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Autor Tópico: Cenários para o coronavirus  (Lida 81304 vezes)

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #980 em: 2021-03-11 19:06:55 »
Beneficios da canela

Reduces reflux, bloating, nausea and diarrhoea
Protects against bacterial, viral and fungal infections
Reduces oxidative stress and inflammation
Assists in the treatment of diabetes
Improves insulin sensitivity and assists weight loss
Lowers the risk of heart disease
Assists in the treatment of cancer
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. It is native to Sri Lanka, but is also found throughout India, Bangladesh, Java, Sumatra, West Indies, Brazil, Egypt and Vietnam.

Cinnamon sticks are made from the bark of the tree and are rolled naturally into a quill shape when the bark is sun-dried. The oil is traditionally prepared by roughly pounding the bark, macerating it in seawater, and then quickly distilling the resulting liquid. It is of a golden-yellow colour with the characteristic odour of cinnamon and a very hot, aromatic taste and has been used for thousands of years as a culinary spice in many cultures.

Cinnamon’s history as a medicinal plant goes back as far as the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. Three of the main biological constituents of the essential oils obtained from cinnamon are trans-cinnamaldehyde, eugenol and linalool, which represent 82.5% of the total composition.

Other health giving constituents of cinnamon are oligopolymeric procyanidins, cinnamic acid, phenolic acids, pentacyclic diterpenes, cinnzeylanol and its acetyl derivative cinnzeylanine and the sugars mannitol, L-arabino-D-xylanose, L-arabinose, D-xylose, α-D-glucan as well as mucilage polysaccharides. Each 100 grams contains vitamin A: 260 IU, thiamine: 0.02 mg, riboflavin: 0.14 mg, niacin: 1.3 mg, ascorbic acid: 28 mg, Ca: 1.228 mg, P: 61 mg, Fe: 38 mg, Mg: 56 mg, Na: 26 mg, K: 500 mg, Zn: 2 mg.



Cinnamon has become a natural product of interest because it has been observed to provide health benefits such as the ability to lower serum lipids and blood glucose. Several studies have examined the effects of cinnamon on glucose, insulin, and lipid metabolism associated with metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. It has been suggested that the mechanism by which cinnamon expresses its effect on blood glucose can be attributed to its active component cinnamaldehyde. The insulinotropic effects of cinnamaldehyde have been preliminarily investigated and are thought to be responsible for the following: 

insulin release
enhancing insulin sensitivity
increased insulin disposal
exerting activity in the regulation of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and insulin receptor kinase.
In animal studies, cinnamon extracts have been shown to increase the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which are transcriptional factors involved in the regulation of insulin resistance and the formation of fat cells, resulting in improved lipid and glucose metabolism.

A meta-analysis done for 10 randomized controlled trials including 543 patients has established that cinnamon, when taken in a dose of 120 mg/day to 6 g/day for approximately 4 months leads to a statistical decrease in levels of fasting plasma glucose along with an improvement in the lipid profile.

One of the main reason’s cinnamon has been included in Healthy Ageing Essentials is because it has been seen to have an insulin mimetic and insulin sensitizing action. Cinnamon plays a significant role in the function of cellular signalling proteins and enhancement of expression of insulin sensitive glucose transporters which limits the progress of insulin resistance. This has downstream effects on the reduction of IGF-1 in the liver and the resulting inhibition of mTOR gene expression.

A recent meta-analysis, and a systematic review, on the effects of cinnamon on diabetes demonstrate numerous beneficial effects both in vitro and in vivo. The beneficial effects of cinnamon in vivo included:

Attenuation of weight loss associated with diabetes
Reduction of Fasting Blood Glucose
Reducing LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol,
Reducing HbA1c and increasing circulating insulin levels
In vitro cinnamon has demonstrated a potential for:

Reducing post-prandial (following a meal) intestinal glucose absorption by inhibiting the activity of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism (pancreatic α–amylase and α–glucosidase)
Stimulating cellular glucose uptake by membrane translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4)
Stimulating glucose metabolism and uptake in the muscles
Stimulates the phosphorylation of AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase
Enhances positive regulation of AMPK in fat cells
Beneficial effects against diabetic neuropathy and nephropathy
Cinnamtannin B1 was identified as the potential active compound responsible for these effects in the lists above.

Improves cognitive performance through a reduction of oxidative stress in the brain
Induces significant reductions in inflammatory biomarkers such as lipid peroxidation level (LPO)
Increases protective biomarkers such as total antioxidant power (TAP) and total thiol molecules (TTM)
Potent free radical scavenging of DPPH radicals, ABTS cations, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals
Inhibits oxidation processes by up to 95.5%

Inhibits new blood vessel growth factors in tumours
Inhibits master regulators of tumour progression
Increases anti-tumour activities of CD8+ T cells

Potential antimicrobial action against a wide variety of bacteria including Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Mycobacterium avium (subsp. Paratuberculosis)
Activity against numerous fungi including Aspergillus fiavus and Candida albicans
Demonstrates activity against the human rotavirus

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #981 em: 2021-03-11 19:08:04 »
Beneficios do resveratrol

Assists healthy ageing to help improve lifespan
Assists cardiovascular function and health
Stengthens immune defences against microbes
Provides antioxidant defence for cells
Promotes healthy weight control and fat burning
Increases metabolic performance
Assists healthy blood sugar control
Assists healthy hormonal balance
Assists wound healing
Eases nerve pain and repairs nerve damage
Japanese Knotweed, Crimson Beauty, Japanese Bamboo, Sally Rhubarb, Hu Zhang, Itadori, Renoue du Japon.

Polygonum is a native plant of many countries in east Asia including Japan, China and Korea and is cultivated in other countries as well such as Russia and North America. Polygonum has a long history of medicinal use in China and Japan dating back over 2000 years. Interestingly, the medicinal use of this plant was first listed in Mingyi Bielu (the Supplementary Records of Famous Physicians), a famous monograph of 365 Traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs written in China during the Han Dynasty between 206 BC and 220 AD.

Traditional medicinal uses of Polygonum included conditions such as hepatitis and jaundice, menstrual imbalances, arthritic pain, heart problems, burns and even snake bite.

Researchers have been studying Polygonum for decades and in 1963 they discovered that the plant contained three constituents responsible for its many health-giving properties. Those chemical constituents are the polyphenols resveratrol and polydatin, and the anthraquinone emodin.

There are extensive studies in laboratories and evidence from preclinical human studies showing polygonum’s protective role in a range of medical conditions and health challenges. In recent decades, this plant has become extremely popular amongst researchers and Clinicians alike, primarily due to its content of the polyphenol resveratrol. Resveratrol is synthesised by several plants including, grapes and berries, as part of the plants defence mechanism against environmental stressors such as drought, UV radiation, bacterial/fungal infections and pests. These phytochemicals in the plant protect the cells of the plant and scientists have discovered that when we ingest them as humans, they are also capable of protecting our cells.

While resveratrol is the focus of attention in the anti-ageing world at present, we use the whole plant as a functional food and it is the synergistic effect of polygonum’s 3 main constituents that make this plant so amazing and so essential in our fight against ageing.



Longevity and healthspan

Upregulates sirtuin genes especially sirt1
Downregulates mTOR gene activity
Inhibits the transcription factor NF-kB
Inhibits lipofuscin formation that causes wear and tear in cells
Modulates the expression of beta-galactosidase activity associated with senescence
Upregulates transcription factor FOX01
Exercise and sports improvement

Improves stamina and endurance
Supports glucose absorption by the muscle cells
Supports muscle growth and strength
Improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to working muscles
Body weight

Down regulation of fat accumulation by inhibiting pancreatic lipase activity
Reducing fat accumulation in liver cells
Improving bile secretion and fat clearance
Supports thermogenesis
Inhibits mRNA and proteins associated with fat accumulation
Antioxidant defences

Suppresses reactive oxygen species production and oxidative stress
Upregulates endogenous antioxidant systems such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione (GPx) and catalase (CAT)
Down-regulates numerous inflammatory mediators – prostaglandins, interleukins, nuclear factor B, c-reactive protein and cytokines
Cardiovascular and heart health

Reduces the thickening of arterial walls by inhibiting formation of plaques
Inhibition of platelet activation causing sticky blood and clots
Modulation of blood lipid levels and fat metabolism
Prevention of cardiac fibrosis and cardiac muscle wasting
Promotes opening of blood vessels to improve blood flow to the brain and skin
Activates and upregulates nitric oxide synthesis and enhances its release
Reduces homocysteine-induced vascular and nerve defects
Increased mitochondrial creation and function

Upregulates the transcription factors Nrf1, Nrf2 and mitochondrial transcription factor A
Increases mitochondrial size
Improves ATP and NAD production
Upregulates the DNA inside mitochondria
Supports the mitochondrial transition pores (mPTP) in the inner mitochondrial membrane
Signalling pathways

Upregulates important AMPK signalling
Makes estrogen receptors more sensitive to signalling
Supports insulin signalling and sensitivity
Improves cytokine signalling in the gut
Immune function

Antibacterial activity against gut bugs like staphylococcus aureus and E. coli
Downregulates histamine release
Inhibits viral replication
Enhances the activity of nucleosides in antiretroviral medications
Healthy gut

Helps regulate a healthy gut microbiome
Upregulates the metabolism of gut microbes
Modulates the gene expression of gut microbes
Improves gut lining repair and regeneration
Nerve protection

Reduces plaque formation on nerves
Down-regulates inflammation in nerves
Reduces oxidative damage in the brain
Improves mood by regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
Anti-cancer agent

Induces programmed cell death (apoptosis) in activated immune cells
Alters gene expression of forkhead proteins associated with tumour initiation and growth
Inhibits DNA synthesis in cancer cells
Downregulates MALAT1 and Wnt/B-catenin signalling pathways to inhibit metastasis

Heart health

Slows breakdown of cardiac tissue and injury
Relaxes blood vessels and capillaries throughout the body
Reduces plaque build-up in arteries
Modulates calcium handling to reduce pressure overload
Liver regeneration

Improves microcirculation to injured liver tissue
Protects liver tissue from carbon tetrachloride and hydrogen peroxide
Supports liver defences to protect against high fat diets
Nerve Protection

Reduces neurotoxicity caused by amyloid plaques
Passes the blood brain barrier very well to protect the nerves of the brain
Protects nerve mitochondria from injury
Immune modulation

Promotes natural killer (NK) cell activities
Strong antibacterial actions
Inhibits white blood cell adhesion and clumping
Antioxidant defences

Increases the scavenging of oxygen free radicals
Increases the activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione and catalase in brain tissue
Protects antioxidants from damage caused by carbon tetrachloride (CCI4)
Skin and wound healing

Reduces the effects of burn shock to skin
Supports collagen and capillary production
Upregulates collagen 1 expression and increases tensile strength of tissue

Immune Defence

Blocks viral spike proteins inhibiting viral attachment to host cells
Inhibits lytic genes to reduce viral DNA replication
Modulates immune expression and activities
Anti-cancer Agent

Improves cell cycle modulation in specific oncogene-overexpressing cells
Decreases transfer factor specificity protein 1 (Sp1) reducing cancer cell growth
Improves efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs
Reduces side-effects of cancer regimes
Hormonal balance

Exerts oestrogen-like activity binding to human oestrogen receptor a (ERa) and B (ERB)

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #982 em: 2021-03-11 19:09:37 »
Beneficios do ASHWAGANDHA

Reduces anxiety, depression, insomnia and stress
Lengthens telomeres in DNA to extend lifespan
Reduces exhaustion and builds energy reserves
Improves cognitive conditions such as memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s
Reduces inflammation in joints and muscles
Increases muscle mass and strength
Increases male fertility and testosterone levels
Helps fight bacterial infections
Supports chronic diseases recovery
Reduces blood sugar levels
Lowers the risk of heart disease
Provides support during cancer treatment
Withania Somnifera, Physalis Somnifera, Withania Microphysalis Suess, Indian ginseng and Winter cherry

Ashwagandha can be found growing in Africa, the Mediterranean and India. It is a revered medicinal plant that has been used in Ayurvedic and indigenous medicine for millennia and its use can be traced back to 6000 BC.

The species name Somnifera means sleep-inducing in Latin which probably refers to its extensive use as a remedy against stress from a variety of daily chores. The name Ashwagandhais a combination of the Sanskrit word ashva, meaning horse and gandha meaning smell. The root has been described as having a strong horse like aroma, although some experts suggest that the origin of the name implies that one who consumes it can attain the power of a horse.

In Ayurveda withania is referred to as a ‘rasayana’, a group of plant derived drugs reputed to promote physical and mental health, augment resistance of the body against disease and adverse environmental factors, revitalise the body in debilitated conditions and increase longevity. These types of remedies are given to small children as tonics and are also taken by the middle-aged and elderly to increase longevity.

In view of its varied therapeutic potentials and the amount of observed health benefits, it has also been the subject of considerable modern scientific attention.


The chemistry of Ashwagandha has been extensively studied and more than 80 chemical constituents have been identified, extracted and isolated. The biologically active chemical constituents are alkaloids, saponins, steroidal lactones, iron and phytosterols. However, much of Withania’s pharmacological activity has been attributed to two main withanolides – withaferin A and withanolide D.

Substantially reduces chronically elevated serum cortisol levels
Neuroprotective activity via enhanced endogenous antioxidants
Has a direct effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
Increases dopamine receptors in the brain reducing the effects of noradrenaline
Inhibits the specific binding of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) ligands
Enhances the binding of benzodiazepines used as a hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic and skeletal muscle relaxant drugs
Displays GABA-mimetic activity
Modulates the cholinergic and oxidative systems
Significant improvements observed in reaction times - simple reaction, choice discrimination, digit symbol substitution, digit vigilance and card sorting tests
Works as a procognitive agent added adjunctively to the medications being used as maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder
Improves auditory-verbal working memory (digit span backward), a measure of reaction time, and a measure of social cognition in bipolar disorder
Shows potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity
Improves cognition and memory by affecting events in the cortical and basal forebrain cholinergic signal transduction cascade
Provides protection against MB-PQ induced nigrostriatal (one of the major dopamine pathways in the brain involved particularly in the production of movement)
Protects against dopaminergic neurodegeneration and shows marked improvement in behavioural, anatomical and biochemical deformities.
Improves hypobaric hypoxia (HH) induced memory impairment and neurodegeneration in the rat hippocampus through nitric oxide mediated modulation of corticosterone levels
Decreases nitric oxide, corticosterone, oxidative stress and acetylcholinesterase activity in the hippocampal region of the brain
Treatment reduced the number of degenerating cells in the brain by 80%
Promotes the formation of dendrites and axons which may compensate for and repair damaged neuronal circuits
High levels of phytochemicals present mitigate the effects of excitotoxicity (pathological process by which nerve cells are damaged and killed by excessive stimulation by neurotransmitters) in the hippocampus
Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent in decreasing the arthritic effects in collagen-induced arthritis
Shows direct and statistically significant anti-inflammatory effects on human osteoarthritis cartilage
Significantly decreased nitric oxide release in damaged tissue
Inhibit the activation of NF-kappaB and NF-kappaB-regulated gene expression
Reduces lipid peroxidation and improves antioxidant status
Counteracts the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Exerts selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition
Found to contain oestrogen-like withanolides that upregulate anti-osteoporotic activity
Increases the population of stromal and tumour-infiltrating Natural Killer (NK) cells
Exhibits selective cytotoxicity against a panel of human cancer cell lines in vitro and effectively inhibited tumour growth in mouse tumour models
Stimulates the cell mediated Th1 (a type of T helper cell) immune response
Enhances the effectiveness of radiation therapy while potentially mitigating undesirable side effects of the chemotherapeutic agents cyclophosphamide and paclitaxel without interfering with the tumour-reducing actions of those drugs
Can reduce the production of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)
Treatment significantly inhibits OTA-induced suppression of chemotactic activity and production of IL-1 and TNF-alpha by macrophages
Has significant anti-tumour and radio-sensitising effects in experimental tumours in vivo, without any noticeable systemic toxicity
Offers protection from reactive oxygen species damage and suppresses cell proliferation
Creates major change in immune cell activation with significant increases in white blood cell counts and platelet counts
Causes a significant increase in the stress-induced depleted T-cell population and increases the expression of Th1 cytokines
Delivers significant increases in haemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count
Gives significant increases in haemolytic antibody responses towards human red blood cells
Shows high antimicrobial potential against fungal and bacterial microorganisms
Candida albicans is the most susceptible organism followed by Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Boosts the production of CD56+ Natural Killer (NK) cells
Increases the number and activation of CD3+ and CD4+ T cells, CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocytes, and CD19+ B cells
Significantly improves semen parameters by directly affecting the seminiferous tubules, improved prosexual behaviour of sexually sluggish test subjects and increased testicular daily sperm production
Counteracts the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in infertile men
Human studies showed a 167% increase in sperm count, 53% increase in semen volume and 57% increase in sperm motility on day 90 of clinical trials
Regulates the sexual hormone (testosterone and luteinizing hormone) levels in males with low sperm count
Restores the myocardial oxidant-antioxidant balance, exerts marked anti-apoptotic (preventing cell death) effects and reduces all myocardial damage
Significantly decreases serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (low density lipoproteins) and VLDL (very low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol
Significantly increases plasma HDL-cholesterol levels, HMG-Coenzyme A reductase activity and bile acid content of the liver
Shows decrease in blood glucose comparable to that of an oral hypoglycaemic drugs
Displays activity comparable to metformin, a known anti-glycating agent
Markedly improves the insulin sensitivity index
Prevents the modification of collagen such as non-enzymatic glycation and cross-linking damage
Plays a therapeutic role in the prevention of glycation (AGEs) induced pathogenesis in diabetes mellitus and ageing
Prolongs morphine induced pain relief and suppresses the development of morphine-induced rebound hyperalgesia through involvement of GABAA, GABAB, NMDA and opioid receptors
Prevents the development of tolerance to the analgesic effects of morphine
Protects from the structural changes in the spine and brain induced by morphine withdrawal

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #983 em: 2021-03-11 19:10:44 »
Beneficios do chá verde

Powerful antioxidant
Provides strong anti-inflammatory activity
Improves cardiovascular health
Improves brain function and improves mood
Protects the brain from ageing
Stimulates weight loss and fat burning
Eases digestive symptoms and bowel disease
Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
Helps to fight infections
Helps remove heavy metals
Assists in the treatment of cancer
Upregulates longevity genes
Camellia sinensis

“Tea is a miraculous medicine for the maintenance of health. Tea has an extraordinary power to prolong life.” Eisai (‘Father of Tea’ in Japan), Maintaining Health by Drinking Tea, 1211.6

“Better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one.” Ancient Chinese Proverb

There are many legends surrounding green tea. According to one account, tea was discovered quite accidentally by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C. The ‘Divine Healer’, as the emperor was called, routinely boiled his drinking water before consuming it and one day some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the pot producing an excellent tasting and fragrant beverage. The emperor, upon drinking the concoction, proclaimed the beverage as ‘‘heaven sent”, and as a result tea was discovered.

The cultivation of tea in Japan was initiated in the 11th century by the Zen Buddhist monks who also developed methods for processing and preparing the powdered green tea known as ‘matcha’. In Japanese ‘cha’ means tea, and ‘ma’ means powder

Historically green tea was a luxury beverage in Japan available only to court nobles, Buddhist monks and other select members of society. It was also used for medicinal purposes. Today green tea is an integral part of the Japanese diet drunk together with meals

The tropical and temperate regions of Asia, Africa and South America are considered the main origins of the tea plant, an evergreen shrub. The majority of members of the Theaceae tea family are obtained from India, Sri Lanka, China and Japan.

To produce green tea, freshly harvested leaves are immediately steamed to prevent fermentation yielding a dry, stable product. This steaming process destroys the enzymes responsible for breaking down the colour pigments in the leaves and allows the tea to maintain its green colour during the subsequent rolling and drying processes. These processes preserve natural polyphenols with respect to the health-promoting properties. As green tea is fermented to oolong and then to black tea, it loses much of it’s antioxidant properties. The polyphenol compounds (catechins) in green tea combine to form a variety of theaflavins with the result that these teas have different biological activities with green tea being the stongest. Black tea also contains up to three times the amount of caffeine as green tea.


The chemical composition of green tea is complex. It contains polyphenols, which include flavanols, flavandiols, flavonoids and phenolic acids.

Most of the green tea polyphenols are flavonols, commonly known as catechins. There are four kinds of catechins mainly found in green tea: epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).-

Green tea also contains proteins (15 to 20% dry weight), whose enzymes constitute an important fraction; amino acids (1 to 4% dry weight) such as theanine or 5-N-ethylglutamine, glutamic acid, tryptophan, glycine, serine, aspartic acid, tyrosine, valine, leucine, threonine, arginine and lysine; carbohydrates (5 to 7% dry weight) such as cellulose, pectin, glucose, fructose and sucrose; minerals and trace elements (5% dry weight) such as calcium, magnesium, chromium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, sodium, phosphorus, cobalt, strontium, nickel, potassium, fluorine and aluminium; and trace amounts of lipids (linoleic and α-linolenic acids), sterols (stigmasterol), vitamins (B, C, E, K), xanthic bases (caffeine, theophylline), pigments (chlorophyll, carotenoids) and volatile compounds (aldehydes, alcohols, esters, lactones, hydrocarbons).

While most of the research has been conducted on the ECGC constituents of green tea, a large body of research has been done on the flavonoid portion of the plant (kaempferol, quercetin and emyricetin) as these have been shown to be strong antioxidants and found to be potent chemo- preventative phytochemicals in skin cancer.

Limits the amount of free radicals by binding to reactive oxygen species (ROS)
increases plasma antioxidant capacity and reduces lipid peroxidation (especially oxidation of LDL.
Significant geno-protective effects were found with an in-vitro study and human trial using biomarkers of oxidative stress
Improves antioxidant systems and activates cyclic AMP response element-binding protein(CREB) in vivo leading to neuroprotection
Protects proteins and lipids from oxidation
Increases production of IL-10 (anti-inflammatory cytokine)
Used as a protective agent in pathological disorders caused by oxidative stress in iron overload conditions
Significantly decreases serum levels of iron, ferritin and malondialdehyde
Increases total antioxidant capacity
Inhibits the redox active transport factors – nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB) and activator protein 1
Upregulates antioxidant enzymes – catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Scavengers free radicals by decreasing superoxide anions, nitric oxide radicals, singlet oxygen, and peroxynitrite radicals
Reduces the formation of kidney stones
Prevents age related bone loss in elderly women and men. Ingestion of green tea and green tea bioactive compounds are beneficial in mitigating bone loss of this population and decreases their risk of osteoporotic hip fractures
Decreases the risk of fracture by improving bone mineral density and supporting osteoblastic activities while suppressing osteoclastic activities
Plays an adjunctive role for ovarian, cervical, colorectal, prostate, leukaemia and breast cancers
Studies report the daily consumption of at least 10 Japanese-size cups of green tea results in delayed onset of cancer
Enhances the cancer-preventive activity of sulindac (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and tamoxifen (a hormone therapy drug), resulting in smaller doses of these drugs and fewer adverse effects
Aromatase-inhibiting activity is more effective for women drinking green tea pre-menopause, which may delay the onset of breast cancer
Modifies oestrogen metabolism or conjugation and in this way influences breast cancer risk
Is a rich source of phytochemicals that can interact with and regulate xenobiotic metabolising enzymes
Lowers tendency for colorectal cancer development
Higher intake of green tea is linked with a reduced risk of adult leukaemia, acute lymphocytic leukaemia, chronic myeloid leukaemia and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Protects against development of primary hepatocellular (liver cell) carcinoma (HCC), especially in patients with chronic hepatitis
Significantly decrease the risk of ovarian cancer
Downregulates the expression of proteins involved in inflammation, cell signalling, cell motility and angiogenesis
Induces apoptosis and can potentiate the effects of cisplatin (a chemotherapeutic agent)
Endometrial cancer risk can be reduced by up to 23% for regular green tea drinkers
Human clinical trials demonstrate a decrease in the rate of tumour progression from prostate intraepithelial neoplasia to adenocarcinoma, together with evidence of a decrease in serum markers of tumour progression
Protects against nephron-toxicity by the chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin
Shown to inhibit atherosclerosis, reduce lipid levels overall and improve the ratio of LDL to HDL
Increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
Demonstrates statistically significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
Reduces lipid peroxidation (especially oxidation of LDL)
Reduces cholesterol absorption in the intestines
Increases faecal excretion of cholesterol and fats
Reduces liver production of cholesterol and regulates LDL receptors
Improves vasodilation via increased nitric oxide regulation, increased prostacyclin and increases in cAMP and cGMP signalling pathways
Reduces fasting serum glucose, insulin levels and insulin resistance
Reduces body weight and BMI and has favourable effects on body composition
Studies show moderate weight loss, reduction in waist circumference and improvement in metabolic parameters
Shows significant increases in resting metabolic rate, lean body mass and strength and significant reduction in waist circumference, body fat and triglycerides when combining green tea with resistance training (compared with placebo and resistance training only)
Consuming Chinese green tea every week for at least one year has a diabetic retinopathy risk reduction of about 50%
Demonstrates hepatoprotective actions and protection against NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
Improves the liver’s antioxidant capacity and down regulates serum hepcidin as well as reducing the release of apoptotic related proteins
Reduces iron overload toxicity which is associated with chronic liver diseases leading to hepatic fibrosis and subsequently cancer through oxidative stress and apoptotic pathways
Provides protection from liver damage especially in patients with Hepatitis B or C
Shows dramatic effects on T cell functions, including T cell activation, proliferation, differentiation and production of cytokines
Improves dysregulated T cell function with respect to different subsets of CD4(+) T cells leading to a reduction in the development of autoimmune inflammatory diseases
Antibacterial effects of tea have been demonstrated against a number of microorganisms including Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Bacillus spp., Klebsiella spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Antiviral effects of green tea have been demonstrated against the influenza virus, as well as against the herpes simplex virus, tobacco mosaic virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, Epstein Barr virus and HIV virus
Anti-fungal effects of tea have been reported against Candida albicans, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum
Antimalarial properties have been shown in vitro and strongly inhibits Plasmodium falciparum growth
Green tea kills the causal organisms of typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi) and brucellosis (Brucella melitensis)
Shows direct antimicrobial effects in vitro on Streptococcus mutans, the main cause of dental caries and it also seems to inhibit the attachment of the bacteria to oral surfaces
Consumption decreases the abundance of Clostridium species and increase the abundance of the Bifidobacterium species in faecal samples
Green tea catechins produce favourable improvements in human bowel conditions, as evidenced by a reduction of faecal moisture, pH, ammonia, sulphide and oxidation-reduction potential
Demonstrates a marked improvement in colitis and inflammatory bowel diseases
Has a inhibitory effect on Helicobacter Pylori and reduces incidents of stomach ulcers
Influences psychopathological symptoms (e.g. reduction of anxiety), cognition (e.g. benefits in memory and attention) and brain function (e.g. activation of working memory seen in functional MRI)
Confers protection against depression
Improves spatial memory during aging
Three or more cups a day shows a reduction in risk of stroke and cerebral haemorrhage by 21%
Human studies indicate that four cups of green tea daily decreases DNA damage
Effective in enhancing learning and memory in vivo indicating that it may serve useful in reversing age-related memory deficits
Controls oxidation reactions in the skin to reduce skin inflammation, photo damage, cancer and skin ageing
Regulates nitric oxide (NO) pathways and cell signalling
Regulates endothelial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)
Upregulates daf-16 and skn-1 gene; the DAF-16 transcription factor, homologue of the mammalian FOXO gene. is a key modulator of stress resistance, longevity, and other important cellular functions
Shown to influence several biological processes by inhibiting telomerase, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), activator protein-1, and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB)
Numerous ageing models have shown that green tea is able to extend longevity significantly under several stress conditions by postponing aging and age-related diseases
Upregulates stress-resistance-related proteins (SOD, heat shock protein(hsp)-16.2) and ageing-associated genes (DAF-16, SOD3, SKN-1)
Modulates the expression of some key genes in the insulin/IGF-1 signalling pathway
Upregulates the expression of some stress resistance associated genes, such as gst-4, hsp-16.2 and hsp-70, which are regulated downstream by the insulin/insulin-like (IIS) pathway
Shown to be effective in improving age-associated disorders such as immune-senescence, inflammation and organ functions, as well as extending lifespan in experimental animal models
Promotes restoration of Nrf2 signalling as well as PPARγ and SIRT1 levels (longevity genes)

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #984 em: 2021-03-11 19:11:45 »
Beneficios do Astragalus

Improves weakened immune systems
Increases energy and stamina
Improves fatigue and weakness
Reduces wrinkles and age spots on the skin
Enhances heart function and reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
Assists the repair of the liver
Reduces asthma symptoms and strengthens the lungs
Promotes a healthy menstrual cycle
Improves diabetes and pancreatic function
Astragalus membranaceus (bunge), Astragalus propinquus (schischkin), Huang Qi, Radix Astragali

Astragalus is native specifically to north eastern China, Mongolia, Korea and Siberia.

Astragalus was first recorded in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) classic Shen Nong’s Materia Medica about two thousand years ago. This text is the foundation of TCM and within it, herbs were arranged by type of material (herb, tree, etc), and then graded into categories of potency: upper, middle and lower. Astragalus was listed in the highest class. It was believed to stimulate immune function and have antioxidant effects and other benefits in the treatment of viral infections and cardiovascular disease. It has been prescribed for centuries for general weakness, chronic illnesses, to increase overall vitality and as a tonic to build stamina. Astragalus is among the most popular and important Qi (energy) tonifying adaptogenic herbs in China which means it vitalises the non-specific immune defences and wards off infections. Ancient Chinese texts record the use of astragalus for tonifying the spleen, blood and Qi.

Other traditional indications include wasting disorders, night sweats, chronic ulcerations and sores, numbness and paralysis of the limbs and oedema (from deficiency). Astragalus is typically prescribed as a dried root as an additive to meal preparations, powdered or in a decoction, however, Western herbalists have started tincturing the root as well.

Although originally from China astragalus has quickly integrated itself into Western herbalism and is now one of the primary immune tonic herbs in the Western pharmacopoeia. It has demonstrated a wide range of potential therapeutic applications in immunodeficiency syndromes, as an adjunct cancer therapy and for its adaptogenic effect on the heart and kidneys. It has similar Qi strengthening properties to Panax ginseng but is less heating and stimulating



The health effects of astragalus have been found due to the following chemicals and constituents -saponins such as cycloastragenol and astragalosides, polysaccharides (astroglucans A-C), flavonoids, amino acids, trace elements. Zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, cobalt, rubidium, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium, tin and silver. Phytosterols, a volatile oil, and amino acids, including gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and L-canavanine, have also been isolated from the root. Other organic compounds identified in the roots include choline, betaine, gluconic acid and beta-sitosterols, as well as aromatic compounds, essential oil, linoleic acid, α-aminobutyric acid, bitter compounds and asparagine.

Stimulates macrophages to produce interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor.
10-fold potentiation of the in vitro anti-tumour activity of rIL-2-generated lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells
Stimulates natural killer cell cytotoxicity
Enhances T3, T4 and T4/T8 cell ratios
Has shown value in preventing and treating acute myocarditis caused by coxsackie-B virus
Acts synergistically with the interferon therapy
Possesses in vitro antibacterial activity against Shigella dysenteriae, Streptococcus hemolyticus, diplococcus pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus
Shown to inhibit cytokine production via depressing p38 MAPK and NF-κB signalling pathways induced by advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
Modulates the balance of Th1/Th2 cytokines
Plays a role in preventing the recurrence of asthma
Inhibits the proliferation of abnormal cells and promoted cell apoptosis
Significantly increases serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity
Decreases malondialdehyde levels associated with oxidative stress
Restores depressed oxidative burst activity of splenic macrophages
Has inhibitory effects on oxidative stress induced by heavy metals
Demonstrates an inhibitory effect on oxidative stress induced by excess copper
Up-regulates the expression of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf-2), catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)
Acts by restoring the activities of MnSOD and GSH/GSSG ratio, as well as enhancing the thymus index and growth of cells in the spleen
Decreases peroxidative lipid levels
The triterpenoid saponin astragaloside IV has been isolated and repeatedly shown to activate the telomerase enzyme which prevents shortening of telomeres and makes them longer
Lengthens red blood cell telomeres and improves tissue regeneration
Prevents the degradation of type I procollagen
Protects human skin fibroblasts against ultraviolet A (UVA)-induced photoaging
Up-regulates anti-inflammatory gene expression and down-regulates pro-inflammatory gene expression via the AMPK signalling pathway
Regulates insulin/IGF-1 pathway and restores glucose homoeostasis
Reduces polyQ aggregation, alleviates neurotoxicity, and extend the adult lifespan by regulating DAF-16 downstream genes (a part of the longevity gene network)
improves markers of metabolic, bone, and cardiovascular health
Maintains stable levels of estimated glomerular filtration rate (EGFR) and delays the initiation of dialysis in late stage (4) kidney disease
Significantly lowers fasting blood glucose levels
Has an inhibitory effect on the oxidative stress that characterises early diabetic nephropathy (a leading cause of end-stage renal disease)
Has a significant stimulatory effect on sperm motility in semen
Decreases the replication of the hepatitis B virus
Has been shown to promote recovery from viral hepatitis
Alleviates and protects from drug induced liver injury in vivo
Shows significant positive effects in viral myocarditis in symptom improvement, normalisation of electrocardiogram (ECG) results, creatine phosphokinase levels and cardiac function
Induces production of alpha- and gamma-interferon in heart tissue
Improves cardiac microcirculation and is vasodilatory
Strengthen heart ventricular function
Provides significant relief from angina
Alleviates calcium overload-induced myocardial damage and improves both systolic and diastolic functions of heart in patients with chronic heart failure (improvement was 82.6 percent)
Improves vascular dysfunction by remodelling in high homocysteinemia

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #985 em: 2021-03-11 19:12:56 »
Beneficios dos rebentos de broculos

Improves cardiovascular health
Reduces blood sugars
Promotes weight loss
Assists detoxification
Protects the skin from UV damage
Protects the stomach from ulcers
Improves asthma symptoms
Enhances immune activity
Lowers inflammation throughout the body
Improves cognitive performance and protects the brain
Improves symptoms of autism
Improves bone strength
Stimulates hair growth
Reduces damage to the eyes and retina
Improves bladder and kidney function
Reduces the risk of cancer development
Supports healthy ageing
Brassica Oleracea

Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family and is closely related to the cauliflower. Historical records tell us that broccoli was first cultivated in ancient Rome.

Broccoli’s name is derived from the Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, describing its tree-like shape that features a compact head of florets attached by small stems to a larger stalk. It was later called Broccolo, which means “cabbage sprout.”

Broccoli was transported via trade routes to many Eastern countries where it was appreciated for its edible flower heads. It was subsequently brought back to Rome where it was further cultivated and became a popular staple in the Roman diet. Broccoli was introduced to the United States in colonial times and then popularised by Italian immigrants who had brought this prized vegetable with them to the New World.

As broccoli seeds begin to germinate, tiny plants called sprouts grow from the seedlings. Broccoli sprouts are 3-4-day old broccoli plants that have a similar appearance to alfalfa sprouts and when eaten taste the same as radishes.

Broccoli sprouts are extremely rich in nutrients compared to the adult vegetable and they contain the whole plant information concentrated into a very tiny shoot. They are loaded with vitamin C and A, the minerals calcium and iron, protein, and fibre. Broccoli sprouts also contain lots of enzymes which are needed for their growth and are extremely healthy for us when we consume them.

Cruciferous plants contain compounds called glucosinolates, which convert into isothiocyanates when eaten and chewed. All cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, but broccoli sprouts have an unbelievable amount — about 50 to 100 times more than most cruciferous vegetables. And, the ones they contain — called sulforaphane — are especially potent. By weight this means that 30 grams of broccoli sprouts contains as much sulforaphane as eating over a kilo of fully grown broccoli.


Sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate, a sulphur-containing organic compound. It is found in all cruciferous vegetables such as whole broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale.

Sulforaphane is created from two very specific compounds found in different parts of the broccoli sprout - myrosinase and glucoraphanin. When the vegetable is chopped, blended, or chewed, the two compounds react with each other to produce our wonder molecule – Sulforaphane.

Scientific research has shown that sulforaphane has among the broadest potential pool of benefits of all dietary polyphenols.

In our bodies, the primary sulforaphane metabolism sites are the intestinal walls; the liver, where it is conjugated with glutathione; the kidney, where it is conjugated with n-acetyl cysteine; and the bladder. It also accumulates mainly in those same organs, and in lower concentrations in plasma, skin, and lung tissues.

Significantly reduces total and LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides
Increases HDL protective cholesterol
Decreases insulin sensitivity
Prevents diabetes-induced heart dysfunction
Prevents thickening of the heart muscle
Protects against UVA damage by inhibiting AP-1 activation and increasing the expression of metalloproteinases
Reduces collagen breakdown
Increases Prdx6 expression and cytoprotection against UVB-induced injury
Improves behavioural symptoms
Has neuroprotective effects on brain cells and reduces neurodegenerative diseases
Regulates the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) via HDAC inhibition
Promotes the expression of various molecules that are involved in synaptic plasticity
Decreases Helicobacter Pylori colonisation
Protects against inflammation in the stomach lining
Decreases elevated ALT, GGT and ALP liver enzymes
Inhibits the progression of alcohol induced fatty liver
Potent activator of phase 2 detoxification enzymes
Powerfully induces the breakdown and metabolism of toxic chemicals
Suppresses airway inflammation caused by diesel exhaust particles
Improves immune function in lung macrophages
Reduces asthma symptoms
Halts cancer cell growth
Promotes cancer cell death
Helps clear carcinogenic substances quickly and efficiently
Suppresses kinase enzymes responsible for colon cancer
Prevents cells from mutating and becoming abnormal
Lowers risks of bladder cancer by 29%
Reduces the risks of developing lung, colon, breast, and ovarian cancers
Activates several tumour suppressor genes
Inhibits TERT expression by decreasing DNMTs in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells
Participates in the inhibition/modulation of HDAC and DNMT activity which leads to the reactivation of epigenetically silenced genes to enhance cancer cell death and cancer prevention
Activates the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway
Regulates NF-kB molecules to reduce inflammation cascades
Inhibits IκB phosphorylation and NF-κB nuclear translocation
Reduces DNA demethylation levels of the Nrf2 promoter
Increases the transcription of diverse antioxidant response genes, such as NAD(P), H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1), heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1), and γ-glutamylcysteine ligase (γ GCL)
Increases antioxidant gene expression
Helps balance the cellular redox state
Improves production and activity of master antioxidants such as glutathione (GHS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)
Decreases the inflammation master regulators - TNF-α and IL-6
Decreases the expression of pro-inflammatory markers such as IL-1b, COX2, and iNOS
Preserves proteostasis by activating the proteasome - which increases cellular lifespan
Increases DNA-binding and nuclear translocation
Produces metabolites that inhibit HDAC activity, thus altering the cellular epigenetic pathways
Decreases DNMT expression - inducing various gene transcription actions
Enhances the induction of several proteasome subunits
Upregulates Hsp27 - which is shown to promote proteasome activation
Enhances autophagy activity in the brain and the liver
Provides a modest reduction in age-related oxidative stress and glial reactivity
Promotes MSC (stem cell) proliferation and protects them from apoptosis and senescence
Exhibits a caloric restriction mimetic-like activity and decreases oxidative damage to proteins and DNA

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #986 em: 2021-03-11 19:15:37 »
Beneficios do ... never mind eheh

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #987 em: 2021-03-11 19:26:59 »

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #988 em: 2021-03-11 19:44:50 »
Falta o, gengibre


Este site é porreiro.
Agrega imensos estudos por tema ou suplemento

Do lado direito estao os temas e categorias etc



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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #989 em: 2021-03-18 09:47:19 »
Eh eh eh...  é pra rir.
Assim que desconfinarmos... sairemos da zona verde!
Os virulogistas sabem que é assim...



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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #990 em: 2021-03-18 09:58:51 »
Eh eh eh...  é pra rir.
Assim que desconfinarmos... sairemos da zona verde!
Os virulogistas sabem que é assim...


Até ao outono vamos estar consistentemente abaixo da zona verde
Jim Chanos: "We Are In The Golden Age of Fraud".


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #991 em: 2021-03-18 12:49:00 »
Portugal, na zona verde,
daqui até o natal, vira
pódio de turismo!


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #992 em: 2021-03-22 07:57:30 »
Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines



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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #993 em: 2021-03-22 09:47:39 »
Beneficios do chá verde

Powerful antioxidant
Provides strong anti-inflammatory activity
Improves cardiovascular health
Improves brain function and improves mood
Protects the brain from ageing
Stimulates weight loss and fat burning
Eases digestive symptoms and bowel disease
Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
Helps to fight infections
Helps remove heavy metals
Assists in the treatment of cancer
Upregulates longevity genes
Beneficios do chá preto/vermelho?
« Última modificação: 2021-03-22 09:48:25 por zAPPa »
Jim Chanos: "We Are In The Golden Age of Fraud".


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #994 em: 2021-03-22 09:57:29 »
Gosto do verde e do preto!
E do café, também
« Última modificação: 2021-03-22 09:58:31 por vbm »

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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #995 em: 2021-03-25 13:20:42 »
Scratching my head


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #996 em: 2021-03-25 14:08:01 »
Se a variante brasileira P1 for mais transmissivel que a britanica e se tornar dominante nós e o resto do mundo estamos bem fritos.


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #997 em: 2021-03-25 14:22:06 »
Mais um atraso nos planos de vacinação... pelo menos a inglaterra recebia vacinas da India, não sei se também estavamos a receber algumas.

A Índia, um dos maiores produtores e fornecedores de vacinas para a COVAX decidiu hoje impor uma restrição à exportação de vacinas contra a covid-19 sob o pretexto de priorizar a inoculação da própria população, que enfrenta neste momento uma segunda e forte vaga de infeções.

A notícia é avançada pelo Financial Times que adianta que o Serum Institute of India (SII) - a entidade responsável pela produção de vacinas - recebeu ordens para embargar todas as exportações num prazo de dois a três meses.

Em resposta ao sucedido, a Gavi (uma aliança para a vacinação iniciada pela Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates) emitiu um comunicado em que explica que "as entregas de vacinas a economias de baixo rendimento que participam na COVAX vão ser alvo de atrasos no seguimento do percalço em assegurar licenças de exportação de doses produzidas pelo SII, com entrega prevista para março e abril".

Acontece que o SII tem em vigor um contrato para produção de 550 milhões de doses da vacina da AstraZeneca e outros 550 milhões da Novavax, todas destinadas à COVAX.

A Índia enfrenta neste momento um novo pico de infeções e está a preparar-se para alargar o seu plano de vacinação a todas as pessoas com mais de 44 anos, a começar já no dia 1 de abril. Este país exportou também já cerca de 60 milhões de vacinas para todo o mundo - mais do que o número de doses administradas entre a sua própria população.


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #998 em: 2021-03-26 12:44:40 »
Se a variante brasileira P1 for mais transmissivel que a britanica e se tornar dominante nós e o resto do mundo estamos bem fritos.

Quem nos está a fritar não é tanto o Sars-Cov-2 mas bem mais os nossos governantes que nos condenam a uma prisão sem fim à vista, enquanto que eles se passeiam sem grande receio (até o próprio hipocondríaco PR) por tudo quanto é lado.

Se eu fosse governante armado ao tiranete e com um povo descerebrado e em estado comatoso, também gostava de passear à minha vontade sem ser importunado pelo "povinho".


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Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« Responder #999 em: 2021-04-01 19:36:32 »
Isso aí do slow and burocratic já cheira a preconceito. Os americanos já interiorizaram tanto a ideia de que a UE é burocrática que agora vêem burocracia em tudo o que se passa na Europa. Eu observei os centros de vacinação cá em Portugal e tudo era bem feito, rápido, eficaz, organizado, e nada burocrático (o problema é o abastecimento de vacinas).