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Autor Tópico: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.  (Lida 5216331 vezes)


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Breakout iminente no setor da energia
« Responder #20000 em: 2017-10-14 10:32:59 »

Citação de: Chris Kimble | Oct 13, 2017
Energy ETF (XLE) has underperformed the S&P 500 by nearly 60% over the past three years. Could this large underperformance turn into an opportunity? Sure could! Check out the key test that is in play with XLE.
XLE is testing dual resistance this week at (2), at the top of falling channel (1). If XLE breaks out at (2), it should attract buyers!

Energy stocks testing key breakout level


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Breakout confirmado nos mercados emergentes (EEM)
« Responder #20001 em: 2017-10-14 14:49:17 »
Para além dos fatores fundamentais apresentados na figura, a situação técnica do ETF dos mercados emergentes também é muito interessante nesta altura, podendo estar prestes a ocorrer um breakout no gráfico mensal.

Citação de: Chris Kimble | Oct 14, 2017
Emerging Markets ETF (EEM) did something this week, it has been unable to do numerous times over the past 5-years. Let's look at the price pattern of EEM over the past 10-years.
EEM has done well since the start of 2016, reflecting gains much stronger than the S&P 500. Over the past 5-years, EEM has little to brag about, as the gains have been pretty much non-existent!
This week EEM was able to put in a "Weekly Close" above highs at resistance zone (1) above. This breakout is a positive price signal and could attract buyers due to the breakout.
Next key upside test for EEM come in at the $50 zone, around 10% above current prices.

Emerging Markets break above 5-year resistance

D. Antunes

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Re: Breakout confirmado nos mercados emergentes (EEM)
« Responder #20002 em: 2017-10-14 15:00:00 »
Para além dos fatores fundamentais apresentados na figura, a situação técnica do ETF dos mercados emergentes também é muito interessante nesta altura, podendo estar prestes a ocorrer um breakout no gráfico mensal.

Citação de: Chris Kimble | Oct 14, 2017
Emerging Markets ETF (EEM) did something this week, it has been unable to do numerous times over the past 5-years. Let's look at the price pattern of EEM over the past 10-years.
EEM has done well since the start of 2016, reflecting gains much stronger than the S&P 500. Over the past 5-years, EEM has little to brag about, as the gains have been pretty much non-existent!
This week EEM was able to put in a "Weekly Close" above highs at resistance zone (1) above. This breakout is a positive price signal and could attract buyers due to the breakout.
Next key upside test for EEM come in at the $50 zone, around 10% above current prices.

Emerging Markets break above 5-year resistance

Desde há 2 anos que tenho falado nos emergentes. Têm estado a recuperar muito bem (quase 50% desde o início de 2016). Ainda precisam de subir mais 20% para igualar o máximo de há precisamente 10 anos (Out 2007).
As valorizações estão aceitáveis, num mundo em que quase tudo o resto está a escaldar.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
“In the short run the market is a voting machine. In the long run, it’s a weighting machine."
Warren Buffett

“O bom senso é a coisa do mundo mais bem distribuída: todos pensamos tê-lo em tal medida que até os mais difíceis de contentar nas outras coisas não costumam desejar mais bom senso do que aquele que têm."
René Descartes

D. Antunes

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20003 em: 2017-10-14 15:26:09 »
Valorizações no final do 3º trimestre:

Country                          Weight    CAPE           PE     PC       PB   PS     DY   

WORLD AC                      100.0%     23.2           19.4    10.8    2.1   1.5     2.4%   
EMERGING MARKETS      13.5%    16.5           15.4     9.1     1.7   1.4   2.9%      
EMERGING EUROPE              1.6%      8.9             9.6      5.7     1.0   0.9    3.9%   
EMERGING ASIA-PACIFIC      7.1%    17.9           15.6      9.8     2.0   1.5    2.6%   
EMERGING AMERICA             3.1%    18.0           22.4      9.4     2.1   1.4    2.3%   
DEVELOPED MARKETS      86.5%   24.3           20.2    11.1    2.2   1.5   2.4%   
DEVELOPED EUROPE            23.9%   18.6           21.1      9.7     1.9   1.2    3.0%   
« Última modificação: 2017-10-14 15:38:28 por D. Antunes »
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
“In the short run the market is a voting machine. In the long run, it’s a weighting machine."
Warren Buffett

“O bom senso é a coisa do mundo mais bem distribuída: todos pensamos tê-lo em tal medida que até os mais difíceis de contentar nas outras coisas não costumam desejar mais bom senso do que aquele que têm."
René Descartes

D. Antunes

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20004 em: 2017-10-14 18:11:42 »
WHAT COUNTS AS an emerging market? Broadly speaking, an economy that is not too rich, not too poor and not too closed to foreign capital. The term was coined by Antoine van Agtmael in 1981 when he was working for the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a division of the World Bank. He hoped to create what he had named: a set of promising stockmarkets, lifted from obscurity, thereby attracting the investment they needed to thrive.

At the time, it was hard work even to compare the performance of stockmarkets in places like Brazil, India and South Korea. The IFC, having collected data on ten such markets, felt that foreign investors might take to these boondock bourses, but would be put off by the risk of investing in a single company or the trouble of diversifying across many firms and places. The answer, the IFC concluded, was to provide them with a one-stop, broadly representative “Third-World Equity Fund”. When Mr Agtmael pitched the idea to a group of fund managers at an event hosted by Salomon Brothers, some were sceptical, other intrigued. One liked the idea but hated the name. So Mr Agtmael spent the weekend dreaming up the term “emerging markets”, with which he hoped to evoke “progress, uplift and dynamism”. That label proved wildly successful.

The first such fund, pioneered by Capital Group in 1986, included only four countries. The most popular equity benchmark, the MSCI EM index, started in 1988 with ten and now spans 24. Many people complain that the category has become an indiscriminate grab-bag, throwing together economies at utterly different stages of development, such as Taiwan and Pakistan. But the group was never all that homogeneous. The ten markets in the original MSCI index included the Philippines but also Portugal, a country seven times as rich (at market exchange rates). Indeed, the markets are now more tightly correlated than they were in the early years, according to MSCI (though less so than in the crisis years from 2008 to 2013).

The emerging-markets group has also become more prosperous and more Asian. The World Bank now classifies nine of MSCI’s 24 benchmark economies as high-income. (These economies, which include Taiwan, South Korea, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and several members of the European Union, will not feature prominently in this special report.) Asia accounts for almost 70% of the group’s combined GDP and commands a similar weight in the equity index. From Hong Kong “I can cover 60% of the market cap within four hours’ flight,” says Sean Taylor of Deutsche Bank Asset Management.

Some countries are much more important to investors than their economic weight would suggest, thanks to their unusually deep and open stock- or debt markets. The best example is South Africa: the combined value of shares on its stockmarket is more than three times its GDP. The biggest company listed on its stockmarket is Naspers, mainly because it has a 33% stake in Tencent, a Chinese
As well as progress, uplift and dynamism, emerging markets have traditionally featured crises, defaults and slumps. Many have been laid low by profligate governments, overstretched companies, mismatched balance-sheets, fickle foreign capital or volatile commodity prices. Such setbacks can take a toll on their long-term prospects, preventing them from graduating to the ranks of mature markets. Poor economies typically become “emerging markets” because they have grown quickly. They remain “emerging” because they have not managed to grow steadily.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
“In the short run the market is a voting machine. In the long run, it’s a weighting machine."
Warren Buffett

“O bom senso é a coisa do mundo mais bem distribuída: todos pensamos tê-lo em tal medida que até os mais difíceis de contentar nas outras coisas não costumam desejar mais bom senso do que aquele que têm."
René Descartes


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20005 em: 2017-10-16 22:22:02 »
Não se passa nada...
Na economia tudo se compra.
A Good Year.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20007 em: 2017-10-18 17:17:53 »
IMB sobe 10% sem motivo aparente. Resultados e guidance em linha com o esperado.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20008 em: 2017-10-18 17:40:38 »
IMB sobe 10% sem motivo aparente. Resultados e guidance em linha com o esperado.

O que é a IMB?
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20009 em: 2017-10-18 17:47:25 »
o visitante devia querer dizer IBM, penso.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20010 em: 2017-10-18 17:54:11 »
Sim, IBM. Sorry...

Artista Romeno

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20011 em: 2017-10-18 22:32:00 »
IMB sobe 10% sem motivo aparente. Resultados e guidance em linha com o esperado.
O sol quando nasce e para todos ;)
se a NFLX em 9 meses torrou 1.500.000.000 Usd e vale 84.400.000.000, porque raio a IBM não pode dar um ar da sua graça?. A falar bem a serio os mercados americanos estão mais que esticados, sobrecomprados a todo o gas com um RSI altissimo ::)


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20012 em: 2017-10-19 09:12:53 »
este mergulho do ES às 7 da manhã foi por causa da boca do ayatola ?
Ayatollah Blasts Trump's "Rants And Whoppers", Says Iran Will "Shred" Deal If US Pulls Out


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20013 em: 2017-10-19 09:19:26 »
Eu acho que foi a Malta toda a olhar para o RSI... :D
The Market is Rigged. Always.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20014 em: 2017-10-19 10:17:51 »
Que pérola no Jornaldenegócios, sobre as comparações entre o crash de há 30 anos, e o dia de hoje:

Esta euforia é uma das diferenças face ao período actual. O PSI-20, indíce de referência nacional que foi criado em 1992, conta agora com 18 cotadas, isto depois de um período em que foram várias as empresas a sair de bolsa e poucas a querer entrar. Além disso, naquelas sessões negativas, os investidores queriam vender as suas acções, mas não havia quem as quisesse comprar. Hoje em dia, as acções são vendidas mesmo que a um preço mais baixo porque se encontra sempre quem compre.

The Market is Rigged. Always.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20015 em: 2017-10-19 10:26:19 »
18 cotadas?

E eu achando que a Bovespa fosse uma feira
« Última modificação: 2017-10-19 10:28:48 por Odontobovespa »


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20016 em: 2017-10-19 12:05:49 »
O nosso "Vitinho" aqui citado.
The rally in the US share market has been a VERTICAL MARKET as our computer has been warning would unfold. A VERTICAL MARKET is one that takes off yet leaves the vast majority behind because they just cannot believe the rally. I have been warning that this is the most hated bull market in history. The entire bull run during the 1920s was 97 months and we passed that mark last April.

They wrote the book on When Genius Failed over the Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) debacle. People who create models make one fatal mistake – they are cheap when it comes to data. They even won the Nobel Prize for the model that blew up in the LTCM debacle. Why did genius fail? Because their model was based on data only back to 1971 when the floating exchange rate system began.

Now we have the ECB vice-president Vitor Constancio warning of the dangers of new price bubbles on the markets. Nobody seems to understand this market and they never will without a database that stretches back at least a few hundred years. You simply have to see how the market reacts under all conditions, Here t6he Dow Jones Industrial Index we extended back to 1790. The computer bought the low in 2009 and has been adding to long-term positions.
Constancio is totally clueless. He has referred the task of investigating this bubble to the regulatory authorities, which he says are known specialists in this area. Of course, if they really knew what was going on they would tell him. They also have no actual trading experience so how are they going to judge what is taking place based upon personal opinion?
The ECB’s caution has its reason becaue they too fear what is going to happen when they exit from the bond program if they even can. The program has transformed from economic stimulus to a plain outright program to reduce the financing interest rates of the over-indebted Euro-States keeping them on life-support. If this support by the ECB is eliminated, the outbreak of a new debt crisis in Europe could send interest rates soaring and a collapse in confidence in government. Therein lies the crisis. Once capital figures out that it is the governments who are in trouble, it becomes Mario bar the door!

De qq forma pode haver agora uma ligeiríssima pausa. Mas devemos ter algum cuidado com o 22850 no Dow, Só aqui poderemos ter uma pausa. Se não.... up up.
Mas há que ache que isto vai no Dow 32000 e aí... bum.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20017 em: 2017-10-19 12:37:10 »
Os resultados da AA ligeiramente abaixo das estimativas também não ajuda.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20018 em: 2017-10-19 19:10:23 »
18 cotadas?

E eu achando que a Bovespa fosse uma feira

Olha que muitos compatriotas brasileiros de altos rendimentos estão a mudar-se para Portugal, por isso pode ser que o mercado de capitais anime por aqui.
Bons Negócios


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #20019 em: 2017-10-20 10:05:23 »