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Autor Tópico: Água da Torneira...  (Lida 30447 vezes)


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #40 em: 2014-08-20 04:50:02 »
Para comentares:
ConsumerLab.com Answers   

What is CELLFOOD and is it a healthy supplement?

 CELLFOOD® (NuScience Corporation) is marketed as an "oxygen+nutrient supplement" for body detoxification, providing bioavailable oxygen to the body. However, the concept of ingesting oxygen is nonsense.  Oxygen is certainly good and necessary, however, the most effective method to get oxygen to our tissues and muscles is breathing.  Ingesting oxygen will not enhance this process (Wing, Wilderness Environ Med 2003). In August, 2013, a retailer of CELLFOOD was warned by the U.S. FDA about drug claims it made in marketing CELLFOOD, as well as for violations of Good Manufacturing Practices in its handling of CELLFOOD. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has previously cited companies for marketing oxygen-containing supplements for treating cancer, heart disease, and others (Federal Trade Commission 1999).   

 According to a website that sells CELLFOOD, it contains a proprietary blend containing purified water, dissolved oxygen, seawater extract, an amino acid blend, and enzyme blend.  The manufacturer further indicates that the product contains 78 minerals, 34 enzymes, and 17 amino acids.  Although this may all sound good and healthy, the specific amounts of these ingredients are not provided.  It's generally not a good idea to take a product that doesn't give specific amounts of each ingredient because the amount could be ineffectual or even unsafe.

 Another concern with CELLFOOD is that, according to literature cited by the manufacturer, its contains deuterium sulfate.  Another name for deuterium sulfate is sulfuric acid-D2, which may be similar to the sulfuric acid contained in drain cleaners.  Even though the instructions indicate that you are supposed to dilute several drops of CELLFOOD in a cup of water, it's disconcerting to think that the product may contain an undisclosed amount of sulfuric acid.


CELLFOOD is also promoted for improving athletic performance, fibromyalgia, weight loss, cancer, and for general health. There seems to be little evidence supporting this. The company cites a small study in women with fibromyalgia which suggests that CELLFOOD might reduce symptoms (Nieddu, Reumatismo 2007).  However, due to poor study quality, these findings are not very reliable. The company also cites test tube studies showing  that CELLFOOD has antioxidant properties in different types of cells (Ferrero, J Physiol Pharmacol 2011; Benedetti, Food Chem Toxicol 2011).  Unfortunately, antioxidant effects on cells in laboratories don't necessarily translate into beneficial effects in humans.

The Bottom Line:
There appears to be no reliable evidence that CELLFOOD is beneficial for any use.

Conheces kefir? qual a tua opiniao?
E soro de leite (neste caso resultado do processo do kefir)? Li q tem montes de proteinas de absorcao rapida boas para recuperacao apos ginasio.
Jah n toco mais nas proteinas em poh, q no entanto "parecem" ser produzidas a partir de soro de leite.

Em relacao aos dentes, num caso de cancro talvez n hesitasse muito em arrancar dentes desvitalizados e chumbados, mas qual a alternative entao? andar desdentado? Proteses sao desaconselhadas tambem?


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #41 em: 2014-08-20 07:20:00 »
Depois de anos a pensar em anti-oxidants como beneficos, vens agora fazer com q faca buscas por oxidants...

Segundo esta pagina o H2O2 farmaceutico n eh recomendavel:
3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn't be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.


Em relacao aos dentes, nao respondeste... n tens proteses, dentes chumbados, desvitalizados ou aplicacoes de ceramic? Qual a solucao?

Seligelina: referia-me ah sua toma regular para prevencao:

Obrigado e continua a partir tudo q a malta agradece!


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #42 em: 2014-08-20 09:50:08 »
[ ] Obrigado e continua a partir tudo q a malta agradece!

Lolinho. Nem por isso.

Partir ou não partir
é indiferente.

Morre-se na mesma.
E até cheio de saúde.

Assim sucedeu
a uma das minhas quatro mães!


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #43 em: 2014-08-20 10:33:28 »
Se a preocupação é o mercúrio do chumbo pode-se pedir para substituir por uma resina composta, que é  bastante durável, em que nem se nota a diferença entre dente e a resina, seja à vista, seja no toque da própria língua.


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #44 em: 2014-08-20 10:51:44 »
Morre-se na mesma.
E até cheio de saúde.

N tenho medo da Morte e quero morrer cheio de saude.


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #45 em: 2014-08-20 11:18:22 »
Isto parece um consultório medico  :D mas muito interessante

Eu agora apareceu a porcaria do vitiligo e ando me passar porque em vez de melhor vejo alastrar o pior de tudo é que onde mais me aparece é na cara o sítio que eu menos desejo no corpo ate pouco me importaria mas na cara e frustrante ....so me falta a mesmo uma merda destas dasssssssss

Ando a colocar pomada protopic mas nao vejo melhoras vou voltar a dermatologista para ela ver a evolução antes que entre em paranóia ... :(

Se alguem souber algo sobre isto agradeço ...pelo que pesquisei nao tem cura  :'(


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #46 em: 2014-08-20 11:38:16 »
A wiki diz isto:

Motivos de Esperança para os doentes com vitiligo

Atualmente, a grande esperança para os doentes com vitiligo recai sobre o medicamento SCENESSE2 , que está a ser desenvolvido pela farmacêutica australiana Clinuvel.3 4 Os investigadores da Clinuvel descobriram que o SCENESSE é capaz de reativar as células responsáveis pela pigmentação que foram anuladas pelos glóbulos brancos. Essa conclusão assenta sobretudo no sucesso que foi a Fase II de testes realizada nos Estados Unidos em 2013 (os testes foram feitos em 3 instituições de referência na luta contra o vitiligo: no The Vitiligo & Pigmentation Institute of Southern California, no Henry Ford Hospital e no Hospital Mount Sinai).5 A Clinuvel anunciou recentemente o início de mais um teste (Fase II - Maio 2014) em Singapura.6 . A comercialização do SCENESSE na Europa está prevista para 2015.7
The Market is Rigged. Always.


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #47 em: 2014-08-20 12:01:33 »
A wiki diz isto:

Motivos de Esperança para os doentes com vitiligo

Atualmente, a grande esperança para os doentes com vitiligo recai sobre o medicamento SCENESSE2 , que está a ser desenvolvido pela farmacêutica australiana Clinuvel.3 4 Os investigadores da Clinuvel descobriram que o SCENESSE é capaz de reativar as células responsáveis pela pigmentação que foram anuladas pelos glóbulos brancos. Essa conclusão assenta sobretudo no sucesso que foi a Fase II de testes realizada nos Estados Unidos em 2013 (os testes foram feitos em 3 instituições de referência na luta contra o vitiligo: no The Vitiligo & Pigmentation Institute of Southern California, no Henry Ford Hospital e no Hospital Mount Sinai).5 A Clinuvel anunciou recentemente o início de mais um teste (Fase II - Maio 2014) em Singapura.6 . A comercialização do SCENESSE na Europa está prevista para 2015.7

Ou seja neste momento nada como ja supunha ...esta empresa se conseguir bons resultados tem um potencial brutal ....


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #48 em: 2014-08-20 15:33:54 »
N tenho medo da Morte e quero morrer cheio de saude.

Pois. Claro. Vivo, com saúde.
Porém, nasceu, morreu.

Todos no futuro
seremos um remoto
e ignoto passado.


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #49 em: 2014-08-20 15:49:56 »
N tenho medo da Morte e quero morrer cheio de saude.

Pois. Claro. Vivo, com saúde.
Porém, nasceu, morreu.

Todos no futuro
seremos um remoto
e ignoto passado.

Yep, a quem me provar o contrário, pago tudo o que eu tiver.
The Market is Rigged. Always.


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #50 em: 2014-08-20 16:01:46 »
Jerome convem ser h202 food grade, é o mais puro. Este tema é polemico mas os testemunhos sao milhares.
O farmaceutico serve para gargarejar. Ha quem cure periodontites com h202.

Os dentes, infelizmente sao a porta de entrada para muitas patologias. Os medicos negam isto por norma. Isto nao é pesquisa minha nem r&i, sao estudos exaustivos que mostram que a saude dos dentes podem dar problemas cardiacos, vasculares, demencia, alzeimer e centenas de outras.
Implantes é preciso ter cuidado, primeiro pela existencia de metal na protese. Eu optaria sempre por um implantes e pino nao metalico. Para cimentos ou compositos, procurar um bom ja que a maioria sao todos toxicos. Um parasitologo do Arizona atraves de estudos exaustivos concluiu que grande parte das neurodermatites e outras patologias sao derivadas destes composites toxicos. Depressoes, problemas cardiacos, fadiga, etc. nao é organico e sofre de desgaste na mastigacao e saliva. what else..De chumbo nem convem dizer muito, mercurio, prata e nickel. Existe a controversia mas o facto é que o mercurio nao é suposto estar num dente. As doencas associadas sao inumeras.
Considero a seliginina um quick fix, acho que é sempre de ir procurar a causa antes de tudo, mesmo que nao dê em nada. Mas muitas vezes dá, ou nao teriam os medicos suicos e alemaes tanto sucesso. Eu começaria por ir limpar as tripas, ingerir real foods, etc
Happy lamento o vitiligo. Estou fora do tema, acho estranho aparecer-te tao tarde. Mas nao vais curas isso com Gin

I. I. Kaspov

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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #51 em: 2014-08-20 16:44:18 »
Muito interessante este tópico, realmente!...   :D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #52 em: 2014-08-20 17:21:45 »
The Relationship Between Root Canals and Cancer

When a person in the United States has a toothache, due to an infection in the tooth, rather than cure the infection with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, dentists almost always kill the tooth. They will typically drill out the insides of the tooth and fill the tooth with metal rods.

This is called a "root canal." Root canals are a safe haven for microbes. Because no blood reaches the inside of the tooth, the immune system cannot kill any microbes inside the dead tooth.

Microbes do not originate in the root canals, rather they originate elsewhere in the body (such as were cancer cells form). The microbes thrive and some of them hide from the immune system inside the root canals.

These microbes, and other toxins from inside the tooth, periodically come out of the tooth and cause reinfections. It is impossible to cure more than 200 diseases unless all of the root canal teeth are removed properly because even if you killed the microbes of the disease, microbes hiding in the root canals can come out and reinfect the person!!

All of these things have been known about for decades by the American Dental Association.

Root canals are a major cause of the immune system being suppressed and they are a major cause of cancer:

"Dr. Thomas Rau, who runs the Paracelsus Clinic (cancer clinic since 1958) in Switzerland recently checked the records of the last 150 breast cancer patients treated in his clinic. He found that 147 of them (98%) had one or more root canal teeth on the same meridian as the original breast cancer tumor. His clinic has a biological dentist section where all cancer patients, on reporting in, have their mouth cleaned up first -- especially all root canal teeth removed.
There are about 24 million root canals done in the U.S. alone every year. They were proven deadly disease agents in 1925 in a study by Dr. Weston Price and 60 prominent researchers. That study has been suppressed ever since by the ADA and the American Association of Endodontists (AAE). Read the book "Root Canal Cover-Up" by George Meinig, DDS, FACD for the full story. Dr. Meinig was an endodontist for 50 years. He helped found the AAE in 1943. His book is a mea culpa (apology) to the thousands of patients whose health he ruined doing root canal fillings. He discovered the Weston Price research only after he retired in 1993. His book was published first in 1994 and he has lectured widely since then trying to alert people to this danger to their health.

The Weston Price conclusions (i. e. that there is no safe way to do a root canal filling) track with my experience with counselling cancer patients for the last 8 years.

What is interesting about this quote is that 100% of the breast cancer patients had root canals, or other infections, on the same acupuncture meridian. Since the microbes do not originate in the root canal, what this implies is that breast cancer cannot form without the assistance of the metals and microbes coming from the root canals.

It is a major research effort of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. to identify other types of cancer which may be caused by root canals.

But root canals may also explain why so many cancer patients are able to cure their cancer with alternative cancer treatments, but the cancer comes back again and again. The next section will discuss this problem.

The Relationship Between Root Canals and Cancer Regression

When the symptoms of cancer are gone, the patient is said to be in "remission." With Stage IV cancer treatments, it is required that the patient be on a potent alternative cancer treatment for at least a year. This means that the patient will almost always be on a potent cancer treatment after they go into remission.

When a cancer patient gets cancer AFTER they have gone into remission, it is called "regression."

There are three main reasons a cancer patient can go into regression.

First, they quit their alternative cancer treatment before their cancer was completely cured. For example, they may have felt good and their tumors may be gone, so they quit their treatment. This is the main reason a Stage IV treatment is required to last at least one year.

Second, they go back to their old way of life and get cancer again. This is a common problem. Staying on a Stage IV treatment for a year won't help these people. When a person is completely done with their year long treatment, they need to stick to at least 80% of their diet. And the other 20% should not be chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake except in rare situations.

But this article is about the third reason people go into regression - root canals.

Why Root Canals Can Cause Regression

First of all, it is important to understand that cancer, some cases of type 1 diabetes, and a host of other diseases, are caused by a microbe. Viruses, yeast, fungus, mold, and bacteria cause a host of diseases. To cure these diseases the microbes must be killed throughout the body so the immune system can restore the body to its normal state.

When a person gets a root canal they create the perfect breading ground for microbes. There is nothing in the immune system that gets inside a root canal. However, viruses, yeast, mold, fungus, bacteria, etc. can easily get inside the root canal and set up a safe and comfortable home.

After they breed inside the root canal they can then spread out into the body of the host any time they want. Microbes, when they live in a colony, are actually quite smart, as research has shown.

If you kill the microbes everywhere in the body, except the root canal teeth, it is inevitable that the microbes will spread out from their safe haven in the root canal teeth and the disease will return.

Dr. Weston A. Price did experiments many decades ago which at first were hailed by the American Dental Association, but which were later suppressed.

Dr. Price removed a tooth, which had had a root canal, from a person who was suffering from a disease, and then surgically inserted the tooth in a rabbit. The rabbit then developed this same disease and in many cases, the human patient was quickly cured.

This technique worked with heart disease, cancer, arthritis and many other diseases.

Dr. Price's research was followed-up by a Dr. George E. Meinig, who also wrote a book on the subject.

While it might be thought that this is an issue for after the cancer treatment, rest assured it is not. It is an issue during treatment if the microbes are constantly being released from the root canal tooth or teeth.

NO CANCER CURE will kill the microbes inside a tooth that has had a root canal.

What Can You Do?

The ideal solution is the have the root canals AND all dental amalgam removed from the body, followed instantly by heavy chelation therapy (e.g. chlorella, zeolites, etc.). But don't go to your local dentist to have this done or things might get worse. For example, the infection may have spread to the jawbone, adding a great deal of complication to the situation.

In other words, if the root canal is not done by the right kind of dentist, the net result may be that nothing is accomplished or things have been made worse.

There is a specialized type of dentist called a "biological dentist" or a "holistic dentist." These dentists are sometimes persecuted by the corrupt American Dental Association, so do not expect to find one in the local telephone book. They can be hard to find locally. Internet search engines may be the best way to find a local holistic or biological dentist.

So what about those cancer patients who cannot find a biological dentist or cannot afford one? All you can do is deal with the cancer and hope to be able to keep the cancer from returning.

One problem with a simple solution is due to dental amalgam. If you use electromedicine to kill the microbes inside the root canals, you may release mercury from the dental amalgam, which may make matters worse because mercury damages the brain and the immune system.

Baking Soda (a.k.a. Sodium Bicarbonate, NaHCO3, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, and Bicarbonate of Soda), and/or 3% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide mouthwash might be able to kill the microbes, by passing through the teeth, but most root canals have "caps" on them


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #53 em: 2014-08-20 17:23:54 »
It is estimated that 70% of all medical illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by human intervention in the dental structures (teeth and jawbones). This includes: impacted teeth, infected root canalled teeth, new and recurrent decay around old fillings, cysts, bone infections in areas of previously extracted teeth, granulomas and areas of bone condensation to osteitis represent some of the more common factors.
Toxicity from dental restorative materials
Dental amalgam fillings slowly leak mercury, tin, silver, copper and sometimes nickel. All of these metals have various degrees of toxicity. A fairly large mercury filling contains enough mercury to kill a child if given as a single dose!
The most common symptoms caused by amalgam fillings are:
Chronic fatigue
Tendency to chronic inflammatory changes- rheumatoid arthritis, phlebitis fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome
Chronic neurologic illnesses, especially when numbness is one of the primary symptoms
Lowering of pain threshold
Allergy to dental materials used to restore teeth
Having an allergic response to dental materials (gold alloys that include palladium, silver, platinum, iridium, mercury fillings, acrylic denture material which contains methyl methacrylate, chrome cobalt partial denture framework, nickel based crowns, composite resin crowns containing polyurethane) is a common cause of intractable pain, chronic fatigue, food allergies, chronic sinusitis and headaches.
Use of dental liners, that is, bases under permanent restorative filling materials can also be the causative agent for an allergic response and body toxicity. A new toxicity disorder discovered by Dr. Omar M. Amin, Ph.D., Neurocutaneous syndrome (NCS), linked components (ethyltoluene sulfonamide and zinc oxide) in the calcium hydroxide dental bases (Dycal, Life and Sealapex) as sources for the observed symptoms of NCS. The neurological aspects of NCS are characterized by pinprick and/or creeping, painful and irritating movement sensations, often interpreted as parasite movements subcutaneously or in various body tissues or cavities including the head. In no case was the movement sensation related to parasites, which were always found absent. Additional neurological symptoms include memory loss, brain fog, and lack of concentration and control of voluntary movements, pain, depleted energy and depressed immune system that may invite various opportunistic infections. In many cases, lesions are associated with swellings in the arms and legs. Blood vessels may also become enlarged and elevated, and the head may become hot and turn red and the gums and the teeth may turn gray.
Amin's study concluded, that the toxicity of the dental sealants (Dycal, Life and Sealapex) was well demonstrated in studies conducted in patients and controlled laboratory conditions by many workers.
Download Dr. Amin's Article on Dental Sealant Toxicity.
Electro galvanism
When two dissimilar metals are present in the mouth with saliva, an electric current will flow. Saliva acts as an electrolyte when it mixes with amalgam fillings, to create a measurable electric current of 900 millivolts. This current overpowers the body's normal 450 millivolts, interferes with energy flow to the brain and is suspected as a catalyst in many illnesses.
Other alloys, such as nickel in the metal base of bridges and under porcelain crowns, have been documented to lower the T-4 and T-8 lymphocyte levels (David Eggleston,DDS. "Effect of Dental Amalgam and Nickel Alloys on T-Lymphocytes: Preliminary Report", J. Prosthetic Dent, 1984, 51(5);617-623.) In predisposed patients, exposure to nickel can be a contributory factor in the development of cancer of the lungs, nasal passages and larynx.
Any metal materials in the mouth such as gold crowns, chrome cobalt partial dentures, mercury fillings, titanium implants, etc. will set the stage for galvanic currents. In 1985, a research team (A. Knappworst, E. Gura, D. Fuhrmann and A. Enginalev) revealed that when mercury fillings were in close proximity to gold crowns, the mercury release was ten times greater when compared to mercury fillings alone (p132. Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam- a Hazard to Human Brain by Patrick Stortebecker, MD, Ph.D. published in USA by Bio Probe, Orlando, FL). Electro galvanism frequently is the cause for the following symptoms:
Lack of concentration and memory
Psychological problems
Hearing loss
Eye problems
Mouth pain
Removing the mercury and other metals and replacing them with biocompatible non-metal restorations will resolve the galvanic issue.
Mercury and tin are prime neuro-toxic substances. Mercury has the ability to destroy and or damage the transport fibers inside each nerve. The latest research from one of the top German toxicologists, Max Daunderer, MD, reveals that the entire jawbone (upper and lower) has become a toxic waste dump for the following substances:
Solvents (mostly present in lower jaw)
Formaldehyde (mostly lower jaw)
Amalgam (mercury, tin, copper and silver) - jawbone and maxillary sinus
Palladium (from gold/palladium alloys)- mostly upper jawbone
Through biopsies, Daunderer found that virtually all inhaled toxins are stored in the jawbone in the areas adjacent to the root tips. Also of great interest is Daunderer's serial biopsies on malignant tumors in-patients that had amalgam fillings and found, predictably, amalgam in the tumor. The concentration is highest in the center of the tumor (malignant melanoma, brain cancer, bladder, stomach, colon and tongue cancer).
Focus on Foci - by Josef Issels, MD
By lowering resistance, head foci are a contributory cause in the development of neoplasia. The extent of the disease-provoking activity of a focus in distant parts of the body depends on whether the body is able to oppose the focus with its own defense mechanism. As long as the focal situation is kept under control by the local defense mechanism, no focus-induced remote effects will arise. On the other hand, distant effects will arise when the body's resistance has more or less broken down: control of head foci will then gradually collapse, and there will be consequential gradual increase in generalized focogenic intoxication. This will cause an inevitable deterioration of the body's defense power with a concomitant promotion of malignant growth.
Root Canalled Teeth
Boyd Haley, Ph.D., a researcher, at the University of Kentucky has estimated that 75% of root canalled teeth are infected. Another researcher, Hal Huggins, DDS, has shown that the toxins liberated by infected root canalled teeth are almost 1000 times more toxic than botulism. Botulism is the most toxic substance known.
Austrian researchers have exhaustively studied the finer details of the entire dental structure. They have established that there is a lively metabolic interchange between the interior and exterior milieu of the tooth, and that this two-way process takes place along many thousands of hyperfine, capillary canals joining the pulp cavity to the exterior surface of the tooth.
Very careful conservative measures may possibly seal off the vertical central dentinal canal, but it will never reach the lateral "twigs" branching off from this tube. Nor can it ever close off the innumerable capillary canals. Some protein will always remain in these secondary spaces. If this protein becomes infected, toxic catabolic products, such as thio-ethers, thio-ethanols and mercaptans will be produced, and conveyed into the organism.
In 1960, it was established by W. Meyer (Goettingen) that within devitalized teeth the dentinal canals and dental capillaries contain large microbial colonies. The toxins produced by these microbes in a tooth with a root filling can no longer be evacuated into the mouth, but must be drained away through the cross-connections and unsealed branches of the dentinal and capillary canals into the marrow of the jawbone. From there, they are conveyed to the tonsils, and thus the flow systems of the body. In fact, the conservative treatment may literally convert a tooth into a toxin producing "factory".
Bartelstone (USA) and Djerassi (Bulgaria) have reported that endodental exchange may also take place in the opposite direction. If radio-iodine, I-131, is deposited in an evacuated pulp cavity which is then sealed off with a filling, the iodine will appear in the thyroid some twenty hours later, as can be demonstrated by taking a scintograph of the thyroid region. Similarly, dyes can be washed out of a sealed pulp cavity. (Any substance produced by any of the structures in the oral cavity, teeth, gums, tonsils, will be drained by the lymphatic system and carried directly to the thyroid gland.)
The close interlacing of the lymphatic and endocrine systems in the head, make it unavoidable that brain cells are more intensively toxified by the circulating focogenous agents and may suffer particularly heavy damage. The lymph ducts of the head region join Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, and if there is such congestion, waste fluids will be pressed through the porous base of the skull into the lymphatic spaces of the brain. Toxogenous changes, especially within autonomic nuclei, are regularly found in cancer patients, as verified in the 1930's by Muehlmann (USSR), and they may be a consequence of a life-long inhibition of cerebral aerobiosis due to focogenous intoxication.
All these findings prove conclusively that within solid dental structures, there may proceed an unimpeded substantial interchange in either direction. Consequently, odontogenic toxins, wherever they may have been produced, are able to diffuse and circulate within the organism.
The German study group of Eger-Miehlke has investigated the pathogenic significance of these "endotoxins". They examined the changes in healthy experimental animals after injection of accurately defined, minimal quantities of the endotoxins from an odontogenous granuloma.
A single injection of a minimal dose seemed to develop a defense-activation effect. But after repeated injections, there was severe liver damage, and the animals died within weeks. Apart from the fatal liver damage, inflammatory and degenerative changes were found in all other organs, especially in the joints, muscles, and blood vessels. These results brought clear experimental proof for the first time that focogenic toxins act as causal agents for severe diseases in animals corresponding to similar chronic conditions in man.
The most dangerous of all odontogenous toxins are undoubtedly the thio-ethers, for instance dimethylsulfide. Other severe toxins from root-canal bacteria include thio-ethanols and mercaptans which have been found in the tumors of women who have breast cancer. These toxins drain through the lymphatic system down the cervical chain of lymph nodes and ultimately in to the breast tissue.
In a series of tests performed at Dr. Issel's clinic it was observed that patients with odontogenous and tonsillar foci had a heightened level of dimethylsulfide in their blood. After intensive treatment of the foci, this level returned to normal in just a few days.
Thio-ethers are closely related, both in their structure and their effect, to mustard gas and other poison gases used in the First World War. To give you an idea of its poisonous effects the following is a list of the major symptoms:
Blisters the skin
Eyes become very sore
Internal and external bleeding
Attacks the bronchial tubes, stripping off the mucous membrane
Throat feels like it is closing with sensations of choking
Thio-ethers are "partial" antigens, haptens, and thus they also tend to combine with the normal proteins in the body, "denaturizing" them. Such denatured proteins become "non-self" agents, which the body must deal with as such. The production of antibodies adapted to the situation will be provoked, and they will home in on the target antigens wherever they are. The process of "auto-aggression" will be set in motion: self-destruction of agents alien to the organism. Extensive structural cellular damage will result and help create the environment for cancer.
Druckrey (Heidelberg) found among other things that transformation of a normal cell into a malignant cell requires a certain quantity of a carcinogen -the carcinogenic minimum dose. It does not matter whether this quantity is supplied in a single dose or in a number of smaller doses, because the toxic effects of each dose are stored, and accumulate without loss. The carcinogens held primarily responsible for the development of spontaneous cancer in man are those: Which inhibit the aerobiosis even in minimal quantities without at the same time immediately destroying the cell, and, which are constantly present in the organism in this minimal concentration of either endogenous or exogenous origin; they can therefore accumulate during the normal life expectancy gradually and unnoticeably until the total quantity necessary for malignization is reached.
Each year in the U.S. an estimated 40 tons of mercury are used to prepare mercury-amalgam dental restorations. Scientific studies have concluded that the amalgam is the source for more than two thirds of the mercury in our human population. On a daily basis each amalgam releases on the order of 10 micrograms of mercury into the body. This mercury either accumulates in the body or is excreted via urine and feces into our wastewater systems. After death, the accumulated mercury is released to the environment via either cremation or burial. Environmental mercury pollution is also caused by dentists who remove old fillings. Cutting out a mercury/amalgam filling releases colloidal mercury for which there are no commercially available filters to remove it from the water evacuated from the patient's mouth.
According to the observations made by the internationally recognized medical researcher, Yoshiaki Omura, MD, all cancer cells have mercury in them. Since mercury is the second most toxic substance on this planet, its presence provides a strong initiating factor for disrupting cell function. Support for this idea comes from an article, The Pathogenic Multi-potency of Mercury, by Hans Nolte, MD (Biological Therapy, Journal of Natural Medicine, Vol. VI, No. 3, June 1988). In the article, Nolte states that, "The wave spectrum of mercury contains ƒ more than thirteen wavelengths, whereas only one or two frequencies or wavelengths are usually observed for the other heavy or noble metals." It is Dr. Nolte's belief that the many harmful effects of mercury could be explained to some degree on the basis of this great variety of wavelengths. Dr. Omura's clinical observation concludes that one of the primary reasons cancer returns is because residual mercury reignites a pathological environment even after surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and alternative therapies report a positive effect.
The frightening truth is that the medical establishment has lost the War on Cancer.
Based on the American Cancer Society's 1999 statistics:
1 in 2 American men will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime.
1 in 3 American women will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime.
In the 1930's the ratio was 3 out of one hundred developed cancer.
Real Cause of Cancer
Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic [i.e., oxygen-deficient] cell respiration. -Dr. Otto Warburg-1931 & 1944 Nobel Prize-Winner


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #54 em: 2014-08-20 17:25:13 »
a anabela voltou com forca renovada


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #56 em: 2014-08-20 17:30:01 »
a anabela voltou com forca renovada



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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #57 em: 2014-08-20 20:57:20 »
Jerome convem ser h202 food grade, é o mais puro. Este tema é polemico mas os testemunhos sao milhares.
O farmaceutico serve para gargarejar. Ha quem cure periodontites com h202.

Os dentes, infelizmente sao a porta de entrada para muitas patologias. Os medicos negam isto por norma. Isto nao é pesquisa minha nem r&i, sao estudos exaustivos que mostram que a saude dos dentes podem dar problemas cardiacos, vasculares, demencia, alzeimer e centenas de outras.
Implantes é preciso ter cuidado, primeiro pela existencia de metal na protese. Eu optaria sempre por um implantes e pino nao metalico. Para cimentos ou compositos, procurar um bom ja que a maioria sao todos toxicos. Um parasitologo do Arizona atraves de estudos exaustivos concluiu que grande parte das neurodermatites e outras patologias sao derivadas destes composites toxicos. Depressoes, problemas cardiacos, fadiga, etc. nao é organico e sofre de desgaste na mastigacao e saliva. what else..De chumbo nem convem dizer muito, mercurio, prata e nickel. Existe a controversia mas o facto é que o mercurio nao é suposto estar num dente. As doencas associadas sao inumeras.
Considero a seliginina um quick fix, acho que é sempre de ir procurar a causa antes de tudo, mesmo que nao dê em nada. Mas muitas vezes dá, ou nao teriam os medicos suicos e alemaes tanto sucesso. Eu começaria por ir limpar as tripas, ingerir real foods, etc
Happy lamento o vitiligo. Estou fora do tema, acho estranho aparecer-te tao tarde. Mas nao vais curas isso com Gin

Achas que o Gin piora a coisa?


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #58 em: 2014-08-20 21:19:13 »
É sempre bom "limpares" o fígado...
"Como seria viver a vida que realmente quero?"


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Re:Água da Torneira...
« Responder #59 em: 2014-08-21 00:26:21 »
É sempre bom "limpares" o fígado...

So bebo ao fim‑de‑semana ....resto da semana mal toco em álcool
Alguma especial ....eu quase nunca tomei nada na vida  :o