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Autor Tópico: Democracia Cristã  (Lida 913 vezes)


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Democracia Cristã
« em: 2015-11-16 02:54:32 »

The International Center Democratic Party was founded in 1961 under the name of World Union of Christian Democrats (WUCD). It was created by the New International Teams, predecessor organization to the European Union of Christian Democrats (EUCD), the Christian Democrat Organization of America (CDOA) and the Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe (CDUCE). In 1999 it adopted its present name, Centrist Democrat International.

The changes on the international stage since 1989, with the end of the confrontation between east and west that had threatened mankind since the end of the Second World War, the creation of new independent states, the struggles for democracy and the globalization at the start of this new millennium are providing society with new opportunities as well as challenges, both in national and international communities, for people to live in peace, freedom, justice and solidarity.

The International Center Democratic Party brings together political parties, organizations and associations whose thoughts and actions are guided by the principles of Christian or integral humanism; that is, a humanism that is open to transcendence and committed to brotherhood. For these parties and organizations, this means:

The recognition of the inalienable dignity of every person regardless of sex, age, skin color, their economic, social or cultural beliefs or convictions.

The recognition and promotion of personal rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International
Covenants that complement it.

The pursuit of peace based on the aforementioned values.

The recognition and affirmation of the social character of man, who makes his living by integrating the multiple communities, in particular the family, that constitute human society;

Achieving the common good as the goal of political society and the guiding principle of public power.

The recognition and defense of democracy as the only form of national political organization that ensures the participation of all in public life, particularly through free, general and regular elections, by secret vote, guaranteeing to ensure the possibility of a transfer of power under the rule of law and a constitutional balance between national bodies.

The search for sustainable human development to meet the material, cultural and spiritual needs of individuals, families and societies, while respecting the liberties of each and of nature, whose resources must be preserved and renewed.

Recognition, particularly in economic terms, of the need to reconcile the private interests of individuals with those of their fellow citizens and, by extension, with those of society as a whole, through the application of measures based on the principles of subordination, solidarity and justice through a social and ecological market economy.

The promotion of forms of community organization and participation through which civil society can contribute to equitable development.

The above is best achieved by adopting and maintaining a centrist position from which to engage in more inclusive policies that can be used to introduce the necessary changes into society, the goal being to attain the best possible progress for all peoples through dialogue and consensus.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #1 em: 2015-11-16 02:55:49 »

The European People’s Party (EPP) is the political family of the center-right, whose roots run deep in the history and civilization of the European continent and which has pioneered the European project from its inception. Tracing its roots back to Europe’s Founding Fathers – Robert Schuman, Alcide De Garperi, and Konrad Adenauer – the EPP is committed to a strong Europe based on a federal model that relies on the principle of subsidiarity.

Founded in 1976, the EPP strives for a democratic, transparent and efficient Europe that is responsive to its citizens. The EPP wants a prosperous Europe through the promotion of a free market economy with a social consciousness. The EPP is Europe’s largest political organization, with 72 member-parties from 39 countries, 19 heads of state and government (13 EU and 6 non-EU), 13 European Commissioners, and the largest group in the European Parliament, with 265 members

The EPP is governed under the 2003 “EU Regulation on political parties at the European level and the rules regarding their funding.” In late 2007, this Regulation was revised in order to allow all European-level political parties to campaign for European Parliament elections. As a result of this mandate, the EPP conducted – in close cooperation with its national member parties – its first Europe-wide campaign for the June 2009 elections and reinforced its leading position in the European Parliament.

A central tenet of its 2009 campaign was its official endorsement of José Manuel Barroso for a second term as European Commission President. He was appointed by the Council in June 2009 and his re-election was ratified by the European Parliament in September 2009.

Additionally, after the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon by the 27 member States, the EPP was successful in having Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy named as the European Council’s first President.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #2 em: 2015-11-16 02:57:48 »
o PSD pertence a esta família política.
o que é estranho. nunca o PSD se definiu como democrata-cristão.
O CDS, em tempos, sim.
Mas curiosamente, o CDS não está lá.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #3 em: 2015-11-16 10:37:32 »
o PSD pertence a esta família política.
o que é estranho. nunca o PSD se definiu como democrata-cristão.
O CDS, em tempos, sim.
Mas curiosamente, o CDS não está lá.


Olha que eu acho que sim... nos "primórdios da criação", PPD, essa era uma expressão utilizada para aludir ao projecto. Salvo erro (sujeito a verificação)
«Despite the constant negative press covfefe,» - Donald

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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #4 em: 2015-11-16 12:07:19 »
o PSD pertence a esta família política.
o que é estranho. nunca o PSD se definiu como democrata-cristão.
O CDS, em tempos, sim.
Mas curiosamente, o CDS não está lá.


Olha que eu acho que sim... nos "primórdios da criação", PPD, essa era uma expressão utilizada para aludir ao projecto. Salvo erro (sujeito a verificação)

hmmm não me parece. nos primórdios, o partido democrata cristão era sem dúvida o CDS.

O Partido do Centro Democrático Social foi fundado a 19 de Julho de 1974, baseado nos princípios da democracia-cristã, do conservadorismo e do liberalismo clássico. Entre os seus principais fundadores contavam-se nomes tão sonantes como Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Vítor Sá Machado e Adelino Amaro da Costa.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #5 em: 2015-11-16 12:12:25 »
Foi, no entanto, na cidade do Porto, sua cidade natal, que o Partido Social Democrata teve a sua génese, em parte, no diálogo entre amigos e colegas dos meios republicanos do Porto, como Miguel Veiga, Artur Santos Silva (pai) ou Mário Montalvão Machado. Sá Carneiro professava o republicanismo e a laicidade como as formas de organização estrutural do Estado Português, como refere na célebre entrevista de 1973 concedida a Jaime Gama no Jornal República: "Os conceitos de catolicismo progressista e de democracia cristã são bastante equívocos para mim – e não aceito enquadrar-me em qualquer deles. Entendo que os partidos políticos – que considero absolutamente indispensáveis a uma vida política sã e normal – não carecem de ser confessionais, nem devem sê-lo. Daí que não me mostre nada favorável, nem inclinado, a filiar-me numa democracia cristã. É evidente que a palavra pode não implicar nenhum conceito confessional e nesse sentido apresentar-se apenas como um partido que adopte os valores cristãos. Simplesmente, em política, parece-me que os valores não têm que ter nenhum sentido confessional e, portanto, se amanhã me pudesse enquadrar em qualquer partido, estou convencido de que, dentro dos quadros da Europa Ocidental, comummente aceites, iria mais para um, partido socialdemocrata."

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #6 em: 2015-11-16 12:41:59 »
Eu estou de certeza a relacionar isto com qualquer coisa que li no livro sobre a Constituição do Jorge Miranda, e da qual já não me recorda o contexto. Lgo à noite confirmo.
«Despite the constant negative press covfefe,» - Donald

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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #7 em: 2015-11-17 00:44:19 »
Achei o trecho de onde fiz a associação.  Está no capítulo III - A Revolução e o Combate pelas Eleições, parte 2 - No Partido Popular Democrático, e não passa de uma pequena nota de rodapé, alusiva a uma obra do Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Mas contextualizando a partir do texto principal, passo a citar o J. Miranda:

Eu tinha votado em 1969 na CEUD (Comissão Eleitoral de Unidade Democrática) de Mário Soares e Franscisco Salgado Zenha, mas agora o Partido Socialista vinha com um discurso radical e esquerdista que seria depois confirmado pelo programa que o identificava como partido marxista («Partido Socialista - Partido Marxista»). Já Francisco Sá Carneiro se tinha declarado social-democrata, numa entrevista de 1972 a Mário Mesquita; eu conhecia-o melhor e tinha admirado muito as suas intervenções na Assembleia Nacional. Parecia-me, com os que o acompanhavam, mais próximo de mim e logo, a 27 de abril, na SEDES, eu e outros falávamos com Joaquim Magalhães Mota sobre a necessidade de avançarem sem perda de tempo.
Com efeito, poucos dias depois, a 6 de maio, Francisco Sá Carneiro e Francisco Pinto Balsemão anunciavam a formação de um partido a que chamariam Partido Popular Democrático (PPD)*. Eu e a Magda fomos dos primeiros a inscrever-nos (com os números 57 e 58) e pudemos, nessa medida, considerar-nos também fundadores.

* Aqui surge a nota de rodapé:

Cfr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, A Revolução e o Nascimento do PPD, cit. págs 13 e segs. Segundo escreve, é do complexo do legado social-cristão, do legado social-liberal com afloramentos social-democráticos, e do legado social-tecnocrático que nascei ideologicamente o PPD. Concordo no essencial, mas, com o tempo (e bem cedo, na passagem dos anos 70 para os anos 80), a primeira matriz iria ficar subalternizada até se desvanecer.

Mais lá para a frente, numa outra parte do livro, fazem bastantes alusões ao caracter Social-Democrático do partido, mas não tornam a mencionar valores de inspiração cristã. So, it's pretty thin...
«Despite the constant negative press covfefe,» - Donald

«Name one thing that can't be negotiated...» - Walter "Heisenberg" White---Breaking Bad


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Re: Democracia Cristã
« Responder #8 em: 2015-11-17 00:50:47 »
sim, a democracia cristã estava no CDS original.
não o do portas, diga-se.

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt