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Autor Tópico: a minha neurologista  (Lida 123622 vezes)


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #320 em: 2013-09-28 02:39:06 »
O problema dos produtos toxicos no dia a dia:

Xeno-Estrogeneos, Estradiol, ligados a uma serie de sintomas e doenças como cancros, desbalanço hormonal, problemas de tiroide, prostata, insuficiencia adrenal, entre outros

Xenoestrogens and How to Minimize Your Exposure
Our modern world is full of wonderful conveniences that many of us can't imagine being without. Automobiles, cell phones, computers, and television, as just a few examples, benefit our lives in many positive ways. We love the convenience of microwaving a meal, grabbing a bottle of water on the way to the gym, and choosing from endless products on supermarket shelves. But, as time goes on, we are beginning to recognize the drawbacks that accompany our modern conveniences, especially those in the form of harmful chemicals. Endocrine disrupting chemicals known as xenoestrogens offer a prime example.

Estrogen, like every hormone naturally produced by the body, is a vital chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another. However, xenoestrogens, a group of chemicals present in the environment and the products we use every day, mimic the effects of estrogen and compromise normal hormone function. Combined with the estrogen naturally produced by the body, these foreign chemicals create an excess of estrogen. Since we know that breast cancer develops in the presence of estrogen maintained over a prolonged period of time, this puts both women and men at risk for developing the disease.

Research shows that xenoestrogens are not only linked to high rates of breast cancer, but also contribute to endometriosis, precocious puberty (unusually early onset of puberty), infertility, and miscarriages. In men, xenoestrogens are believed to contribute to decreased sperm counts, and prostate and testicular cancers. Other health problems such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, and behavioral abnormalities in children, may also be linked to xenoestrogens interfering with the estrogens naturally produced by the body.

In relation to breast cancer, organochlorines are among the most concerning of the xenoestrogens. Organochlorines, or compounds which contain chlorine and carbon, do not easily breakdown in the environment and accumulate in high concentrations in the fat of humans. Organochlorines are produced as by-products of industrial processes involving chlorine, organic matter and heat, such as bleached paper, burning of hazardous, municipal and medical waste, and chemical production. They are also found in pesticides, pharmaceuticals, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and much more.

Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) are yet another class of endocrine disrupting chemicals. They are commonly used as detergents in many industrial processes (including the production of oil, pulp and paper, synthetic and natural textiles and leather) and common household products. NPE'S are used as additives in latex paints and cosmetics, as anti-oxidants and stabilizers in some plastics and in some pesticides. Nonoxynol-9, a form of NPEs, is the active ingredient in contraceptive spermicides.

Clearly, we are constantly exposed to endocrine disrupting xenoestrogens making them impossible to avoid altogether. However, with education and awareness, each and every step taken to identify and minimize our exposure to these and other toxic chemicals will contribute to our future health and that of the planet. Simple steps can make a huge difference, like choosing a food-grade stainless steel water bottle over plastic and/or switching to chemical free personal care products. Each positive choice we make, no matter how small, matters. Now is the time to begin.

What can you do right now to make a positive impact on your health and reduce your risk for developing breast cancer and other diseases? Begin by examining the products you use on a daily basis. Check the ingredients in your personal care products like shampoo, conditioner, facial care products, deodorant, etc. where many xenoestrogens are commonly found. Reduce your exposure to chlorine by using a chlorine filter shower head and choosing unbleached products. Limit your use of plastics, especially drinking from plastic water bottles and microwaving in plastic containers. Learn to identify and minimize as many xenoestrogens as possible.

Identifying chemicals shown to have estrogenic effects:

Atrazine (weedkiller)
4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) (sunscreen lotions)
Butylated hydroxyanisole / BHA (food preservative)
Bisphenol A (monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin; antioxidant in plasticizers)
Chlorine and chlorine by-products
Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (one of the breakdown products of DDT)
Dieldrin (insecticide)
DDT (insecticide)
Endosulfan (insecticide)
Erythrosine / FD&C Red No. 3
Ethinylestradiol (combined oral contraceptive pill)
Heptachlor (insecticide)
Lindane / hexachlorocyclohexane (insecticide)
Metalloestrogens (a class of inorganic xenoestrogens)
Methoxychlor (insecticide)
Nonylphenol and derivatives (industrial surfactants; emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization; laboratory detergents; pesticides)
Pentachlorophenol (general biocide and wood preservative)
Polychlorinated biphenyls / PCBs (in electrical oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints)
Parabens (methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben commonly used as preservatives in personal care products)
Phenosulfothiazine (a red dye)
Phthalates (plasticizers)
DEHP (plasticizer for PVC)
Propyl gallate
Guidelines to minimize your personal exposure to xenoestrogens:

Choose chlorine-free products and unbleached paper products.
Avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
Use filtered water to drink and bathe in to avoid chlorine.
Whenever possible, choose organic foods.
Buy hormone free meats and dairy products to avoid hormones and pesticides.
Use chlorine free tampons, menstrual pads, toilet paper, paper towel, coffee filters, etc.
Reduce the use of plastics whenever possible.
Do not microwave food in plastic containers.
Avoid the use of plastic wrap to cover food for storing or microwaving.
Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food.
Do not leave plastic containers, especially your drinking water, in the sun.
If a plastic water container has heated up significantly, throw it away - do not drink the water.
Don't refill plastic water bottles.
Avoid freezing water in plastic bottles to drink later.
Buy food grown locally and in season, organic if possible.
Peel non-organic fruits and vegetables.
Use chemical free, biodegradable laundry and household cleaning products whenever possible.
Use chemical free soaps and toothpastes.
Avoid creams and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens and stearal konium chloride.
Minimize your exposure to nail polish and nail polish removers.
Use naturally based fragrances, such as essential oils.
Read the labels on condoms and diaphragm gels.
Minimize X-rays whenever possible.
Be aware of noxious gas such as from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, and at the gas pump.
Guidelines to protect the environment:

Share this information with family and friends.
Insist on your right to know before chemicals are used in your neighborhood, schools and work.
Ask your local grocery to carry non-toxic products and non-bleached products.
Demand action from politicians, industry and environmental regulators to phase out known endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Press for disclosure of information on endocrine disruptors in consumer products, packaging, industrial emissions, pesticides and food.
Support groups that are working for the phase-out of harmful chemicals in the environment.
Maintain a strong immune system. Exercise regularly and eat well. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables-reduce consumption of animal protein. Reduce stress in your life as much as possible.
Minimize car and energy use; walk, bicycle, bus or car pool instead.
Recycle cell phones and other electronic devices and rechargeable batteries to keep estrogenic heavy metals from leaching into the environment.
Use biodegradable detergents that use plant- or vegetable-based surfactants, since these types of ingredients don't form estrogenic chemicals that can contaminate the environment.


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #321 em: 2013-09-28 02:46:43 »
Xenoestrogens are "alien-estrogens" that are not made in your body.  They come from natural compounds in foods you consume, pesticides and herbicides you are exposed to, plastics that come into contact with food and water, and hormones, mostly in food but also in water.  These hormones can  be natural, such as those found in milk or they can come from birth control pills and even hormone replacement therapy.

Does it matter to us if we consume these chemicals?  I believe the answer is yes.  These chemicals are very powerful and are active at picogram/milliliter concentrations.  That is one part in one-millionth of 1-million.  When I measure estrogen levels in women, I am basing treatment on picogram quantities found in the saliva.  Imagine the effect that these hormone-like chemicals can have on our bodies at the same or even greater concentrations.  We see evidence of the impact these alien-estrogens have all around us.  The fish and amphibians in our streams and rivers are showing signs of hormonal disruption with sterility, ambiguous genitalia and mutations.  Girls are entering puberty 5-7 years earlier than their grandparents did and there is a corresponding rise in the incidence of breast cancer.  Male testosterone has declined every decade at every age since the 1940s.  All of these frightening health problems began to rise after the 1940s, when we started using DDT, chemical pesticides, petrochemicals, synthetic hormones, and plastics.

I am often asked why male testosterone seems to be dropping at a given age and my testosterone-deficient male patients are getting younger.  "Low  T" used to be thought of as a problem of men in their 60s or older but it is now appearing in men as young as 30!  I believe part of the problem is stress, another factor is pollution from toxins and heavy metals, but a large part of the blame can be placed with xenoestrogens.

We know that the natural role of estrogen in a male is to feedback to the pituitary gland and shut off testicular testosterone production.  The xenoestrogens do the same thing, but their levels are not regulated and they are often more powerful than the real estrogen we make in our own body.  These alien estrogens can shut off male testosterone production, leading to "Low T".  In a man with low testosterone and also a low LH (luteinizing hormone), the problem is not usually that he cannot make his own testosterone.  Rather, his pituitary gland is not telling the testicle to make it.  This can be due to xenoestrogen effects as well as stress or pituitary damage.  Some of my "Low-T" male patients don't end up needing testosterone; they just need to get the xenoestrogens out of their bodies.  In women, xenoestrogens stimulate estrogen-sensitive tissues excessively, leading to breast fibrocystic disease, endometriosis, heavy menses with breakthrough bleeding, uterine fibroids, PMS, and even breast and uterine cancer. 

Here is a short list of chemicals known to be xenoestrogens:

alkylphenols (intermediate chemicals used in the manufacture of other chemicals)
atrazine (weedkiller)
4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) (sunscreen lotions)
butylated hydroxyanisole, BHA (food preservative)
bisphenol A (monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin; antioxidant in plasticizers)
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (one of the breakdown products of DDT)
dieldrin (banned insecticide)
DDT (banned insecticide)
endosulfan (widely banned insecticide)
erythrosine, FD&C Red No. 3
ethinylestradiol (combined oral contraceptive pill) (released into the environment as a xenoestrogen)
heptachlor (restricted insecticide)
lindane, hexachlorocyclohexane (restricted insecticide)
metalloestrogens (a class of inorganic xenoestrogens)
methoxychlor (banned insecticide)
nonylphenol and derivatives (industrial surfactants; emulsifiers for emulsion polymerization; laboratory detergents; pesticides)
pentachlorophenol (restricted general biocide and wood preservative)
polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs (banned; formerly used in electrical oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints)
parabens (lotions)
phenosulfothiazine (a red dye)
phthalates (plasticizers)
DEHP (plasticizer for PVC)
Propyl gallate (used to protect oils and fats in products from oxidation)
What can we do about his situation?  The first thing to do when you have a problem, is remove the source of the problem.  In this case, it means to get rid of any source of xenoestrogen you can identify in your home and lifestyle. 

First, look at your food.  Eat only organic vegetables and grass-fed organic meats.  Non-organic foods are coated with pesticides and herbicides and the animals are actually injected with xenoestrogens to make them gain weight faster.  Avoid farm-raised salmon; it is full of PCBs and pesticides that are xenoestrogens.  Avoid all dairy products.  Dairy (milk, cheese, or ice cream) is made by pregnant cows or goats and is full of naturally (natural for a cow) produced xenoestrogens.  They act on your body just as human estrogens do, but you get about 20 different kinds of cow or goat hormones with each glass of milk orpiece of cheese.  It is clear from medical research that the incidence of breast, ovarian, prostate, and other cancers is linked to the consumption of dairy products.  This is due to the xenoestrogens and growth hormones contained in milk, even if the milk is organic.  I always tell my patients to avoid dairy, no matter what.  It is good food for a calf, but not for a human being.

What about soy?  We have all heard of the genistein and daidzein in soy which act as very weak estrogens.  In most people, these are OK since they are so weak.  They actually block the estrogen receptors from being exposed to the more powerful estrogens whether  natural or xenosetrogens.  However, in a woman who is post breast cancer, it is probably a good idea to avoid soy.

Next, de-plasticize your life.  Plastics, in order to remain soft, are commonly formulated with chemicals that act a lot like estrogen.  When you inhale that new car odor, notice the smell of a new shower curtain, smell that new synthetic carpet, microwave in plastic, wrap your food in Saran wrap, drink from a styrofoam cup, spray a synthetic cleaner on your counter top you are allowing xenoestrogens into your body.  Even cosmetics contain xenoestrogens called pthalates and parabens.  If you want to get rid of xenoestrogens, get rid of the plastic.  Use natural home-construction materials such as stone, tile, wood, and non-toxic paints.  Use a glass shower door, not a shower curtain, filter the water in your home either with a whole-house filter or at the tap, including the shower.  Check your health and beauty aids and cosmetics carefully to find out if they have xenoestrogens in them.  Go to ewg.org for information.  Drink from paper cups or better yet, glass or ceramic.  Don't eat canned foods as the can is lined with plastic inside.  Cook with glass or metal pots; never use Teflon or non-stick coating as they off-gas toxins into your food when heated.   Filter your water with a charcoal filter attached to your tap (Pur is a good one) and carry water in a metal flask.  You can find these items in the store section of my website, www.OptimalWellnessMD.com.  Make your coffee in a glass press, not a plastic drip coffee maker.  Don't drink from plastic bottles.  Store your food in glass pyrex containers (the plastic lid is OK).

Avoid using chemical pesticides and lawn chemicals.  Find a "green" company to help you with pests and landscaping and make sure they are using products that have no xenoestrogens in them.

For construction projects, make sure they are not using chemical adhesives, insulation, vinyl siding, vinyl windows, chemical paints, solvents, sealants or other plastic compounds to save time and money.  These products contain xenoestrogens that will leak into your home for years to come.  Spend the money up front to build your home with the techniques that are now available to make your home "green" but also non-toxic.  Your young child spends his or her time on the floor and in the home; that's when the worst exposure occurs.

Don't take birth control pills or synthetic HRT.  There are plenty of studies linking OCPs and synthetic HRT with an increased risk of breast cancer.  Use an IUD (non-hormonal) for birth control.  If you have a hormonal imbalance, the best treatment is to use bioidentical hormones, not resort to oral contraceptives to treat such things as migraines, heavy menses, PMS, endometriosis.

Finally, get tested.  In my clinic, I can test for a variety of toxic chemicals that can act on the body like estrogens.  These are specialized tests that have to be sent to a specialty lab.  Seeing what is really in your body can be a powerful motivator to change your lifestyle.  We can also test the estrogen metabolic pathways using a simple urine test.  Many of the xenoestrogens distort the normal metabolism of estrogens, altering the 2:16 OH-Estrone ratio and also distorting the estrogen methylation pathways.  These distortions increase the risk for breast, prostate, and uterine cancer.  Using this information, I can advise patients on which nutritional supplements would benefit them and correct these metabolic defects. 

You can learn more about this on my website in the detoxification section.

Here is a good website to check out at the Metametrix Lab.  It helps you find and remove xenoestrogens and toxins from your home.  Please explore it:


This can be a frightening subject, but remember that there is a way to help yourself.  Detoxify your life, get tested, and take action.  Demand that your legislators clean up our food and environment.  Spend your food budget on wholesome, nontoxic foods and supplies and the market will respond by producing more of the organic and less of the toxic.  Take into account toxins when buying products for your home or when renovating.  Use nontoxic cosmetics and avoid toxic drugs.


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #322 em: 2013-09-28 08:38:58 »
assim é melhor nem sair de casa e morrer de fome ?


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #323 em: 2013-09-28 16:44:05 »
Ola pvg
São escolhas. Mas a verdade é que hoje existe uma imensidao de quimicos em todo lado.
A melhor coisa a fazer é evitar ao maximo algumas dessas fontes.
Quem nao ve hoje raparigas de 20 anos ja com cabelos brancos, com endometrioses e doencas de pele como eczemas. A realidade quimica está aqui. E é real.


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #324 em: 2013-10-02 15:32:29 »

O que é a: LASEFOIA
Enfermidade não aceite pela classe médica.
Entretanto, milhões de pessoas em todo mundo padecem deste mal e esperam a aprovação da Organização Mundial de Saúde para que se estude e se encontre a cura para esta  enfermidade que, cada dia, é adquirida por milhares de pessoas.

Se tiver 3 ou mais sintomas indicados abaixo é sinal de alerta vermelho!!!!


1.- Se um café provoca insónia.

2.- Se uma cerveja é suficiente para ir direto ao  quarto de banho.

3.- Se tudo parece muito caro.

4.- Se qualquer coisa altera o humor e cria irritabilidade.

5.- Se todo o pequeno excesso alimentar provoca aumento de peso.

6.- Se a feijoada "cai" como chumbo no estômago.

7.- Se o sal sobe a logo tensão arterial.

8.- Se numa festa gosta mais da mesa mais distante possível da música e das pessoas.

9.- Se  apertar os sapatos  provoca dor nas costas.

10.- Se a TV  provoca sono.

Então 3 ou mais destes sintomas são prova irrefutável de que padeces da

LA-SE-FOI-A       juventude!

« Última modificação: 2013-10-02 15:33:32 por jeab »
O Socialismo acaba quando se acaba o dinheiro - Winston Churchill

Toda a vida política portuguesa pós 25 de Abril/74 está monopolizada pelos partidos políticos, liderados por carreiristas ambiciosos, medíocres e de integridade duvidosa.
Daí provém a mediocridade nacional!
O verdadeiro homem inteligente é aquele que parece ser um idiota na frente de um idiota que parece ser inteligente!


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #325 em: 2013-10-02 17:05:59 »
Alprazolam.... tem estado bem.
So far, so good.
The Market is Rigged. Always.


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #326 em: 2013-10-03 08:04:24 »
beber a água com sal, está a ser muito dificil.... vamos ver hoje como corre...


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #327 em: 2013-10-03 18:40:43 »
beber a água com sal, está a ser muito dificil.... vamos ver hoje como corre...

não funcionou, só consegui beber  2 ou 3 golos... vou passar esta medida para 1 vez por mês ou mesmo trimestral...
não consigo...


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #328 em: 2013-10-07 07:12:57 »
Bom dia pvg,

As vezes nao é facil. Tente adicionar umas gotas de limao.

Ou entao mais facil, renda-se ao OxyPowder. Faz milagres e elimina parasitas pela oxygenação do tecido digestivo de cima a baixo. Como ja referi anteriormente, todos temos parasitas no intestino delgado. A flora intestinal nem sempre se livra deles.

Sugeria uma semana de oxypowder, seguida de 3 semanas de suplementacao de probioticos e prebioticos, fruto-oligo-saccharides(FOS) para regular os intestinos.



Aposte tambem em beber meio litro de agua logo pela manha. Faz muito bem.



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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #329 em: 2013-10-07 15:24:41 »
Já agora Anabela,
O que me pode dizer sobre níveis elevados de Gama GT? (> 100)

Vamos excluir o obvio... álcool... não bebo. Bebi, muito, quando era estudante. Os níveis nunca foram como agora.

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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #330 em: 2013-10-07 15:25:51 »
Alprazolam.... tem estado bem.
So far, so good.

Continua bem.
Dá uma soneira desgraçada ao final do dia (18h-19h).
Se dormir menos de 8 horas.... ando a bocejar o dia todo....
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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #331 em: 2013-10-08 00:15:08 »
Ola Demelo

Se o GGT está elevado pode bem ser do uso cronico de alprazolam.
Os medicamentos que actuam no sistema nervoso sao conhecidos por aumentar as enzimas biliares e hepaticas, levando á destruiçao lenta do figado. E é um ciclo vicioso.
Se fizer uma busca por " barbiturates liver enzimes" estou certa que encontra algo que o elucide.

Acima de tudo continuo a reiterar que primeiro tem de descobrir a causa da sua ansiedade.
As causas podem ser muitas, ate pode ser alimentar. Ate pode ser algo tao simples como comer banana ou tomate ou carne de porco, que remexem-lhe com a serotonina, dopamina e ou catecolaminas.

Imagine que a causa ate é simples de resolver e o meu querido está apenas a suprimir a sintomatologia com uma benzodiazepina. Que por sua vez está a rebentar-lhe com o figado.

Um facto que nao é conhecido, porque o publico nao é informado, um simples acetominofeno, vulgo Benuron, pode causar imparidade toxologica permanente no figado. E nem precisa de ser por uso cronico.
Todos os dias ha casos nos hospitais com diagnosticos de figado toxico pelo uso do acetominofeno ou paracetamol.

Cuide do figado, purgue os intestinos, tente comer saudavel duas semanas e veja como se sente.

Se fumar, reduza ou deixe de fumar. Os fumadores por norma sao sempre mais depressivos e ansiosos que os nao fumadores. As 4000 substancias no tabaco desregulam toda a quimica do cerebro, criam toxicidade no figado com a amonia presente no tabaco, o chumbo e o cadmio destroem os receptores de dopamina, embora promova a producao da mesma, mas se esta nao for absorvida por falta de receptores a ansiedade e episodios de esquizofrenia instalam-se esporadicamente e sem aviso. a nicotina tem uma accao vasoconstritora o que faz que menos sangue oxigenado chegue ao cerebro.

Se isto for demasiado para perceber e mudar habitos, recomendo, Alprazolam para supressao de sintomatologia :)


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #332 em: 2013-10-08 08:41:31 »
Obrigado pela sua opinião.
O alprazolam comecei-o ha poucas semanas, e o GGT elevado ja vem de ha uns 5 anos.
Sim, na altura fui avisado de que o paracetamol em excesso podia provocar isso. Mas também não acredito que fosse assim tão em excesso.
Eu até gosto das suas análises, mas sendo tão abrangentes, acabam por se tornar vagas.

O que toma para uma dor de cabeça mais forte? Nada de brufen ou benuron? Então como faço?
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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #333 em: 2013-10-08 11:09:22 »
obrigado mais uma vez.
tambem tenho a GGT acima de 100 e tambem pode ser do alcool, e dos muitos medicamentos ao longo da vida.

como melhorar a GGT ? o que tomar para melhorar o figado ?
« Última modificação: 2013-10-08 15:23:17 por pvg80713 »


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #334 em: 2013-10-08 12:44:18 »
Obrigado pela sua opinião.
O alprazolam comecei-o ha poucas semanas, e o GGT elevado ja vem de ha uns 5 anos.
Sim, na altura fui avisado de que o paracetamol em excesso podia provocar isso. Mas também não acredito que fosse assim tão em excesso.
Eu até gosto das suas análises, mas sendo tão abrangentes, acabam por se tornar vagas.

O que toma para uma dor de cabeça mais forte? Nada de brufen ou benuron? Então como faço?

Sim, e já agora....
Como baixar o GGT, sem deixar de fazer a vida normal?

Não fumo, não bebo.
Tomo talvez um benuron 1000 a cada 15 dias...
Repito, o alprazolam é coisa recente, e o GGT já vem de há anos.... apesar de ter conseguido baixá-lo para 60's.... no ano passado.

Até do "Actimel" me avisaram que podia ser. Algo que eu ingerisse sistematicamente e que me provocasse uma intoxicação no fígado.
« Última modificação: 2013-10-08 12:47:20 por deMelo »
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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #335 em: 2013-10-08 15:22:00 »
Oxy-power encomendado. deve chegar para a semana.


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #336 em: 2013-10-08 16:03:55 »
Ola pvg, acredito que o oxypowder vai alivia-lo bastante.
No meu caso e de amigas minhas ajudou imenso.

Demelo como é que baixou os niveis ate aos 60?

Eu apostaria em alimentos proteicos magros e vegetais sulfurosos como couves e afins.
E bebendo um litro de sumo de maça natural durante 8 dias entre refeicoes.


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #337 em: 2013-10-08 16:10:53 »
Demelo como é que baixou os niveis ate aos 60?

Eu apostaria em alimentos proteicos magros e vegetais sulfurosos como couves e afins.
E bebendo um litro de sumo de maça natural durante 8 dias entre refeicoes.

Cortei com uma série de coisas "normais", mas que poderiam estar a causar os valores elevados de GGT.... tudo o que me lembrei que era "sistemático" no meu dia a dia... cortei. Desde o Actimel, até ao Chá Pleno.... coisas banais.

Pode ter sido por isso, ou por algo que eu não consiga controlar. Não mudei hábitos alimentares radicalmente, principalmente em termos de gorduras.

Face às sugestões, vou apostar no litro de sumo de maça natural durante 8 dias....
Aquelas embalagens da compal que dizem que é exactamente o sumo de uma maça, dá? Posso beber 4 ou 5 por dia, entre o refeições?

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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #338 em: 2013-10-08 16:21:03 »
uma peça de fruta é melhor e fica bem mais barato.
“Our values are human rights, democracy and the rule of law, to which I see no alternative. This is why I am opposed to any ideology or any political movement that negates these values or which treads upon them once it has assumed power. In this regard there is no difference between Nazism, Fascism or Communism..”
Urmas Reinsalu


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Re:a minha neurologista
« Responder #339 em: 2013-10-08 17:16:07 »
uma peça de fruta é melhor e fica bem mais barato.

...profissionalmente é-me impossível estar a comer maças a toda a hora.  :-\
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