Ja vi muita coisa , mas isto nunca esperava ainda por cima filmado.....tudo documentado

Para mim o facto de ser uma mulher não torna o acto mais repugnante.

O facto de ser uma mãe de filhos pequenos, sim.
A mesma coisa diria de um pai.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #443 em: 2015-09-11 21:45:06 »
Concordo com o LArk.... é atroz , tanta falta de respeito por duas vidas , uma delas sendo uma criança...
Vindo de uma mulher que normalmente ate tem uma sensibilidade superior ao homem , nao ha muito a dizer , so....que é cultural na Hungria onde é cultivado o odio por tudo que nao seja Hungaro ou clarinho de pele.

Ja vi muita coisa , mas isto nunca esperava ainda por cima filmado.....tudo documentado

Para mim o facto de ser uma mulher não torna o acto mais repugnante.

O facto de ser uma mãe de filhos pequenos, sim.
A mesma coisa diria de um pai.


Se fosse um refugiado branquinho tipo nordico , austriaco ou assim davam ate champagne...


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #444 em: 2015-09-11 22:47:25 »
Analysis: The people against politicians

While 65 percent of Danes want Denmark in a European asylum distribution, a massive majority at Christiansborg keep us out.

For many years, the Danish politicians remained in political competition to deliver the tightest tightening of immigration policy, and the political reason analysis at Christiansborg has long been that the toughest hand enough wins in the end.

But as the refugee disaster has grown and recently have been heavily present with thousands of migrant asylum seekers on the Danish highways, the Christiansborg tightens logic been caught napping. The result is a political system and a population of loggerheads. And this in a completely different way than we are used to talk about in Denmark, where a widespread tale has long been that elitist and international politicians do not listen enough to the people's concerns.

A new poll by Megafon made for TV2 and Politiken shows that 54 percent of Danes believe that Denmark should accept more refugees. The entire 65 percent believe that Denmark will participate in a European asylum cooperation, which distributes refugees between countries.

At Christiansborg, the politicians lurked that something is moving.

Liberal leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen, who campaigned on Danish austerity measures are beginning to talk about a "European solution".

Legal reservation and EU allocation system

Lately Left opened to volunteer to take over a number of refugees from other European countries. So the same refugees by the government with newspaper ads trying to get to go outside of Denmark. But towards the forthcoming referendum on transforming the legal proviso to opt-shows the emerging schism between the politicians and the people themselves clearly.

In the vote, the Danes have no possibility of opting for a full European asylum policy. On one side, there is no vote, represented by the Danish People's Party, the Unity List and the Liberal Alliance, all of which are against the proposal for a common European asylum policy that the EU Commission Wednesday presented by the countries and Monday next week to discuss the Brussels.

In relation to refugees think many of Christiansborg certainly: Well, ok, let's see, if not the great wave of popular goodwill towards refugees flattens out again when everyday arise
On the yes side offering five yes-parties - the Social Democrats, Liberals, Radicals, SF and Conservatives - a connection to the EU's judicial cooperation in most areas other than the immigration and asylum policy. They solemnly guaranteed that no later be talking about joining. Even if a party were to be weak at the knees, they have given each other the right of veto to prevent uncertainty from spreading. Legal reservation must be eliminated with a guarantee of continued Danish immigration and asylum policy.

In fact, the only alternative that stands outside the yes-parties' agreement. Their model can not in practice be voting on.

To the pro-EU parties have recently turned up for the European rhetoric does not change the agreement, but can in turn make it difficult for them to convince voters that they are not subsequently intends to join the EU asylum cooperation.

The reality is, however, more complex than the different slogans choice for several reasons.

There is uncertainty about whether a new European distribution goes ahead, and if so, how it is put together. Denmark is already participating in parts of the asylum policy as border cooperation Schengen and Dublin Regulation, which regulates the countries' exchange of asylum seekers. Being distribution system as proposed by the Commission, part of a new Dublin Regulation, the Danish political parties will be forced to choose whether Denmark should participate in it and so anyway commit to a quota or drop out of the Dublin cooperation.

Here are split pro-EU parties. Radicals will, where appropriate. The government has reversed said it will not participate in a distribution.

The Social Democrats have been bitten many times by the Left of immigration policy, and the party will not betray himself first. Socialists know the accusations of laxity that was passed down on them from the Left, if it was they who had made Løkkes rhetorical about-face and after a national toned campaign had said that it was probably best European solutions.

About logic at Christiansborg is changing
In fact, the new asylum debate just as Christiansborg preparing a government period with many new aliens tightening.

The preliminary pattern accounts as follows: Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg (V) presses the Social Democrats and is close to those of the Danish People's Party. Social Democrats want to make a settlement with the Left and exclude nothing. It threatens to take the bread out of the mouths of Danish People's Party, which calls for new austerity measures. The total højreryk gives room for Liberal Alliance Leif Mikkelsen can assume the role of fashion federation vote.

The question is whether the logic of Christiansborg is changing. The refugee crisis is, according to many experts larger before it gets smaller. It may continue to push the parties towards the common response. Conversely sticks tightens towards logic. Measurements show that most want a tight immigration policy. This applies especially to the voters by the Socialists, Liberals and DF switched on. The parties are not about to write their general immigration policy. In relation to refugees think many of Christiansborg certainly: Well, ok, let's see, if not the great wave of popular goodwill towards refugees flattens out again when everyday life arises.

tradução google

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #445 em: 2015-09-11 23:05:29 »
eu na Hungria  ate estou ver caso correr bem

de um lado tem extrema direita

do outro milhares migrantes nas ruas espera atravessar um muro

aquilo barril polvora

o parlamento húngaro aprovou uma medida de emergência que prevê um fortalecimento das punições para imigrantes ilegais, abrindo inclusive a possibilidade de ação das Forças Armadas nas zonas fronteiriças para impedir o fluxo de refugiadosa pós o 15 de setembro

se tropeçao  foi pior caso ate hoje tem muita sorte  os migrantes

« Última modificação: 2015-09-12 00:11:26 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #446 em: 2015-09-12 01:37:32 »
This Norwegian Billionaire Is Donating 5,000 Nights In His Hotels To Refugees

Norwegian billionaire Petter Stordalen offered 5,000 free nights in his hotel chain to refugees and said that in the past week he has already taken in at least 50 refugees in 35 rooms at his Quality Hotel Airport Gardermoen, outside Oslo.

“The world is seeing the biggest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War 2,” Stordalen said. ”It’s impossible not to be affected by the human tragedy and by what’s occurring in the Middle East.”

Stordalen has a net worth of $1.5 billion and owns Scandinavia’s largest hotel chain, Nordic Choice Hotels. He said he initially made his offer in April while being interviewed by a local Norwegian news channel regarding Europe’s refugee crisis.

“Last week the offer became relevant because suddenly the director of immigration called me and told me that they had difficulties providing a place to sleep for 50 refugees that night that had just arrived from Syria,” Stordalen said. That same night his staff mobilized rooms for the refugees.

Asked whether concerns of ISIS terrorists slipping in among refugees are legitimate, Stordalen said he and his hotel staff are working closely with the police and such concerns won’t stop him from helping refugees who need a place to sleep. “They can’t sleep in the streets,” he said.

Stordalen said refugees that have stayed in his hotel typically arrived late at night and after being treated to a meal were shown into their rooms like regular guests.

“In the morning they are normally picked up by the police where they can register and see doctors and sometimes they stay for a couple of nights,” said Stordalen. “The biggest problem is no one knows how many people are going to come in every night.”

Masses of refugees have been trudging across the Mediterranean Sea into Europe over the past several months seeking a safe haven from war-torn homes. The European Union has been grappling with how to handle quotas for asylum-seekers. Norway alone received 2,313 asylum requests just in August.

“I’m not a politician, this is for the politicians to decide,” said Stordalen. “The only thing I can do is help those people coming in who have no other place to sleep – for me, I’m in hospitality and this is what we do. Everybody sees that this is not a permanent solution, this will take time.”

He also said he made a special donation of $240,000 to UNICEF on September 4 to help refugees in Syria. Stordalen, who got his start working at his father’s grocery store in the town of Porsgrunn at age 10, said this isn’t the first time his hotels have housed displaced people after a crisis. They also housed families after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and after Typhoon Hayan hit the Philippines in 2013.

« Última modificação: 2015-09-12 01:38:13 por Lark »
Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #447 em: 2015-09-12 02:12:07 »
Concordo com o LArk.... é atroz , tanta falta de respeito por duas vidas , uma delas sendo uma criança...
Vindo de uma mulher que normalmente ate tem uma sensibilidade superior ao homem , nao ha muito a dizer , so....que é cultural na Hungria onde é cultivado o odio por tudo que nao seja Hungaro ou clarinho de pele.

Ja vi muita coisa , mas isto nunca esperava ainda por cima filmado.....tudo documentado

Panda, penso que não estás a ver o problema. Não faz sentido concordar que aquilo é assim tão problemático, e ao mesmo tempo ignorar coisas que são milhares a milhões a infinitamente mais graves.

É esse o problema aqui.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #448 em: 2015-09-12 02:13:36 »
Concordo com o LArk.... é atroz , tanta falta de respeito por duas vidas , uma delas sendo uma criança...
Vindo de uma mulher que normalmente ate tem uma sensibilidade superior ao homem , nao ha muito a dizer , so....que é cultural na Hungria onde é cultivado o odio por tudo que nao seja Hungaro ou clarinho de pele.

Ja vi muita coisa , mas isto nunca esperava ainda por cima filmado.....tudo documentado

Para mim o facto de ser uma mulher não torna o acto mais repugnante.

O facto de ser uma mãe de filhos pequenos, sim.
A mesma coisa diria de um pai.


Pois, e violações? E violência contra nativos? E cortar cabeças?

Isto é assim um bocado surreal, "ai meu jesus a senhora passou-se e deu um tropeção no senhor e isso é incrivelmente repugnante" ao mesmo tempo que não se acha UMA repugnação com milhares de actos 1000x piores.

É simplesmente surreal.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #449 em: 2015-09-12 02:16:55 »

o pai era treinador de futebol na Síria.


Sim, muitos os refugiados são pessoas perfeitamente normais, se calhar será até cristão. 1/10 da população Síria é cristã, mas estes devem estar sobrerrepresentados nos refugiados porque o risco de ficarem na Síria é maior para eles.

é relevante para ti ser cristão ou não?


É. A probabilidade de dar chatices mais tarde é significativamente inferior.

Qual a dúvida?

Será que nestes dias todos que tenho aqui colocado links e estatísticas tu não leste nenhum para manteres a tua opinião desinformada?

Essa factofobia já parece uma doença. Indignação com o tropeção da senhora (que sim, merece ALGUMA indignação) e ZERO de indignação para ondas de crimes e violações e o diabo a sete? Isso faz lá algum sentido?
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #450 em: 2015-09-12 02:52:11 »
estás a afirmar que eu ignoro o ISIS?

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #451 em: 2015-09-12 03:06:30 »
Dá demasiada importância a uma reacção imprópria mas não particularmente violenta de uma só pessoa.

De seguida ignorará centenas de milhar de eventos muito mais violentos mas menos noticiados.

eu acho de uma violência extrema

rasteirar um pai com o filho ao colo é a epítome da violência. não mata, provavelmente nem sequer magoa.
mas envia um sinal de desprezo pelo ser humano só comparável a treblinka ou dachau.


Tens que estar a brincar quando a comparação que eu estou a fazer é com crimes violentos, violações, etc.

A comparação com treblinka, dachau, etc, também é assim um bocado descabida. Era só perguntar a um milhão (não precisavam de ser todos, portanto) de judeus mortos se acham que isso ou um tropeção é pior.

tenho a certeza que os judeus serão os primeiros a reconhecer aquilo que apontei.
ando a deixar textos da esther mucznick para quê? agora pergunto eu.

eu não estou a comparar a rasteira com nada.
estou a comparar o setup mental de alguém que faz isto com o setup mental dos nazis. é o mesmo.
alguém que rasteira um pai com o filho nos braços, também é perfeitamente capaz de abrir torneiras de gaz sem o mínimo remorso.

repito, não estou a comparar a acção, estou a comparar a psicopatia.

« Última modificação: 2015-09-12 03:07:10 por Lark »
Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #452 em: 2015-09-12 03:29:01 »
estás a afirmar que eu ignoro o ISIS?


Não. Estou a afirmar que nunca te vi indignado com o que se passa na Europa.

A indignação com o tropeção é legítima se uma pessoa tiver uma indignação milhares de vezes superior com isso. Se não, é simplesmente surreal e absurda.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #453 em: 2015-09-12 03:30:33 »
Dá demasiada importância a uma reacção imprópria mas não particularmente violenta de uma só pessoa.

De seguida ignorará centenas de milhar de eventos muito mais violentos mas menos noticiados.

eu acho de uma violência extrema

rasteirar um pai com o filho ao colo é a epítome da violência. não mata, provavelmente nem sequer magoa.
mas envia um sinal de desprezo pelo ser humano só comparável a treblinka ou dachau.


Tens que estar a brincar quando a comparação que eu estou a fazer é com crimes violentos, violações, etc.

A comparação com treblinka, dachau, etc, também é assim um bocado descabida. Era só perguntar a um milhão (não precisavam de ser todos, portanto) de judeus mortos se acham que isso ou um tropeção é pior.

tenho a certeza que os judeus serão os primeiros a reconhecer aquilo que apontei.
ando a deixar textos da esther mucznick para quê? agora pergunto eu.

eu não estou a comparar a rasteira com nada.
estou a comparar o setup mental de alguém que faz isto com o setup mental dos nazis. é o mesmo.
alguém que rasteira um pai com o filho nos braços, também é perfeitamente capaz de abrir torneiras de gaz sem o mínimo remorso.

repito, não estou a comparar a acção, estou a comparar a psicopatia.


O que estás a comparar é altamente subjectivo, não sabes como a senhora reagiria noutra circunstância, e ao mesmo tempo nunca condenas coisas que são milhões de vezes objectivamente mais graves, que não necessitam de qualquer interpretação.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #454 em: 2015-09-12 03:33:48 »
Dá demasiada importância a uma reacção imprópria mas não particularmente violenta de uma só pessoa.

De seguida ignorará centenas de milhar de eventos muito mais violentos mas menos noticiados.

eu acho de uma violência extrema

rasteirar um pai com o filho ao colo é a epítome da violência. não mata, provavelmente nem sequer magoa.
mas envia um sinal de desprezo pelo ser humano só comparável a treblinka ou dachau.


Tens que estar a brincar quando a comparação que eu estou a fazer é com crimes violentos, violações, etc.

A comparação com treblinka, dachau, etc, também é assim um bocado descabida. Era só perguntar a um milhão (não precisavam de ser todos, portanto) de judeus mortos se acham que isso ou um tropeção é pior.

tenho a certeza que os judeus serão os primeiros a reconhecer aquilo que apontei.
ando a deixar textos da esther mucznick para quê? agora pergunto eu.

eu não estou a comparar a rasteira com nada.
estou a comparar o setup mental de alguém que faz isto com o setup mental dos nazis. é o mesmo.
alguém que rasteira um pai com o filho nos braços, também é perfeitamente capaz de abrir torneiras de gaz sem o mínimo remorso.

repito, não estou a comparar a acção, estou a comparar a psicopatia.


O que estás a comparar é altamente subjectivo, não sabes como a senhora reagiria noutra circunstância, e ao mesmo tempo nunca condenas coisas que são milhões de vezes objectivamente mais graves, que não necessitam de qualquer interpretação.

é a minha opinião...
é evidente que é subjectiva.

quanto ao condenar outras coisas está a referir-te exactamente a quê?
neste momento há milhões de injustiças a serem cometidas no planeta.

só tenho direito a condenar a húngara se condenar todas as outras injustiças primeiro?
ou só as que tu entendes? as tuas preferidas, digamos.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #455 em: 2015-09-12 03:36:52 »
Não vejo qualquer indignação com a sobrerepresentação de muçulmanos em estatísticas de crime e violações, nota que as violações na Suécia atribuíveis a imigrantes (e não somente muçulmanos) são quase 80% das violações totais.

Idem para crime em França e também noutros locais.

Ou seja, por um lado atiras-te ao ar porque alguém perde a cabeça e passa uma rasteira a um imigrante do médio oriente. Por outro, ignoras um impacto maciço de imigrantes do género em estatísticas de crime violento, violações, etc.

Até parece uma coisa saída da frase "um morto é uma tragédia, um milhão é estatística".
« Última modificação: 2015-09-12 03:37:42 por Incognitus »
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #456 em: 2015-09-12 04:07:26 »
Não vejo qualquer indignação com a sobrerepresentação de muçulmanos em estatísticas de crime e violações, nota que as violações na Suécia atribuíveis a imigrantes (e não somente muçulmanos) são quase 80% das violações totais.

Idem para crime em França e também noutros locais.

Ou seja, por um lado atiras-te ao ar porque alguém perde a cabeça e passa uma rasteira a um imigrante do médio oriente. Por outro, ignoras um impacto maciço de imigrantes do género em estatísticas de crime violento, violações, etc.

Até parece uma coisa saída da frase "um morto é uma tragédia, um milhão é estatística".

já não encontro o link para essas estatísticas. já andei umas dez páginas para trás neste tópico e não encontrei.
só se está noutro tópico.
quando tiver tempo quero ver essas estatísticas. de onde vêm, quem as fez, críticas ao método (se as houver), ou críticas à própria amostra (se as houver).
estou completamente fora dessa questão, só a conheço por a citares frequentemente aqui.

de qualquer forma não faz sentido deixar de criticar seja o que for, porque não se critica outra coisa qualquer. Como disse, a cada minuto que passa há milhões de coisas horríveis a acontecer no planeta. é impossível ter conhecimento de todas e muito menos denunciá-las todas.


Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #457 em: 2015-09-12 16:41:24 »
Austrian Chancellor compares Hungary's treatment of migrants to the Jews under the Nazis
The neighbouring countries exchange bitter recriminations as Hungary struggle to contain the inflow

Austria’s Chancellor compared Hungary’s treatment of refugees to the ordeal of Jews under the Nazis on Saturday as the two neigbours exchanged bitter recriminations.

Werner Faymann, a Social Democrat who became Austria’s leader in 2008, launched a blistering attack on the handling of the migration crisis by Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister.

"Refugees put on trains in the belief they are going somewhere else entirely brings back memories of the darkest period of our continent,” said Mr Faymann in an interview with Germany’s Spiegel magazine.

This was an implicit reference to the trains which carried hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in 1944. Criticism of this kind is almost unheard of between EU member states.

But Mr Orban, whose country is struggling to cope with the arrival of at least 170,000 migrants, vented his own frustration with his European counterparts. They are "living in a dream world" with "no clue" about scale of the problem, he told Bild, a German daily.

"These migrants are not coming our way from war zones but from camps in Syria's neighbours: from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey,” said Mr Orban. “So these people are not fleeing danger and don't need to be scared for their lives.”

Hugnary will propose that the EU gives 3 billion euros (£2.2 billion) to the countries hosting Syrian refugees in the Middle East – and “more if necessary - until the flow of migrants is stopped,” added Mr Orban.

The European Commission’s plan for member states to accept quotas of migrants was an “illusion”, he said. This presumed that the new arrivals would accept being told which country to enter. “Can we really stop the migrants going where they want?” asked Mr Orban. “Who is going to keep them in Estonia, Slovenia or Portugal if they want to go to Germany?"

Elsewhere, demonstrations in favour of the refugees took place in European cities, including London where thousands carried placards reading: "Open the Borders".

But in Hungary, migrants in the border town of Roszke complained of their treatment at the hands of the authorities. Maan Obed, who came from Deraa province in Syria, said he was caught by police after crossing the border from Serbia.

“They took us to the security centre in Szeged,” he said. “The police cells were like a truck container. We were treated badly, experienced racism, and even the police translator gave us incorrect translations and misinformation.”

Mr Obed, who is now in a holding camp, said: “We have no rights here in the camp and the police have physically abused refugees here.” He added: “There is no doctor in the camp - only a nurse and a pharmacist, who gives you medicine based on what you tell her. The gym is closed and sports hall is used as a sleeping area.”

Outside the camp, people smugglers openly offer rides to Budapest for 100 euros (£65). Even official taxi drivers have entered the market. State television filmed around 50 taxi drivers waiting at a car park near a holding camp. Budapest’s taxi drivers are now working as an organised group, undercutting the human traffickers, who usually charge 200-300 euros for the ride to the capital.

Ordinary residents of Budapest have noticed that a sudden difficulty with finding taxis in the city because so many drivers are now engaged in ferrying the refugees.
From Tuesday, smuggling migrants within the country – without crossing any borders – will become a crime under a series of new laws proposed by Mr Orban’s government.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #458 em: 2015-09-12 17:13:27 »
o crescente anti-semitismo em franca

agora o lark vai revoltar-se contra os atentados anti-semiticos em franca, 430 registados so em 2013

1... 2... 3...

comecar !
« Última modificação: 2015-09-12 17:19:42 por Neo-Liberal »


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Re: Temos de respeitar as outras culturas, não é ?
« Responder #459 em: 2015-09-12 17:38:20 »
o crescente anti-semitismo em franca

agora o lark vai revoltar-se contra os atentados anti-semiticos em franca, 430 registados so em 2013

1... 2... 3...

comecar !

desculpa mas não percebi;

devo indignar-me com o que tu achas que eu me devo indignar?

por não mostrar a minha indignação com uma determinada situação isso significa que não estou indignado com ela?


Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt