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Autor Tópico: Vacina para Coronavirus  (Lida 62816 vezes)

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #820 em: 2021-07-07 16:29:32 »
Every life form starts in the darkness. A seed, a baby, a dog. Kkk

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #821 em: 2021-07-07 16:32:06 »
Nos últimos dois dias foram envenenados em Portugal 300 mil e nas próximas 2 semanas prevê-se que sejam cerca de 2 milhões. Fazem-se filas para o envenenamento (voluntário) e chega-se a aguardar 4 horas na fila. Envenenamento em massa como diz a 'notícia' acima.

E que tal se esses cientistas metessem no microscópio eletrónico o ar que respiramos? Também iriam encontrar seguramente venenos como p.e. o monóxido de carbono. O mesmo se poderia dizer do peixe, onde iriam encontrar mercúrio. E por aí fora.

Digam a esses cientistas que é a dose que faz o veneno.

a faculdade ja se desmarcou , creio que sao fake news

Ate eu me desmarcava. E qualquer um.


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #822 em: 2021-07-07 16:34:00 »
A toxicidade do grafeno

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #823 em: 2021-07-07 16:34:52 »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #825 em: 2021-07-07 16:47:30 »
Em 2017 houve outro estudo sobre o que contem as vacinas para la dos ingredientes anunciados.
Este estudo foi em Italia.

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti,1,2  Stefano Montanari3

1National Council of Research of Italy, Institute for the Science and Technology of Ceramics, Italy
2International Clean Water Institute, USA
3Nanodiagnostics srl, Italy

Correspondence: Dr. Antonietta Gatti, National Council of Research of Italy, c/o Nanodiagnostics Via E. Fermi, 1/L, 41057 San Vito (MO), Italy, Tel 059798778

Um dos efeitos do grafeno no sangue é precisamente a coagulacao excessiva.


Como é que uma vacina pode ter tantos contaminantes? Isto porque os labs sao altamente higienicos.

No post acima esqueci-me de referir que o oxido de grafeno é em forma de hidrogel .

Vcs já estão grafenados.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #827 em: 2021-07-07 16:57:40 »
We, the cyborgs ( with a kill switch) kkk

O gajo da google
« Última modificação: 2021-07-07 16:58:55 por Utu »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #828 em: 2021-07-07 17:30:56 »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #830 em: 2021-07-07 17:37:12 »
O SM102, composto presente na Moderna


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #831 em: 2021-07-07 18:47:20 »
Até vao a casa

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #832 em: 2021-07-07 23:53:48 »
Lar em Matosinhos que tinha todos vacinados esta com 42 infectados.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #833 em: 2021-07-08 00:07:00 »
Quando a lambda entrar com força vao mandar levar com o triple boost.

Foujam cralhes

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #834 em: 2021-07-08 00:27:32 »
Bar aberto para uns shots

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #835 em: 2021-07-08 00:47:00 »

O terceiro boost? Já?

As infections have surged in Israel in the last few weeks, the Israeli Government reports that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against infection has dropped to 64% from 94% the previous month. However, its effectiveness against serious disease is holding up. The Telegraph has more.

The vaccine had a 64% efficacy rate from early June until early July, the latest figures show, down from 94% a month earlier. The decrease coincides with a period in which the government reversed coronavirus restrictions and the delta variant spread through the country.

But the vaccine is still conferring strong protection against severe symptoms of the virus, with hospitalisation rates remaining low. The ministry’s data shows the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing hospitalisation was 93% from June 6th to July 3rd, compared to a 98% rate in the previous period.

On Monday, Israel reported the highest rate of new infections since the start of its most recent outbreaks, with the ministry recording 343 new cases over the past 24 hours.

Over half (55%) of the new infections are in fully vaccinated people, according to recent data. Since the country has fully vaccinated about 60% of the population, this suggests the vaccine is not protecting from infection very much at all (less even than the new stated efficacy figure of 64%). This is particularly so given that most of the infections are likely to be in socially and economically active younger people (like they are in the U.K.) who have lower vaccination rates, so that the vaccinated may even be suffering disproportionately more infections than the unvaccinated (the data is currently unavailable to confirm this).

The pattern of outbreaks in highly vaccinated countries such as Bahrain, Seychelles, Maldives and Chile and the fact that the vaccines don’t produce mucosal IgA antibodies has suggested for a while that their effectiveness against infection may have been exaggerated in studies. The idea that the IgG antibodies they produce in the blood should protect against progression to serious illness makes more sense and it is reassuring to see this data holding up.

The Israeli Government is now discussing the need for a third booster shot, and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has said people will “likely” need a third dose within 12 months of getting “fully vaccinated”. The Government may also consider limiting gathering sizes and reintroducing the controversial “Green Pass” vaccine apartheid system.

However, if a highly vaccinated country like Israel cannot return to normal without constant threat of new restrictions you have to wonder if anyone can. At some point leaders will need to accept that they have done all they can to guard the vulnerable against serious illness and death and remember that there is more to life than avoiding COVID-19

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #836 em: 2021-07-08 01:12:37 »
Algo giro de ler :

VMAT2 the God gene.

E tambem VMAT2 covid

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #837 em: 2021-07-08 01:24:51 »
É aquilo que digo ha dias decadas, as drogas destroem o que as pessoas têm de bom.

As a pharmacologist, I would like to express some concerns about the possible use of reserpine in this context. Reserpine is an old, well known anti-hypertensive drug, with a peculiar ability to counteract the sympathetic nervous system at both central and peripheral levels. Mechanistically, it inhibits the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), preventing the accumulation of catecholamines and serotonin into the synaptic vesicles of the adrenergic neurons. Its use has been largely supplanted by other treatments that have shown equal or superior efficacy together with greater tolerability (6,7). Reserpine shows a peculiar, dose-dependent toxicity profile, characterized by sedation, nasal stuffiness, severe depression, even long-lasting after stopping treatment, gastrointestinal disorders, hyperprolactinemia, bradycardia and other cardiac arrhythmias, parkinsonism (8). The putative antiviral activity of reserpine has not been tested in vivo and no indication about effective doses exists. By impairing the sympathetic control, a dose range similar to that used in antihypertensive therapy may be harmful in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Multiple drug interactions may also occur, such as with adrenaline or other sympathomimetic amines, antiarrhythmic drugs, and sedative drugs like dexmedetomidine, clonidine, which are increasingly used in intensive care units.

For these reasons, we have not included reserpine and other drugs with similar potential in our review. However, we agree that further research is needed to deepen the knowledge of the SARS-CoV-2 exocytosis pathways and may represent a chance of finding new weapons against this global threat.

Conflict of interest:

Each author declares that he or she has no commercial associations (e.g. consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangement etc.) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article

Article information

Acta Biomed. 2020; 91(3): e2020049.
Published online 2020 Sep 7. doi: 10.23750/abm.v91i3.10108
PMCID: PMC7716991
PMID: 32921741
Francesco Potìcorresponding author
Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia – Unità di Neuroscienze dell’Università di Parma

Inversamente, as estatinas podem ter algum efeito benefico a nivel mental, com mais dopamina.
Mais dopamina, mais drive.
Mas ha casos tambem que as estatinas podem por algumas pessoas mais neuroticas. Talvez por excesso de dopamina.
Mas nunca tinha lido nada sobre este VMAT2

The identification of an effective disease-modifying treatment for the neurodegenerative progression in Parkinson's disease (PD) remains a major challenge. Epidemiological studies have reported that intake of statins, cholesterol lowering drugs, could be associated to a reduced risk of developing PD. In-vivo studies suggest that statins may reduce the severity of dopaminergic neurodegeneration. We have investigated the trophic potential of statins and their impact on the expression of dopaminergic synaptic markers and dopamine (DA) transport function in SH-SY5Y cells. Our findings show that statin treatment induces neurite outgrowth involving a specific effect on the complexity of the neurite branching pattern. Statins increased the levels of presynaptic dopaminergic biomarkers such as vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), synaptic vesicle glycoproteins 2A and 2C (SV2C) and synaptogyrin-3 (SYNGR3). Gene expression analysis confirmed a rapid statin-induced up-regulation of VMAT2-, SV2C- and SYNGR3-mRNA levels. Assessment of [(3) H]DA transport in statin-treated cells showed a reduction in DA uptake concomitant to a modification of VMAT2 pharmacological properties. We also observed a nuclear translocation of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP-1). Our results suggest that statins induce phenotypic changes in dopaminergic cells characterized by an increase of growth, complexity of structural synaptic elements and expression of key presynaptic proteins with functional impact on the DA transport capacity. Statin-induced changes are likely the result of a downstream modulation of SREBP-1 pathway. Overall, these mechanisms may contribute to the neuroprotective or neurorestorative effects observed in the dopaminergic system and strengthen the therapeutic potential of statins for PD. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #838 em: 2021-07-08 10:08:36 »

O terceiro boost? Já?

Utu, vê bem isto:

But the vaccine is still conferring strong protection against severe symptoms of the virus, with hospitalisation rates remaining low. The ministry’s data shows the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing hospitalisation was 93% from June 6th to July 3rd, compared to a 98% rate in the previous period.

Como é que raio alguém pode ser contra a vacinação?
“I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak.”
― Woody Allen

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #839 em: 2021-07-08 11:25:36 »

O terceiro boost? Já?

Utu, vê bem isto:

But the vaccine is still conferring strong protection against severe symptoms of the virus, with hospitalisation rates remaining low. The ministry’s data shows the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing hospitalisation was 93% from June 6th to July 3rd, compared to a 98% rate in the previous period.

Como é que raio alguém pode ser contra a vacinação?

complicado , creio que excluindo os anti vacinaçao (a tudo)  as pessoas com esta vacina nao querem é ser cobaias pois tem receio do que isto possa fazer a curto/medio/longo prazo.
repara que isto abrange varios estratos sociais e ate economicos, mas falamos de uma minoria.