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Autor Tópico: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.  (Lida 5212901 vezes)


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15920 em: 2015-08-06 07:59:09 »
O GBP.USD anda há mais de uma semana num marasmo mas hoje é capaz de mexer, finalmente
Hoje é uma super quinta-feira no Reino Unido. Há dados económicos e decisões em catadupa ao meio-dia
(o artigo não refere mas penso que o governador do BoE fala depois às 12.45)


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15921 em: 2015-08-06 18:11:54 »
É a medida ... em todo o caso isto vai sair deste tópico.

vai para onde?
eu por acaso sigo bem de perto o indíce polaco:


(WIG20 weekly)
« Última modificação: 2015-08-06 18:15:04 por Lark »
Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15922 em: 2015-08-07 16:41:09 »
Nova oportunidade short até aos 2000 :P

Este short deve ser fechado nos 2051 hoje para posterior abertura  ;)

Afinal deve ser fechado aqui nos 2065

Voltar a shotar nos 2072 para ir então aos 2050 ....bela manobra de diversão ontem e hoje...

Ainda não é desta que cai vai de novo aos 2100  >:(


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15923 em: 2015-08-07 23:10:15 »
as produtoras de carvão vão miar.
e ainda não deve ser tarde para aproveitar.
ninguém estava bem à espera disto.


King Coal, Long Besieged, Is Deposed by the Market
AUG. 6, 2015

In April 2005, President George W. Bush hailed “clean coal” as a key to “greater energy independence,” pledging $2 billion in research funds that promised a new golden age for America’s most abundant energy resource.

But a decade later, the United States coal industry is reeling as never before in its history, the victim of new environmental regulations, intensifying attacks by activists, collapsing coal prices, and — above all — the rise of cheap alternative fuels, especially natural gas.

This week President Obama slammed the industry with tougher-than-expected rules from the Environmental Protection Agency limiting power plant carbon emissions, which will accelerate an already huge shift from coal to natural gas and other alternatives.

“Clean coal” remains an expensive and thus far impractical pipe dream. Coal is the world’s biggest source of carbon emissions by far and the leading culprit in global warming. Coal advocates like Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky senator and Republican majority leader, have accused the president of an out-and-out “war on coal.”

But it’s collapsing prices and heavy debt loads that are driving the industry into bankruptcy. Alpha Natural Resources, the nation’s fourth-largest coal producer after it doubled down on coal four years ago in acquiring Massey Coal for $7.1 billion, filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday. It follows Walter Energy, which filed last month; Patriot Coal, which sought court protection in May; and numerous smaller mining companies.

The demise of the two biggest surviving publicly traded coal companies — Peabody Energy and Arch Coal, the nation’s two largest producers — may just be a matter of time, based on their recent stock performance. Peabody shares, which traded at more than $16 less than a year ago, hit 99 cents this week, and Arch shares have fallen to $1 from more than $33, making them among the biggest losers this year in the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index.

“This has been a storm gathering for a very long time,” said Jeff Goodell, author of the 2006 book “Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America’s Energy Future.” “When I wrote my book, coal looked indomitable. But below the surface you could see all these issues coming at them. You can only hold off the larger forces of progress and science for so long. The bottom line is that it’s a 19th-century fuel very badly suited for the 21st century. There’s no way you can wash or scrub coal to make that essential fact go away.”

Market forces have accomplished in just a few years what environmentalists and social advocates have struggled for decades to achieve. Coal prices have plunged about 70 percent in the last four years. This year the number of underground and surface coal miners in the United States dropped more than 10 percent, to just over 80,000 workers. There are now more than twice as many workers in the fast-growing solar power industry than there are coal miners.

Mountaintop removal, the poster child for environmental destruction, has all but ground to a halt as coal companies continue to close mines, lay off workers and slash capital spending on expensive new mining operations. Meantime, natural gas production has soared and electric utilities have built up gas-fired generation to replace aging coal-fired power plants.

“It’s kind of the ultimate irony that market forces, and not the administration or environmentalists, have displaced coal,” said Jorge Beristain, head of Americas metals and mining equity research for Deutsche Bank. “It’s human ingenuity that found a cheaper, cleaner way to skin the cat, which is by producing natural gas from fracking. They’re both fossil fuels, of course, but burning natural gas puts out a lot less carbon than coal.”

Burning coal produces nearly twice as much carbon dioxide as does natural gas, according to the United States Energy Information Administration.

Anthony Young, a mining analyst at the Macquarie Group, agreed. “There have been a lot of protests and animosity towards the coal industry, but lo and behold, it was the natural gas industry that has stopped many of the worst mining practices,” he said. “There are concerns about fracking, but it’s way better than cutting down mountains.”

Environmentalists are starting to notice that financial arguments may prove more effective than moral or social ones at persuading major investors to shun coal. Stanford University, which announced last May that it would divest itself of direct investments in coal producers, looks at least as much like a shrewd investor as an environmental steward, given the subsequent plunge in coal prices and coal company stock prices, and other big investors have taken notice.

In June, Norway’s government pension fund — considered the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund with $890 billion in assets, much of it generated from oil revenue — said it would divest itself of coal holdings. A spokeswoman for the fund said this was a financial decision, not a political one, with the goal of “building financial wealth for future generations.”

“I think you’re seeing a generational shift where the activists are getting more market-savvy,” said Mr. Beristain of Deutsche Bank. “They’re targeting Wall Street and the analysts. It’s becoming part of the environmental agenda to kneecap the coal sector at the source of its cash.”

Carbon Tracker, a London-based think tank, is among those trying to use financial data to affect climate change. “We try to stay out of the political discussion,” said Luke Sussams, a senior researcher and co-author of “The US Coal Crash,” a report arguing that coal faces a long-term, and not just cyclical, decline. “We look at it purely from a risk versus return perspective,” he said. “Our stance is: It’s a bad investment.”

Environmentalists still have their work cut out for them. The coal industry may be in dire straits, but it’s not going to vanish overnight. In 2013 the United States produced 985 million tons of coal, although it was the first time in 20 years that production fell below one billion tons. The United States consumed 924 million tons, 93 percent of it accounted for by the electric power industry, according to government statistics. In 2011, the United States consumed 1.1 billion tons.

“It’s premature to say the industry is dead,” said Mr. Young, the Macquarie analyst. He estimated the industry needs to shrink by about 25 percent to meet current demand, and more if electric utilities accelerate the shift to natural gas. But as coal companies “go through bankruptcy, their assets aren’t going to shut down. Mismanagement will be addressed, and their balance sheets will be restructured, but viable assets will re-emerge and be profitable.”

But it seems safe to say that the coal industry will never wield the enormous economic and political clout that it had even 10 years ago. “In the aftermath of the Bush-Cheney administration, there was this resurgence of the idea that coal was the American rock,” Mr. Goodell said. “America’s industrial strength was built on burning coal. No politician wanted to mess with coal.”

But with the shrinking of the industry, coal interests “are losing their clout, and they’re not going to get it back,” Mr. Goodell said. “It’s becoming clear where the future is going. The politically smart thing is to jump on the renewables bandwagon.”

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15924 em: 2015-08-07 23:14:53 »
as forças baixistas no NASDAQ voltaram a predominar


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15925 em: 2015-08-08 01:46:36 »
Um rácio interessante que vai ser obrigatório pela SEC

A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), o equivalente em Portugal à CMVM, vai obrigar as empresas americanas a publicar nos relatórios e contas um indicador que mede a diferença entre o que ganha o presidente e o salário mediano dos trabalhadores dessa mesma empresa. O regulador foi apanhado numa guerra entre democratas e republicanos, com os primeiros a considerar que o rácio é uma ferramenta útil para aferir a disparidade salarial, enquanto os segundos dizem que a SEC foi “sequestrada” por interesses sindicais e que a medida visa tão-só embaraçar os patrões. Segundo a Bloomberg, de 1978 a 2014, este indicador para as 350 maiores empresas americanas subiu de 30 vezes para mais 300 vezes – ou seja, um patrão ganha 300 vezes mais do que o trabalhador. Um valor exorbitante que não deveria provocar embaraço, mas sim reflexão. Daí a utilidade deste indicador.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15926 em: 2015-08-08 09:25:13 »
Parece que vejo algo que pode proporcionar uma descida brusca dos mercados estas próximas semanas....

a perda de força é visível já desde 2013, no entanto veio vindo para cima, agora dá a ideia que o força se foi

outro indicador importante é o gráfico do desemprego nos Usa que está em mínimos históricos de pelo menos 50 anos!!! cada vez que esse gráfico atinge aquela zona (embora um pouco mais acima) foi no topo de 2000 e 2007!!!
« Última modificação: 2015-08-08 09:56:56 por Castelbranco »


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15927 em: 2015-08-10 13:40:09 »
Buffet compra a Precision Castparts (PCP) por $235/acção.
« Última modificação: 2015-08-10 13:41:01 por Visitante »


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15928 em: 2015-08-10 13:51:44 »
Buffet compra a Precision Castparts (PCP) por $235/acção.

IPO´s ao rubro


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15929 em: 2015-08-10 13:53:18 »
A Berkshire Hathaway anunciou esta segunda-feira, 10 de Agosto, um acordo para a aquisição da Precision Castparts Corp (PCC). O negócio está avaliado em 37,2 mil milhões de dólares (cerca de 33,9 mil milhões de euros), incluindo a dívida da empresa, naquele que é a maior aquisição de sempre de Warren Buffett.

Nullius in Verba
Divide et Impera
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Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored
Bulls make money, bears make money.... pigs get slaughtered


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15930 em: 2015-08-10 14:27:37 »
Nova oportunidade short até aos 2000 :P

Este short deve ser fechado nos 2051 hoje para posterior abertura  ;)

Afinal deve ser fechado aqui nos 2065

Voltar a shotar nos 2072 para ir então aos 2050 ....bela manobra de diversão ontem e hoje...

Ainda não é desta que cai vai de novo aos 2100  >:(

Uma abertura para voltar a shortar  ;)
« Última modificação: 2015-08-10 19:04:00 por Happy_one »


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15931 em: 2015-08-10 15:49:48 »
Buffet compra a Precision Castparts (PCP) por $235/acção.

IPO´s ao rubro

Talvez se possa aproveitar o momentum gerado no sector por esta aquisição. As notícias são boas para a indústria dos componentes de aeronáutica.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15932 em: 2015-08-10 21:39:03 »
Nova oportunidade short até aos 2000 :P

Este short deve ser fechado nos 2051 hoje para posterior abertura  ;)

Afinal deve ser fechado aqui nos 2065

Voltar a shotar nos 2072 para ir então aos 2050 ....bela manobra de diversão ontem e hoje...

Ainda não é desta que cai vai de novo aos 2100  >:(

Uma abertura para voltar a shortar  ;)
Então dizes que aquilo vai aos 2100 e mandas shortar o open ? Mas tu bebeste ao almoço ?  ;D
Btw, já lá esteve nos 2100.  ;)

Hoje ao longo do dia notou-se que o ES esteve muito mais estável a subir do que o NQ. O NQ foi sempre aos solavancos.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15933 em: 2015-08-10 23:24:02 »
Não bebi não automek, mas se fosse uma subida gradual eu esperava a ida aos 2100 mas depois daquela abertura já nunca pensei que fosse aos 2100 mas foram lá mesmo distribuído a a sessão toda ....


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15934 em: 2015-08-10 23:36:09 »
e a seguir vai entrar a lua nova, e depois crescente, segundo a teoria de um dos forenses o mercado cai quando a lua cresce....

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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15935 em: 2015-08-11 10:48:53 »
Se alguem estiver pela China...

2015 China Forex Expo

Date: September 11th-13th, 2015
Venue: Shanghai Mart Exhibition Hall (No. 2299 Yan'.an Road West Shanghai,China)
Range: Forex, Binary Options, Precious Metals, Futures,Stocks,Trading Software, Financial Solutions, Bitcoin etc.
Content: Exhibition,Conference,Award Ceremony, Interview, Free Drinks
Agenda/Free ticket: www.chinaforexexpo.com
Pudong Airport: about 46 Km;
Hongqiao Airport: about 13Km;
Metro Station: Loushanguan Station; Yili Station
China Forex Expo Team
Tel: +86 21 3126 1015
Website: www.chinaforexexpo.com


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15936 em: 2015-08-11 11:54:29 »
China desvalorizou RMB em cerca de 2% ao aumentar ponto da médio da flutuação do RMB relativamente ao USD (de 6.12  para 6.23 por USD). A banda de flutuação continua a ser de 2% mas agora em torno dos 6.23.
As exportações tinham recuado 8,3% em Julho. A bolsa de HK até tinha começado a subir mas depois do anúncio da desvalorização acabou a perder.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15937 em: 2015-08-11 12:37:54 »
Ninguém pode ficar para trás nesta corrida á desvalorização, who's next?
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15938 em: 2015-08-11 14:26:44 »
Nova oportunidade short até aos 2000 :P

Este short deve ser fechado nos 2051 hoje para posterior abertura  ;)

Afinal deve ser fechado aqui nos 2065

Voltar a shotar nos 2072 para ir então aos 2050 ....bela manobra de diversão ontem e hoje...

Ainda não é desta que cai vai de novo aos 2100  >:(

Uma abertura para voltar a shortar  ;)

Volta-se a fechar o short na abertura ....


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Re: Mercado em TEMPO REAL - Notícias, rumores, análises, chat.
« Responder #15939 em: 2015-08-11 15:06:37 »
os cofs do bid no ES estão estranhos. aparecem de repente aos 500/600 contratos em zonas que não estão a negociar e desaparecem quando o preço se aproxima. até parece que alguém quer dar a impressão que há uma falsa força compradora que vai suportar o preço ligeiramente mais abaixo.