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Autor Tópico: Alertas de saúde  (Lida 441008 vezes)

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5540 em: 2024-07-30 01:08:00 »
«Ciência & Saúde/Sociedade

Muitos estudos dizem que beber “um copo por dia” é saudável. Estão todos errados


26 Julho, 2024
26 Julho, 2024

winemegup / Flickr

Quem disse que “um copinho por dia nem sabe o bem que lhe fazia”? Está errado. Mesmo em quantidades reduzidas, o álcool nunca faz bem à saúde.

Uma revisão a 107 estudos que analisaram a forma como o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas afeta o risco de mortalidade, por qualquer causa, concluiu que o álcool nunca é saudável.

Mesmo em pequenas quantidades, o álcool reduz a esperança média de vida.

Como refere a nova investigação, apenas os estudos que apresentam falhas graves sugerem que o consumo (mesmo que moderado) de álcool é benéfico.
Ler também:

    Os portugueses estão mais viciados em tabaco e jogos da sorte – mas nada bate (como) o álcool
    Um copinho de vinho faz bem ao intestino

As conclusões da pesquisa, liderada por Tim Stockwell da Universidade de Victoria, no Canadá, foram publicadas recentemente no Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Em declarações à New Scientist, Stockwell criticou a indústria alcoólica por promover a ideia de que o álcool poderia aumentar a longevidade ou reduzir o risco de certas doenças.

“As pessoas têm de ser céticas em relação às afirmações que a indústria tem alimentado ao longo dos anos. É óbvio que têm um grande interesse em promover o seu produto como algo que nos fará viver mais tempo e não como algo que nos provocará cancro”, lamentou.

O especialista salienta que os consumidores têm de estar cientes dos riscos associados ao álcool, mesmo que sejam relativamente baixos comparados a outros comportamentos: “Talvez não seja tão arriscado como muitas outras coisas que fazemos, mas é importante que os consumidores estejam conscientes”

O método ideal para estudar os efeitos do álcool seria através de um estudo de longo prazo, onde grupos de pessoas seriam aleatoriamente designados para beber ou não desde a infância. Depois, analisar-se-ia o impacto que essas rotinas teriam ao longo da vida. No entanto, pela inviabilidade deste método, os estudos existentes baseiam-se em observações de curto prazo e questionários, que podem gerar interpretações erradas (e graves).

Durante os anos 2000, muitos estudos sugeriram que consumir álcool em pequenas quantidades poderia reduzir ligeiramente o risco de morte. Mas não é assim. Qualquer tipo de consumo aumenta substancialmente esse risco.
Quando é que beber álcool faz bem? Nunca

Após uma análise cuidadosa, apenas seis dos 107 estudos avaliados lidaram corretamente com as várias “fontes de enviesamento” que este tipo de estudos podem ter – e, curiosamente, nenhum desses estudos encontrou qualquer redução do risco de morte com o consumo moderado de álcool.

Pelo contrário, a conclusão predominante entre os estudos de alta qualidade aponta para uma relação linear: “Quanto mais álcool se bebe, maior é o risco de doenças cardíacas” e outras condições, aponta Stockwell.

ZAP //»

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Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5541 em: 2024-07-30 18:06:57 »
Um "bicho" perigoso...


«India teen is rare survivor of brain-eating amoeba

8 hours ago

Imran Qureshi

BBC Hindi, Bengaluru

MK Siddiqui Kerala boy who survived brain-eating amoebaMK Siddiqui

Afnan (right) with his father MK Siddiqui

An Indian teenager is now among a handful of people in the world to survive a rare brain-eating amoeba, partly due to his father coming across a public awareness campaign on social media.

Afnan Jasim, 14, is thought to have become infected in June after he went for a swim in a local pond in the southern state of Kerala.

His doctor said that the amoeba - called Naegleria fowleri - likely entered his body from the water that had been contaminated by it.

Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM), the disease caused by the amoeba, has a mortality rate of 97%.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 1971 and 2023, just eight other people have survived the disease across four countries - Australia, US, Mexico and Pakistan.

In all the cases, the infection was diagnosed between nine hours and five days after the symptoms appeared - which played a crucial role in their recovery.

Medical experts say that timely treatment is key to curing the disease. Symptoms of PAM include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, a stiff neck, a loss of balance, seizures and/or hallucinations.

Afnan began experiencing the symptoms five days after he had gone for a swim in a local pond in Kozhikode district. He developed seizures and began complaining of severe headaches.

His parents took him to the doctor, but Afnan did not improve.

Luckily, his father MK Siddiqui, 46, had the presence of mind to connect his son's symptoms with something he had read on social media.

Mr Siddiqui, who is a dairy farmer, said he was reading about the effects of the Nipah virus - a boy recently died of it in Kerala - on social media when he chanced upon information about the deadly brain-eating amoeba.

"I read something about seizures being caused by an infection. As soon as Afnan developed seizures, I rushed him to the local hospital," Mr Siddiqui said.

When the seizures didn’t stop, he took his son to another hospital, but this one didn't have a neurologist.

Finally, they went to the Baby Memorial Hospital in Kozhikode, where the boy was treated by Dr Abdul Rauf, a consultant intensive care paediatrician.

"The disease was diagnosed within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms," Dr Rauf told the BBC.
Getty Images Naegleriasis (or amoebic meningoencephalitis or AMP) is a fatal infection of the brain by the single-celled, free-living eukaryote Naegleria fowleri. Getty Images
The amoeba - Naegleria fowleri - is known to enter the human body through nasal passages

Dr Rauf credits Mr Siddiqui with informing doctors about Afnan's swim in the local pond and his subsequent symptoms, which helped them diagnose the disease in time.

The amoeba is known to enter the human body through nasal passages and it travels through the cribriform plate - which is located at the base of the skull and transmits olfactory nerves to enable the sense of smell - to reach the brain.

"The parasite then releases different chemicals and destroys the brain," says Dr Rauf.

Most patients die because of intracranial pressure [exercised by fluids inside the skull and on the brain tissue].

He added that the amoeba was found in freshwater lakes, particularly in water that was warm.

“People should not jump or dive into water. That is a sure way for the amoeba to enter the body. If the water is contaminated, the amoeba enters through your nose," he says.

The best thing to do, he says, is to avoid contaminated water bodies. Even in swimming pools, people are advised to keep their mouths above the water level.

"Chlorination of water resources is very important," Dr Rauf adds.

A research paper published in Karnataka state has also reported cases of infants locally and in places like Nigeria contracting the infection from bathwater.

Since 1965, some 400 cases of PAM have been reported around the world, while India has had fewer than 30 cases so far.

"Kerala reported a PAM case in 2018 and 2020," the doctor said.

Just this year, six cases have been recorded in Kerala. Of these, three have died and one is in a critical condition. While Afnan has been discharged, the sixth person has also responded to treatment and is recovering.
Baby Memorial hospital brain-eating amoebaBaby Memorial hospital
Afnan with his doctor Abdul Rauf (right)

"After two deaths at our hospital, we informed the government as it was a public health issue and an awareness campaign was launched," Dr Rauf said. It was this awareness campaign that Mr Siddiqui had come across on social media.

Doctors conducted tests on Afnan which helped detect the presence of the amoeba in the boy’s cerebrospinal fluid - which is found in the brain and spinal cord - and then administered a combination of antimicrobial drugs by injecting them into his spine.

The treatment also included administering miltefosine – a drug that the state government imported from Germany.

"This drug is used for rare diseases in India but it is not very costly," Dr Rauf said.

"On the first day, the patient was not very conscious due to the seizures. But within three days, Afnan’s condition started improving," he added.

A week later, doctors repeated the tests and found the amoeba was no longer present in his body. But he will continue taking medicines for a month, after which he plans to resume his studies.

The experience has left a profound impact on Afnan, who says he now wants to do a degree in nursing.

"He told the doctor that nurses work so hard for the patients," Mr Siddiqui says.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5542 em: 2024-07-31 17:44:34 »
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5543 em: 2024-08-11 01:33:48 »
Global excess deaths

Dr. John Campbell

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5544 em: 2024-08-11 01:40:01 »
About "Climate action"...     ::)

INSANITY: Doctors TOLD they must do THIS with patients

Dr. Suneel Dhand

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5545 em: 2024-08-31 15:02:32 »
I was WRONG: Processed Foods, Seed Oils, and Sugars are GOOD for you

Dr. Suneel Dhand

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5546 em: 2024-08-31 15:04:55 »
#1 Mistake You Make With Doctors

Medical Secrets

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5547 em: 2024-08-31 15:32:43 »
quando se vai
ao médico e
sai-nos um

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5548 em: 2024-08-31 16:12:37 »
quando se vai
ao médico e
sai-nos um

Pois isso é o diabo...    :'(
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5549 em: 2024-08-31 16:24:03 »
& also about the marvelous olive oil (oleum):

With DT & RFK Jr:

Toxic food

Dr. John Campbell

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #5550 em: 2024-08-31 16:43:41 »
«Zuckerberg denuncia administração Biden

O CEO da Meta admitiu que “altos funcionários da administração Biden, incluindo a Casa Branca, pressionaram repetidamente as nossas equipas (…) para censurar certos conteúdos sobre a COVID-19, incluindo humor e sátira”.

Gonçalo Nabeiro
30 de Agosto 2024


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Zuckerberg denuncia administração Biden

Na segunda feira, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO da Meta, detentora do Facebook, endereçou uma carta ao representante republicano Jim Jordan que se revelou um balde de água fria na administração incumbente.

Zuckerberg admitiu que «altos funcionários da administração Biden, incluindo a Casa Branca, pressionaram repetidamente as nossas equipas (…) para censurar certos conteúdos sobre a COVID-19, incluindo humor e sátira». Declarações fortes às quais a Casa Branca foi obrigada a reagir: «Acreditamos que as empresas de tecnologia e outros atores privados devem ter em consideração os efeitos que as suas ações têm na população americana».

Zuckerberg mostra-se arrependido de ter cedido às pressões e lamenta não ter falado mais cedo, chegando ainda a mencionar o polémico caso do computador de Hunter Biden, filho do Presidente. É considerado por muitos um exemplo de tentativa de suprimir a liberdade de expressão – direito salvaguardado pela primeira emenda da Constituição americana – com a justificação de proteção e de luta contra a desinformação, um fenómeno a que também se tem assistido na Europa.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...