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Autor Tópico: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.  (Lida 5214781 vezes)


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15740 em: 2015-07-02 13:45:50 »
Bem, tendo em conta o que colocaste aqui, para nós falhaste por 223k ...  :D
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15741 em: 2015-07-02 13:56:20 »
Bem, tendo em conta o que colocaste aqui, para nós falhaste por 223k ...  :D

Bah , la se foram os 1000  paus na conta para negociar ou whatever , ainda houve malta nos 222 ou 222 e picos , mas o grosso da malta foi para os 250 para cima


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15742 em: 2015-07-02 14:16:11 »
Normalmente um fim de semana extendido seria positivo para as acções nos EUA.

Porém este fim de semana inclui um evento de grande incerteza -- o referendo na Grécia. Dir-se-ia que poderá existir maior pressão para reduzir o risco antes do fim de semana (hoje, portanto).
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15743 em: 2015-07-02 17:39:30 »
JP Morgan private banker: “We can’t make money anymore…”
Posted By: Sovereign ManPosted date: July 02, 2015 07:52:51 AMIn: BusinessNo Comments
July 1, 2015

Yesterday over coffee, a friend of mine leaked the news that JP Morgan's private banking division here in Singapore is going to start charging negative interest rates.

I almost fell out of my chair.

He's a successful hedge fund manager and one of their best customers. So when he received the notice, he rang up his private banker and demanded to know why.

Between ridiculously low interest rates (banks are closing loans here for 0.9% or lower) and the increasing costs of compliance, “we can't make money anymore…” was the response.

It certainly paints a clear picture of how screwed up the entire financial system is.

Compliance is a major component in this. Bankers around the world are buried up to their eyeballs in paperwork and regulations now.

They can't make a move or approve a single transaction without first doing anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, and tax evasion due diligence.

Imagine it like this: your banker rings you up tomorrow and says,

“The government of China requires us to have all of our depositors fill out this paperwork. So I need you to send this form back to me ASAP…”

You'd probably think it was a joke.

Or at a minimum think, “Wait, what? I'm not Chinese. You're not a Chinese bank. Who cares about some stupid Chinese regulation?”

And you'd be right.

Except that's precisely what the United States is doing right now.

All over the world, bankers are contacting their customers and forcing them to fill out paperwork to comply with idiotic US government regulations. Even when there's no connection to the US.

Here in Singapore, the bankers are completely miserable about it.

They're so angry for having to call customers and say, “Yes I know you're in India, and I know we're in Singapore, and I know you've been a customer for 10 years. But you still have to fill out this US government form or else we'll close your account.”

It's ridiculous– all of this because the US government is bankrupt.

A few years ago they passed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)– a major part of their crusade to stamp out tax evasion and bring in more tax revenue.

FATCA is now in full force. Banks all over the world have been forced to enter into information sharing agreements with the IRS, meaning that they have to report on all of their customers and force them to fill out meaningless forms.

Needless to say, this costs a lot of money.

If you own a business, you can just imagine how frustrating and expensive it would be to have your employees toil away on senseless paperwork instead of… you know, doing real business.

The US government tells us that all of these disclosure programs have brought in about $6.5 billion in tax revenue.

Yet the costs of compliance are estimated to cost at least $8 billion, with some estimates over 10x higher.

Now that's a neat trick. Uncle Sam gets the money and passes off the costs to everyone else.

And those who don't comply with America's rules are destroyed.

The most blatant example of this was last year, when a French bank was fined $9 billion for doing business with countries that Uncle Sam didn't like.

Bear in mind, this was a French bank, not an American bank.

They violated no French laws. Yet they had to pay the US government $9 billion for doing business with places like Cuba.

(Ironically, Cuba is now BFFs with the United States, but it's not like the bank is going to get a refund.)

More recently, the US government destroyed an Andorran bank that was accused of weak anti-money laundering controls.

And a few years ago they took down the oldest private bank in Switzerland.

Every bank in the world has seen these incidents, and they're scared. They could be next.

And that's why you can't get a single financial transaction done anymore without first submitting a mountain of paperwork to prove that you're not a terrorist. Or financing terrorists. Or laundering money. Or doing business with the Axis of Evil.

Even outside of banking it has become utterly ridiculous.

A friend of mine here runs one of the largest bullion depositories in Singapore; he wanted to buy some raw gold and have it made into bars, so he contacted a refiner.

The refiner said, “Sure no problem. I just need you to send us some compliance documentation before we get started.”

Then he sent a list of no fewer than 22 items that he needed to submit– copies of licenses, passports, certificates, etc.

22 items. Just to have a refiner make some gold bars. Ridiculous.

So obviously they're not going to waste their time. Which means there's some business that could have been done, but won't, simply because of the compliance costs.

The US government has really screwed the world on this. Paperwork is the priority. Not business.

And all because America is bankrupt.

This trip to Singapore has been very eye-opening for me as I'm just now starting to understand how much people within the financial system despise the US government.

They feel like they're being forced at gunpoint to be volunteer spies and tax collectors, simply because US politicians have been financially irresponsible.

And to me, it's the biggest sign yet that America's financial dominance is coming to an end. They've essentially engineered it themselves by alienating the whole world.

The transition isn't going to be smooth. And it won't happen overnight. But there will come a time, and likely soon, when the United States gets displaced.

And the rest of the world can hardly wait.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15744 em: 2015-07-02 17:43:54 »
BS, isso é o tipo de artigo que deves reconhecer, logo pelo título, que seria uma perda de tempo ler ...
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15745 em: 2015-07-02 18:01:55 »
BS, isso é o tipo de artigo que deves reconhecer, logo pelo título, que seria uma perda de tempo ler ...

Nao pelo teor em si , mas pelo rumor da mudança.

Algum ETF que replique de alguma forma o BITCOIN ? alguem conhece ?


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15746 em: 2015-07-02 18:09:31 »
BS, isso é o tipo de artigo que deves reconhecer, logo pelo título, que seria uma perda de tempo ler ...

Nao pelo teor em si , mas pelo rumor da mudança.

Algum ETF que replique de alguma forma o BITCOIN ? alguem conhece ?
Era suposto ir ser lançado um. Mas o que farias nele, comprarias?
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15747 em: 2015-07-02 21:41:38 »
BS, isso é o tipo de artigo que deves reconhecer, logo pelo título, que seria uma perda de tempo ler ...

Nao pelo teor em si , mas pelo rumor da mudança.

Algum ETF que replique de alguma forma o BITCOIN ? alguem conhece ?

Era suposto ir ser lançado um. Mas o que farias nele, comprarias?

Sinceramente vejo cada vez mais a palavra Bitcoin por ai.... ate em series dos EUA.....  e andam rumores que anda com grandes volumes de compra ultimamente. O que ate estou um pouco ceptico , parece a lateralizar para cair ainda mais ...
Possivelmente entrava no ETF para diversificar, longo ou curto ainda nao sei..

Pessoalmente , nao é o estar contra , mas sou a favor da regulação e da transparencia . Se for aceite como tal pelos mercados , paises , reguladores etc sou a favor  , apesar de nao saber de quem é que esta dependente....e isso assusta me um pouco de certa forma.
Deixei um artigo do "quartz"  no topico da "grecia" que tambem aborda no final isto.

Grafico 1 ano

Grafico 1 mes


Is Greece Really Behind Bitcoin's Latest Price Surge?
Pete Rizzo (@pete_rizzo_) | Published on June 18, 2015 at 20:15 BST FEATURE
After months of relative calm, the price of bitcoin broke out this week, spiking to a high of $257 on 17th June.

Of particular focus for many observers was the speed at which the market made its gains, with most of the run occurring between 13:00 and 15:00 UTC on 16th June. Though such volatility is by no means uncommon in the bitcoin market, the wider community quickly sought to correlate the market movement to larger trends.

One of the most prominent theories that emerged was related to the market's timing, which roughly coincided with growing indications that Greece will likely default on its debt obligations. Nicknamed the "Grexit", some believe the default could result in Greece leaving the eurozone, even as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders strive to downplay such speculation.

The narrative is not a new one for the bitcoin market, given that, as an asset class, digital currencies are one of the few that can act as a hedge against fiat currency fluctuation. For example, many in the bitcoin community have correlated the rising interest in bitcoin in 2013 with economic issues in Cyprus.

As CEO of bitcoin-to-gold exchange Vaultoro Joshua Scigala admits, while mostly psychological, the connection is still powerful given that the market that moves on sentiment.

Scigala told CoinDesk:

"It's this sort of rallying point. Like when Cyprus was happening, it's not that everyone in Cyprus was buying, it's that everyone was going, 'Whoa look, Cyprus is in trouble and we see the value proposition of something like bitcoin or private assets in general.'"

Nonetheless, the connection was seized upon by the press, with an early and prominent piece from Reuters contributing to the wider discussion.

But as UK Digital Currency Association board member Paul Gordon points out, while a convenient narrative, there remains little evidence to suggest the timing is anything but coincidental or that activity in Greece is actually at the root of the movement.

"It's nice to say that the Grexit is happening and the price has gone up, sure. But, we could've gone down," Gordon told CoinDesk.

Still, the larger question that has emerged is whether the price increase will mark an end to the downtrend that has persisted since bitcoin's all-time high in 2013.


As indicated in interviews, most say it's too early to tell whether the latest price movement is the sound of a sleeping giant awakening or simply a loud snort in a still-deep slumber.

Links to Grexit scarce

bank of greece

As for whether any real-world metrics can support the notion that Greek citizens may be turning to bitcoin, Scigala seems to be among the few business owners that seems to have found evidence of the conclusion.

Vaultoro, he said, has recently seen a 124% increase in visitors with Greek IP addresses, compared to 64% growth in Europe and 83% in Asia.

"Greece stood out at 124% growth because it’s a smaller country and we don’t do any direct marketing in Greece," he continued. At the same time, Vaultoro saw 66% and 62% increases from Germany and Spain, respectively.

However, because Vaultoro ultimately allows its clients to use bitcoin as a medium of exchange between fiat currency and gold, Scigala clarified that any uptick in Greek users on his service was unlikely to affect price.

Other digital currency industry business owners, including European exchange providers such as LocalBitcoins and Kraken, reported no changes in their incoming IP traffic from Greece.

"I can’t see any notable increase in new registered users from Greece apart from normal growth," LocalBitcoins community manager Max Edin told CoinDesk. "Overall trade in EUR is up a bit this past week, but still within the regular growth trend we see."

Further, Edin sought to downplay the idea that activity in Greece on its exchange was notable enough to spur price movement.

"Trade volume from Greece is such a small part of our overall volume that it can’t have an effect on the market price," he added.

Kraken CEO Jesse Powell supported this conclusion, stating that he has found no figures from his exchange that suggest interest from Greece is on the rise. Additionally, he found no increases in account funding or trading volume due to the activity of Greece-based clients.

"It's really hard to know how much actual bitcoin movement in Greece is driving activity and how much of it is just outside speculation," Powell continued.

Historical difference

Central Bank of Cyprus sign

Despite the figures, the idea that Greece may be a prevailing psychological factor in this current trading cycle still holds sway on some traders, including Crypto Currency Fund manager Timothy Enneking.

"It's not 100% that this price move is due to Greece, but I'd say that 95% it is," Enneking said.

Enneking believes that this might actually be a bearish comparison for the market due to his conclusion that all gains from bitcoin's Cyprus bump were eventually erased. To this point, he noted how it would be unlikely for bitcoin to become anything but a short-term solution to local issues with fiat currencies.

"Greeks aren't going to buy bitcoin because they have long-term faith in bitcoin. That means they're going to sell their bitcoin. They're not sudden bitcoin converts, capital controls are only temporary," he cautioned.

Powell, however, believes there could be consequences in drawing attention to a false correlation between Greece and the price of bitcoin, namely that, without any inciting incident, he suggested the spike in market activity might subside.

"If it turns out that the price movement is purely speculative and there isn't any real underlying interest materializing in Greece, the increase might not be sustained," Powell said.

Others, like Whale Club community leader BTCVIX, suggested that this time around, much of the attention to the price was perhaps a construction of those with vested interests in the technology.

"To be frank this is just a news story in excuse of price action movement, I see no reason that this event specially increases demand for BTC in that region but hey if it gets BTC price action news hype going might as well get on the bandwagon," he told CoinDesk.

Long-term reversal

binary options trading

This isn't to say that the latest movement in price isn't significant for traders.

Whether or not the price falls back eventually, there is at least some sentiment that the market might have found a stable bottom from which it can build. Such an opinion was expressed by Enneking, who indicated that he believes that the continued stability of bitcoin might have played a role in the price increase.

"It had been stable so long, it might have been time to move up and Greece may have had a small psychological effect," he suggested.

BTC.sx co-founder George Samman indicated that this might have been the case as well, suggesting some traders might have been feeling a bout of "selling fatigue", as evidenced by what he called a recent drop in exchange liquidity.

Enneking estimated the shallow orders books at major exchanges have created a scenario where as little as 10,000 BTC in buys could have caused the increase. Should the market have been affected by a small amount of large trading, however, he suggested the price would likely return to previous levels, erasing recent gains.

BTCVIX indicated he would be looking for more consolidation around current levels as a precursor to any spring or summer rally.

"The bitcoin market is heavily driven by sentiment and technicals so Grexit plus price breaking above key levels has been enough to get people's attention, now the question is, 'Is this a countertrend rally or the start of a new trend?'" Samman asked, adding:
« Última modificação: 2015-07-02 21:57:23 por Black Scholes »


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15748 em: 2015-07-02 21:56:41 »
Existe um tópico sobre bitcoin no fórum, se estiveres interessado.

« Última modificação: 2015-07-02 21:57:40 por Incognitus »
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15749 em: 2015-07-03 01:02:30 »
O BCE acrescentou algumas empresas publicas ao QE
ECB Adds State-Backed Company Bonds to Its QE Purchase List


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15750 em: 2015-07-03 01:14:59 »
O BCE acrescentou algumas empresas publicas ao QE
ECB Adds State-Backed Company Bonds to Its QE Purchase List

Não há papel suficiente ...  :D
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15751 em: 2015-07-03 01:23:50 »
O BCE acrescentou algumas empresas publicas ao QE
ECB Adds State-Backed Company Bonds to Its QE Purchase List

Não há papel suficiente ...  :D

Qualquer dia até a factura do Sr. Joaquim da mercearia à D. Idalina do 4º Esqº também se qualifica.  ;D

A brincar, a brincar, ainda hei-de ver o BCE a comprar obrigações do Sporting às pazadas (e diga-se que investimento mais seguro não há  :D)


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15752 em: 2015-07-03 01:26:23 »
A seguir às públicas podem vir as privadas. E se isso não chegar pode comprar títulos directamente em bolsa como estão a fazer os japoneses. São €60 mil milhões a entrar todos os meses, e o DAX voltou praticamente à estaca zero.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15753 em: 2015-07-03 10:29:04 »
Por isso é que ainda não entrei no SJB (short high yield bonds) ... tinha um feeling que as bazucadas do super Mario ainda iriam fazer estragos.

Isto para mim é uma loucura. Estão a distorcer completamente os mercados, sinceramente acho que isto vai dar um péssimo resultado.

Enquanto isso Xangai leva mais 5,84% no lombo.
Nullius in Verba
Divide et Impera
Não há almoços grátis
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored
Bulls make money, bears make money.... pigs get slaughtered


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15754 em: 2015-07-03 11:53:18 »
margem a 1:50 na fxpro até 2ª feira...

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15755 em: 2015-07-03 13:40:26 »
margem a 1:50 na fxpro até 2ª feira...

Alavancagem , a xm tirou os 1:88  maximo para 1:55

Quase todas ajustaram margens entre os 2% a 5%


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15756 em: 2015-07-03 14:41:36 »
Pois... tenho de começar a ter mais cuidado, tinha umas Opções para fechar hoje e esqueci-me de:
Independence Day is a federal holiday. If July 4 is a Saturday, it is observed on Friday, July 3. If July 4 is a Sunday, it is observed on Monday, July 5. Government offices and schools are closed. Some businesses may be closed as well. In some years, many employees use a proportion of their vacation days to create a long weekend. This can cause congestion in some places, particularly towards popular holiday destinations.

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15757 em: 2015-07-03 23:50:20 »
nao encontro a minha folha de excel super completa , demasiado ate , papinha toda, dava para fazer simulaçao monte carlo  . Foifeita por um Indiano ou Paqui salvo erro...

Tirei a de um link qualquer da net , que tinha varias a escolha.... penso que ate foi um forista daqui que deu uns links

Se alguem se lembrar , souber ou tenha avise me sff obg


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15758 em: 2015-07-04 01:42:18 »
Morreu o presidente do Banco Popular (Portugal), Rui Semedo.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15759 em: 2015-07-04 15:05:30 »

Sergio Marchionne, chief executive officer of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, expects its Ferrari SpA supercar-maker unit to be valued “at least” at 10 billion euros ($11 billion) in an initial public offering scheduled this year.

“There are clear expectations from ourselves as Ferrari brand is unique,” Marchionne said Friday at the presentation of the new subcompact Fiat 500 in Turin, Italy. “There is also a scarcity value as we are just selling a 10 percent stake.”

Fiat Chrysler announced plans last year to sell 10 percent of Ferrari and distribute its remaining 80 percent stake to Fiat Chrysler investors. Piero Ferrari, the son of founder Enzo Ferrari, also owns 10 percent and plans to keep his holding. Getting the most out of the listing is crucial for Marchionne’s plans to fund a 48 billion-euro investment plan aimed at lifting Fiat Chrysler deliveries to 7 million cars by 2018.

Fiat Chrysler shares have risen about 33 percent this year, boosting its market capitalization to 16.6 billion euros. Valued at 10 billion euros, Ferrari would represent about 60 percent of the value of the group.

Ferrari, whose logo features the flag colors of its home nation Italy, plans listing on the New York Stock Exchange as a Dutch holding with its fiscal residence in the U.K., Marchionne said Friday. This would mirror the multi-national structure used for parent company Fiat Chrysler.

Marchionne said the operative Ferrari unit will continue to be based in Italy and pay taxes there. Creating a Dutch Ferrari holding shows “the world has changed and required capacity from countries to adapt,” Marchionne said.

Marchionne said last month that Ferrari could be listed in New York Oct. 13 after the IPO was delayed for a tax issue.

Acham que se chegarmos ao pé de uma mulher com 1a acção da ferrari, terá o mesmo efeito que ter um efectivamente?  :D