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Autor Tópico: China - Tópico principal  (Lida 220321 vezes)


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #160 em: 2014-06-16 13:19:55 »
Há que apreciar a ironia de serem os bancos centrais os primeiros a correr.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #161 em: 2014-06-16 13:21:25 »
Os bancos centrais não precisam de correr ...
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #162 em: 2014-06-16 13:29:04 »
Depende, há um que se correr fica bem melhor... e muito tem ele corrido.

Não só desde 2011 deixou de fazer as obras de manutenção dos alicerces do padrão dólar, como desde então tem andado a gastar os seus problemas.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #163 em: 2014-06-16 13:46:53 »
Depende, há um que se correr fica bem melhor... e muito tem ele corrido.

Não só desde 2011 deixou de fazer as obras de manutenção dos alicerces do padrão dólar, como desde então tem andado a gastar os seus problemas.

Hermes, podes desenvolver melhor?


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #164 em: 2014-06-16 14:29:42 »
Hermes, podes desenvolver melhor?

Sim, claro, vê aqui: Negócios da China.
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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #165 em: 2014-07-02 15:54:40 »
Não sei será verdade, mas aparentemente o Bill Gates disse o seguinte ...

"China used more cement in the last three years than the US used in the entire 20th century"
« Última modificação: 2014-07-02 15:55:09 por Incognitus »
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #166 em: 2014-07-02 16:28:22 »


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #167 em: 2014-07-03 09:17:57 »
BRICS is morphing into an anti-dollar alliance

By Valentin Mândrăşescu
On July, 3 2014, 00:30


Before the crucial visit to Beijing next week, the governor of the Russian Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina met Vladimir Putin to report on the progress of the upcoming ruble-yuan swap deal with the People's Bank of China and Kremlin used the meeting to let the world know about the technical details of its international anti-dollar alliance.

On June 10th, Sergey Glaziev, Putin's economy advisor published an article outlining the need to establish an international alliance of countries willing to get rid of the dollar in international trade and refrain from using dollars in their currency reserves. The ultimate goal would be to break the Washington's money printing machine that is feeding its military-industrial complex and giving the US ample possibilities to spread chaos across the globe, fueling the civil wars in Libya, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine. Glaziev's critics believe that such an alliance would be difficult to establish and that creating a non-dollar-based global financial system would be extremely challenging from a technical point of view. However, in her discussion with Vladimir Putin, the head of the Russian central bank unveiled an elegant technical solution for this problem and left a clear hint regarding the members of the anti-dollar alliance that is being created by the efforts of Moscow and Beijing:

“We've done a lot of work on the ruble-yuan swap deal in order to facilitate trade financing. I have a meeting next week in Beijing”, she said casually and then dropped the bomb: “We are discussing with China and our BRICS parters the establishment of a system of multilateral swaps that will allow to transfer resources to one or another country, if needed. A part of the currency reserves can be directed to [the new system].” (source of the quote: Prime news agency)

It seems that Kremlin chose the all-in-one approach for establishing its anti-dollar alliance. Currency swaps between the BRICS central banks will facilitate trade financing while completely bypassing the dollar. At the same time, the new system will also act as a de facto replacement of the IMF, because it will allow the members of the alliance to direct resources to finance the weaker countries. As an important bonus, derived from this “quasi-IMF” system, the BRICS will use a part (most likely the “dollar part”) of their currency reserves to support it, thus drastically reducing the amount of dollar-based instruments bought by some of the biggest foreign creditors of the US.

Skeptics will surely claim that a BRICS-based anti-dollar alliance will not manage to deprive the dollar of its global reserve currency status. Instead of arguing against this line of thought, it is easier to point out that Washington is doing its best to enlarge the ranks of the enemies of the dollar. Asked by the Russia 24 channel to comment on Nabiullina statements, Andrei Kostin, the president of the state-owned VTB bank and one of the staunchest supporters of anti-dollar policies, offered an interesting perspective on the situation in Europe:

I think the work on ruble-yuan swap line will finalized in the nearest future and the way for ruble-yuan settlement will be open. Moreover, we are not the only ones with such initiatives. We know about the statements made by Mr. Noyer, chairman of the Bank of France. As a retaliation for what Americans have done to BNP Paribas, he opined that the trade with China must be done in yuan or euro.

If the current trend continues, soon the dollar will be abandoned by most of the significant global economies and it will be kicked out of the global trade finance. Washington's bullying will make even former American allies chose the anti-dollar alliance instead of the existing dollar-based monetary system. The point of no return for the dollar may be much closer than it is generally thought. In fact, the greenback may have already past its point of no return on its way to irrelevance.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #168 em: 2014-07-08 13:10:30 »
aceitam-se sugestões para ganhar exposição à banca comercial chinesa
« Última modificação: 2014-07-08 13:11:06 por Mystery »
A fool with a tool is still a fool.


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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #169 em: 2014-07-25 00:17:33 »
Pois... é ... devagarinho... ainda hoje o Presidente fez questão de ter ido ao Açores....lá esteve o Portas a recebê-lo....
paragem técnica ... dizem que não... interesses no mar etc...

Swiss & Chinese Central Banks Enter Swap Agreement
The Swiss National Bank and the People’s Bank of China reached a currency swap agreement on Monday. While this is not a huge trend changer in the near-term, it demonstrates that our forecast for China to become the largest economy and to be the next financial capital of the world when Europe and the USA blow themselves apart with defaulting socialism is on track. This agreement will allow the two central banks to buy and sell their currencies up to a limit of 150 billion renminbi, or 21 billion Swiss francs ($23.4 billion). This is nothing major, but it demonstrates the further distinction between RUssia and China whereas the former is still functioning old world idea of empire and the latter comprehends its the economy stupid.


The deal will also allow the Swiss central bank to invest some of its huge accumulation of foreign exchange reserves in the Chinese bond market. The Zurich-based SNB said the agreement will further strengthen collaboration between it and its Chinese counterpart and is a “key requisite for the development of a renminbi market in Switzerland.” It could also facilitate trade and investment between the two countries, the PBOC said. This demonstrates that China is moving in the correct direction. Russia still thinks that its power is determined by territory – a very old 17th century idea by the Physiocrats.

« Última modificação: 2014-07-25 00:18:07 por JoaoAP »


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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #170 em: 2014-07-25 01:36:33 »
Não entendo quase nada de Forex, mas surgiu-me uma questão:
é possível apostar somente no renminbi  ou terá de ser sempre aos pares?


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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #171 em: 2014-07-25 01:54:24 »
É possível comprar remnimbi mas para tal vens de vender outra moeda qualquer (com a qual compras a moeda chinesa).
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #172 em: 2014-07-25 02:04:26 »
É possível comprar remnimbi mas para tal vens de vender outra moeda qualquer (com a qual compras a moeda chinesa).
Pois, era o que pensava.
A dificuldade será a escolha do par... talvez o Euro... ainda vou ver aquele método de que o DeMelo referiu e abrir aí um mini-lote e esquecer por uns valentes anos... ainda será o meu 1º investimento em Forex  :D :D :D ou  :'( :'( :'(

Mas tenho de entender melhor o método. Porque para acompanhar mensalmente ou semanalmente tenho outras coisas que entendo melhor.


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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #173 em: 2014-08-02 19:51:31 »
quem quer investir em RMB basta abrir uma conta bancária em HK e comprar RMB. Depois é só esperar que se valorizem... sem macacadas de forex, sem comissões.

com juros? tens la conta?


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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #174 em: 2014-08-03 17:37:16 »
quem quer investir em RMB basta abrir uma conta bancária em HK e comprar RMB. Depois é só esperar que se valorizem... sem macacadas de forex, sem comissões.

com juros? tens la conta?

Conheço quem tenha, mas quanto aos juros não tenho a certeza, pois HK está fora da China.

Tiveste de a abrir presencialmente, não foi?
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #175 em: 2014-08-06 17:10:46 »
O Dollar a passar a currency normal?

Continuing to believe that the dollar is going to maintain its global reserve status is now not only foolish, but financially hazardous. To countries, businesses and individuals.

O Socialismo acaba quando se acaba o dinheiro - Winston Churchill

Toda a vida política portuguesa pós 25 de Abril/74 está monopolizada pelos partidos políticos, liderados por carreiristas ambiciosos, medíocres e de integridade duvidosa.
Daí provém a mediocridade nacional!
O verdadeiro homem inteligente é aquele que parece ser um idiota na frente de um idiota que parece ser inteligente!


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #176 em: 2014-08-28 10:15:30 »
British Columbia, Ontario to Cooperate on Yuan Center

By Christopher Donville
On 2014-08-27T21:18:45Z


Business leaders in British Columbia and Ontario agreed to work together to create a currency trading hub for the Chinese yuan.

AdvantageBC International Business Centre-Vancouver and the Toronto Financial Services Alliance will work with the governments of Canada and the provinces to make the country the first trading hub for the Chinese currency in North America, Janet Ecker, chief executive officer of the Toronto alliance, said by phone. With the agreement, the two provincial groups won’t compete to bring a trading hub to their largest cities.

“We just thought it made more sense to strengthen the case for why China and Canada should make this agreement by sort of partnering as opposed to looking like we’re two squabbling siblings,” Ecker said, referring to Toronto and Vancouver.

China has already signed agreements to trade the yuan more freely with Singapore, London and Frankfurt as part of an economic restructuring that includes taking steps to loosen exchange controls.

The actual Canadian trading hub would reside in several cities, depending on the nature of yuan transactions, she said.

“The financial industry is headquartered in Toronto -- much of that infrastructure is here,” Ecker said. “But on the other hand, much of the actual business that will be done with China is likely to be in energy, and therefore those deals are going to be getting done in Calgary. Much of the trade work that gets done is in Vancouver.”

AdvantageBC is a non-profit organization promoting international business in British Columbia.

To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Donville in Vancouver at cjdonville@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Simon Casey at scasey4@bloomberg.net David Scanlan
« Última modificação: 2014-08-28 10:15:59 por hermes »
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #177 em: 2014-08-28 10:18:24 »
Russia’s Gazprom Neft to Sell Oil for Rubles, Yuan

12:16 27/08/2014


MOSCOW, August 27 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian oil company Gazprom Neft has agreed to export 80,000 tons of oil from Novoportovskoye field in the Arctic; it will accept payment in rubles, and will also deliver oil via the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO), accepting payment in Chinese yuan for the transfers, the Russian business daily Kommersant reported Wednesday.

The Russian government and several of the country’s largest exporters have widely discussed the possibility of accepting payments in rubles for oil exports.

Last week, Russia began to ship oil from the Novoportovskoye field to Europe by sea. Two oil tankers are expected to arrive in Europe in September. According to Kommersant, the payment for these shipments will be received in rubles.

Gazprom Neft will not only accept payments in rubles; subsequent transfers via the ESPO may be paid for in yuan, the newspaper reported.

According to the newspaper, the change in currency was made because of the Western sanctions against Russia.

In March, in response to Crimea’s reunification with Russia, the United States and the European Union introduced a number of targeted sanctions against Russia.

As the Ukrainian crisis escalated, the United States introduced several new rounds of sanctions targeting Russia’s defense, energy and banking sectors, and persuaded its allies to blacklist several Russian citizens and companies.

As a protective measure, Russia decided to avoid making its payments in US dollars, which can be tracked and controlled by the United States government, Kommersant reported.

Gazprom Neft gained control over the Novoportovskoye field in 2012. The field’s recoverable reserves exceed 230 million tons of oil and 270 billion cubic meters of gas. It is located in the Arctic and is part of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #178 em: 2014-08-29 02:00:36 »
Isto parece banal. Por que é que a Gazprom não haveria de aceitar rublos pelo petróleo e gás, se pode sempre fazer bom uso de rublos a pagar salários ou a depositar em bancos russos, por exemplo?

O problema parece estar do outro lado. O comprador não russo de gás é que tem que possuir os rublos para pagar à Gazprom, e possuir rublos tem o problema de ser uma moeda fraca, e de se pagar altas comissões para a obter.


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #179 em: 2014-08-29 09:21:05 »
Não tão depressa, Kin2010...

Ao seu modo a Rússia está a criar um novo paraíso fiscal e as pessoas pertinentes, as que trazem liquidez, vão reparar nisso... e o mecanismo que vão implementar até aparenta não vir a ser caro.

CBR Calls On Banks to Establish Alternative to SWIFT amid Sanctions

By Ruslan Krivobok
On 11:57 21/08/2014


MOSCOW, August 21 (RIA Novosti) - The Central Bank of Russia has urged the country’s banking community to establish alternative channels of interbank communications to replace the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) system, Kommersant reported Thursday, citing a CBR letter.

The letter, obtained by Kommersant, was sent to Russian banking institutions in early August, a few days after the United States and the European Union introduced new sanctions against some Russian banks. In the document, the central bank argues that the creation of integrated national financial messaging infrastructure is an issue of national economic security.

The vast majority of bank-to-bank transactions are conducted via SWIFT, which allows foreign banks to request information concerning clients and block operations if the obtained data does not satisfy them. The transition to a communications channel unrestricted by Western regulations would take at least a year, a banking expert told Kommersant.

Russian authorities started searching for ways to decrease Russian financial markets’ dependence on SWIFT in spring, when a number of Russian banks were hit by Western sanctions. Russia’s Ministry of Finance is considering requiring SWIFT to provide uninterrupted services for Russian banks and introducing financial penalties for the unilateral disconnection of members. However, Kommersant says the CBR’s letter suggests the national regulator still has not given up on the idea of establishing a Russian SWIFT-like system.

SWIFT binds together 10,000 financial organizations in 210 countries, providing the infrastructure for $6 billion in interbank operations every day.

Russian Central Bank prepares bill to create SWIFT analog in Russia

By Mikhail Japaridze
On August 27, 15:06 UTC+4


MOSCOW, August 27. /ITAR-TASS/. The Russian Central Bank and the government’s financial and economic departments have prepared a bill to create a Russian analog of the SWIFT international financial message system, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseyev said on Wednesday.

“We have prepared a bill. We have consulted with the banking industry and the Central Bank,” Moiseyev said.

Russia will go ahead with the bill as soon as it becomes clear that the Central Bank is technologically prepared “to transfer all operations to internal processing inside Russia.”

Central Bank First Deputy Chairman Georgy Luntovsky said in July that SWIFT was discussing a possibility with the Russian regulator to establish an operational center in Russia. SWIFT Director for Russia, CIS and Mongolia Matvei Gering confirmed this information at that time.

Moiseyev said in April that the Finance Ministry was going to initiate amendments to the legislation to transfer electronic settlements to Russia to ensure their reliable and uninterrupted nature. The system should be registered in Russia and comply with the requirements of the Russian Central Bank, Moiseyev told Rossiya-24 TV channel at the time.

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) transmits 1.8 billion communications a year, remitting payment orders worth $6 trillion a day. The system comprises over 10,000 financial organizations from 210 countries.

Under the SWIFT charter, groups of members and users are set up in each country covered by the system. In Russia, these groups are united in the RosSWIFT association.

« Última modificação: 2014-08-29 09:23:39 por hermes »
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