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Autor Tópico: Aposto que a taxa de juro de referência do BCE em 2021 vai para os 4%.  (Lida 2058 vezes)


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Acabou -se o dinheiro barato.
« Última modificação: 2017-11-13 11:22:30 por Vanilla-Swap »


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Apesar deste estudo da Morgan Stanley dizer que só a partir de 2020 que o BCE vai subir os juros

« Última modificação: 2017-01-04 11:05:12 por Vanilla-Swap »


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Tenho que ler a conclusão deste estudo.

The challenge of low real interest rates for monetary policy

Lecture by Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB, Macroeconomics



Let me conclude. What I have outlined today is that the low interest rates, which currently prevail, are a reflection of adverse long-term forces which have combined with the adverse implications of the global financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis. The consequence of this has been a decline in the equilibrium real interest rate. I have also tried to portray the uncertainty around the concept and measurement of the equilibrium interest rate. Indeed, the decline in market interest rates at the global level in a context of low inflation and low – or at most moderate – economic growth with no signs of overheating, suggests that the equilibrium real rate has significantly declined and turned negative.

Our monetary policy has provided significant accommodation to limit the negative effects of the global and euro-area-specific shocks on the economy and forestall their deflationary impact. To put it simply, we have shadowed a declining equilibrium interest rate; and we will continue to do so with the full implementation of our measures. Absent of this, would have the dire consequences that the saving-invest imbalance would find the solution via a fall in nominal income levels as a means to compress savings.

By mitigating a prolongation of the recession, monetary policy can help prevent hysteresis from gaining a foothold in the labour market, which in itself weighs on an economy’s economic potential. And by boosting the productive capacity of the economy by supporting investment and capital formation, a link is established between the supply-side and the long-term. 

Other policy actors, however, need to actively pursue structural policies which will ensure both a sustainable recovery and an increase in the potential economic growth of the euro area. These, in turn, will make investment more attractive, raise the equilibrium interest rate and expedite the normalisation of interest rates. Only then can we envisage a stronger recovery and can the European policy-makers deliver on their hopes of an improved prosperity for the citizens of Europe.

Thank you for your attention.
« Última modificação: 2017-01-04 11:13:45 por Vanilla-Swap »


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Este artigo já é antigo, mas mostra as fragilidades da politica do BCE.

The biggest danger to financial markets was that interest rates would rise suddenly in a couple of years, said Prof Schnabel, who holds an academic post at the University of Bonn.


O mercado sabe dessa fragilidade e ataca.


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Este artigo aponta para esses valores mas para o banco de Inglaterra.

So what does Mr Bootle expect now?

His forecast for 2017 is that there will be no change to Bank Rate, but that it could reach 3pc by the end of 2019.

He said: “It’s quite possible that in three years’ time Bank Rate might be 3pc, and one has to imagine that it is going back up to something like 5pc, but that might take a long time to get to.”



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Os portugueses gastaram o dinheiro em popós mercedes e os alemães receberam o dinheiro e agora sobem as taxas de juro.

aqui fica a confirmação.


Poupanças negativas.

« Última modificação: 2017-01-04 15:18:20 por Vanilla-Swap »


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Esta força no Euro e a subida da banca europeia, deve querer dizer que o BCE vai subir os juros.

D. Antunes

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Eu apostaria que não chega aos 4% em 2019.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
“In the short run the market is a voting machine. In the long run, it’s a weighting machine."
Warren Buffett

“O bom senso é a coisa do mundo mais bem distribuída: todos pensamos tê-lo em tal medida que até os mais difíceis de contentar nas outras coisas não costumam desejar mais bom senso do que aquele que têm."
René Descartes


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Pelos vistos existe grande divisão entre os membros dos bancos centrais da zona euro.

El gobernador del Banco de Francia ha defendido que el BCE mantenga los estímulos monetarios y ha dicho que las medidas que ha aplicado la entidad desde 2014 han funcionado.



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A eurozona continua a crescer.

La economía de la eurozona registró en marzo el crecimiento mensual más elevado de los últimos seis años, mientras que el empleo aumentó al mayor ritmo en casi una década, según los resultados de la encuesta preliminar del índice PMI.



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Se o BCE subir as taxas de juro, toda a economia como a conhecemos vai sofrer. Em primeiro lugar as Câmaras Municipais estão muito endividadas e todo o funcionamento da economia sem ser dos grandes centros orbita em torno das municípios subsidiarem a economia local, depois as pessoas com crédito à habitação vão sofrer.

Eu acredito que era melhor antes de subir os juros, os municípios deviam poder endividar -se pouco ou ter certas regras de endividamento.
O estado central se as taxas de juro subirem muito ele vai ter que entrar com dinheiro nos municípios pois eles estão altamente endividados.


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Eu aposto em 1% em 2019, no segundo trimeste.
4% parece-me quase impossível...
Uma pessoa que tenha um empréstimo de 250k a pagar 1k mes agora, passaria quase para o dobro na prestação da casa.


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eu aposto que o próximo crash vai ser insolvências municipais com o aumento das taxas de juro mas isto lá para 2021.


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Os Gregos estão mais prevenidos com o endividamento municipal.

Municipalities get less state aid than EU peers

Greek municipalities receive less state funding than their counterparts in the European Union, according to the results of a study whose results were made public Tuesday at a seminar organized by KEDE, the union representing Greece’s local authorities.

In the other 27 EU states, municipal spending accounts on average for 16.7 percent of gross domestic product and 34 percent of total public spending compared to 3.1 percent of GDP and 5.9 percent of overall public spending in Greece.

The results of the study were presented by Frederic Vallier, the secretary-general of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, which carried out the study. But he did not propose the Greek government boost subsidies to local authorities, noting that this would not encourage municipalities to take a more responsible approach to financial management. He suggested municipalities be allowed to raise their own revenue through taxes.
