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Autor Tópico: Biden vs Trump  (Lida 21883 vezes)

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #360 em: 2024-03-09 17:25:27 »
suecia entrou na nato

pelo visto suecia desistiu de ser imperial

russia so nasceu com fim imperio sueco

O império sueco acabou há muito tempo... (ca. 1721)...

«The Swedish Empire (Swedish: stormaktstiden, "the Era of Great Power")[1] was the period in Swedish history spanning much of the 17th and early 18th centuries during which Sweden became a European great power that exercised territorial control over much of the Baltic region. The beginning of the period is usually taken as the reign of Gustavus Adolphus, who ascended the throne in 1611, and its end as the loss of territories in 1721 following the Great Northern War.[1]»


Chegou a ter colónias na América:

«New Sweden (Swedish: Nya Sverige)[1] was a colony of the Swedish Empire along the lower reaches of the Delaware River between 1638 and 1655 in present-day Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in the United States.[2] Established during the Thirty Years' War when Sweden was a great power, New Sweden formed part of the Swedish efforts to colonize the Americas.

Settlements were established on both sides of the Delaware River. Fort Christina, located in what is now Wilmington, Delaware, was the first settlement, named after Christina, Queen of Sweden. The settlers were Swedes, Finns, and a number of Dutch. New Sweden was conquered by the Dutch Republic in 1655 during the Second Northern War and incorporated into the Dutch colony of New Netherland.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #361 em: 2024-03-09 17:41:12 »
isso pouco tempo

baltico ainda e hostil a russos...

russos tiveram mais sorte com filandenses  eram povo do pantano

eram do pantano...  nao do mar!!!!
« Última modificação: 2024-03-09 17:47:01 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #362 em: 2024-03-09 17:47:57 »
mar negro e bem menos hostil

que mar do norte!

servia tambem nao tem saida para mar

nato e como nome diz....   mar! e deles

Portugal, a NATO e o mar

rganização que tem o mar como elemento de ligação entre os seus dois pilares: o pilar americano e o pilar europeu.sabemos que uma das principais razões por que os EUA cortejaram Portugal nos anos 40 foi a sua posição geoestratégica, nomeadamente os Açores. “Trampolim Atlântico

russos so tiveram mar no seculo 18.....

pillar e planice!
« Última modificação: 2024-03-09 18:13:10 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #363 em: 2024-03-09 18:14:28 »
qualidade de membros fundadores não foi nem um acidente histórico nem uma benesse de Washington ao regime do Estado Novo. Foi – e é – uma decorrência da nossa maritimidade,

o mesmo se pode dizer turcos

Ancara é o membro mais importante da Otan na região do Mar Negro e se vê como um centro de comércio entre a Ásia Central, o Cáucaso e o Oriente Médio.

A Turquia está bastante empenhada em assegurar o seu papel de liderança na região face à Otan. A relação com a Rússia é particularmente importante para Ancara. Tanto em Ancara, como em Moscou, o Mar Negro é visto como uma zona de interesse absolutamente prioritária

Em tempos de paz, a Ucrânia enviava mais de 50% de suas exportações totais através de seu maior porto no Mar Negro, em Odessa.
« Última modificação: 2024-03-09 18:21:06 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #364 em: 2024-03-09 18:22:03 »
basicamente parte fraca russia sempre foi mar!

parte forte ocidente sempre foi mar!
« Última modificação: 2024-03-09 18:22:33 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #365 em: 2024-03-09 19:27:26 »
A Rússia só terá futuro
quando se ucranizar.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #366 em: 2024-03-11 18:54:58 »
«US Swing States Misery Index Shows Bidenomics Is Failing

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Monday, Mar 11, 2024 - 06:20 PM

Authored by Daniel Lacalle,

One of the most dangerous things that a government can do is present a glossy picture of the economy at a time when families and small businesses are suffering. Governments are always optimistic, but sending euphoric messages tends to backfire, especially when the situation for the middle class is complicated.

In the United States, the Biden administration’s message of “the strongest economy in decades” is not just an exaggeration; it may anger voters who suffer the burden of negative real wage growth, accumulated inflation, and higher taxes.

According to a study by the Tax Policy Center, 20 to 30 percent of middle-income households saw a tax hike in 2022 and according to the Tax Foundation, workers bear an estimated 70 percent of the corporate income tax hikes. Indirect taxation is only one source of purchasing power loss for families. Rising taxation on productive capacity reduces the availability of manufacturing jobs, limits real wage growth, and creates higher costs for consumers.

One way of measuring the situation of families in the United States is the Misery II Index, calculated as the current unemployment rate added to the accumulated consumer price index measure of inflation over the past four years. Historically, the Misery II Index, according to Bloomberg Economics, has been 17.65% in years when the current president wins an election. However, the reality of the United States economy today is much worse.

The Misery II Index for the United States stands at 23% for the whole nation, and Bloomberg Economics estimates that it will reach a staggering 24% by the time of the elections.

This means that the average US citizen has lost an enormous amount of wealth and purchasing power in salaries due to accumulated inflation, and low unemployment may not create voter support as the reality of real wage growth also shows that the average U.S. worker is struggling.

As Ryan McMaken points out, the recent minuscule increase in real wages is hardly good news when it comes after 25 months in a row of year-over-year declines in real wages from mid-2021 to mid-2023. This means that the average hourly wage has increased by just 0.76% over the past four years, when in the previous four years real wages rose three times more, or 2.8 percent.

This Misery II Index is not just bad for the whole United States. According to Bloomberg, swing-state economies have fared relatively poorly during the Biden presidency, especially since mid-2022,” with the Misery II Index for swing states almost two percentage points higher than other states.

We do not know if this will make a strong difference in voters’ decisions, but the weakening of workers’ and businesses conditions are signs of why the average American sees a much weaker economy than headlines suggest.

There is a lesson here that no government will learn. Inflationist policies never work and may make the administration lose an election. Wrongly named stimulus plans only leave a massive trail of debt and impoverishment for citizens.

The government tries to blame inflation on anything and everything except the insane fiscal and monetary policy of the past years. There is no such thing as commodity inflation, corporate greedflation, cost-push inflation, or shrinkflation. The only thing that can make aggregate prices rise in unison, consolidate the increase, and continue rising even if it is at a slower pace is the destruction of the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar through the monetary mismanagement caused by monetizing an unsustainable and ever-increasing public deficit. If any of the aforementioned factors had contributed to inflation, we would currently be experiencing deflation rather than persistent inflation, which only refers to a slower rate of price increases. Inflation is always the destruction of the purchasing power of the currency and that is what Americans received when they were promised free things: lower real wages and a diminishing purchasing power of deposit savings.

The so-called Bidemomics has brought debt to an all-time high and no real wage growth with low official unemployment that disguises labor participation and employment to population ratios below the 2019 level.

Yes, the government is to blame for inflation, and a strong economy does not show an average 0.7% real wage growth in four years, a two trillion dollar annual government deficit with $34 trillion debt, and a 17.6% accumulated official CPI inflation that is 33.7% if we consider food, 18.7% in shelter and 32.8% in energy, an estimated 30% in all non-replaceable goods, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2021-2023.

Governments are to blame for inflation, and this may be a key factor in the elections.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #367 em: 2024-03-17 17:41:33 »
Chaos...   :(

«What Will Happen When They Give The Green Light To Millions Of Radicals To Cause Widespread Chaos All Over America?

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Mar 17, 2024 - 11:00 AM

Authored by Michael Snyder via TheMostImportantNews.com,

Violence and crime are already completely out of control all over the United States.  In fact, you definitely wouldn’t want to be caught in the streets when hordes of our lawless young people are running wild.  If things are this bad already, what is going to happen if the election in November does not go the way that leaders on the left want and they give the green light to millions of radicals to cause widespread chaos all over America?  I think that we got a small preview of what this could look like during the riots of 2020.  Unfortunately, since that time the open border policies of the Biden administration have allowed millions of extremely desperate people to come pouring into this country.  The stage is being set for civil unrest on a scale that we have never seen before, and it certainly isn’t going to take much to push our society over the edge.

Just look at what is happening in New York City.  Crime in the subway system is so bad that Governor Kathy Hochul has decided to call in the National Guard…

    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is sending in the state National Guard to New York City to help police curb a surge in crime in the city’s subways.

    Announcing a five-point plan on Wednesday, the Democratic governor said she was deploying 750 members of the National Guard to the subways to assist the New York Police Department with bag searches at entrances to busy train stations.

    “For people who are thinking about bringing a gun or knife on the subway, at least this creates a deterrent effect. They might be thinking, ‘You know what, it just may just not be worth it because I listened to the mayor and I listened to the governor and they have a lot more people who are going to be checking my bags,'” Hochul said at a news conference in New York City.

Have things gotten so bad that we need to bring in soldiers with guns to keep order on the subways?

Apparently so.

Mass transit crime is also a major problem in Philadelphia, and it is being suggested that the National Guard should be deployed there too…

    Transit Workers Union Local 234 President Brian Pollitt is demanding accountability from Gov. Josh Shapiro, Mayor Cherelle Parker, and SEPTA officials after a string of violent crimes on and around Philadelphia mass transit over the last few weeks.

    In fact, he says he has been calling for National Guard deployment on SEPTA – similar to how New York City has deployed the National Guard on MTA – for four years, according to WKYW.

    “I think that governor needs a round of applause because they’re going through the very same thing that we’re going through,” Pollitt said of New York City.

I thought that dealing with crime was what the police were supposed to do.

Unfortunately, police departments in major cities all over the country are now severely underfunded and understaffed.

In Pittsburgh, the situation is so dire that police will no longer respond to calls involving “theft, harassment, criminal mischief, and burglary”…

    WPXI Channel 11 out of Pittsburgh reports that police will no longer be responding to calls that are not deemed to be “in-progress emergencies,” meaning theft, harassment, criminal mischief, and burglary alarms will essentially be ignored.

    Such calls will Instead be redirected to an answer machine, according to the report which also notes that from 3 am to 7 am, the city’s six police stations will operate without desk officers present.

    Only around 20 officers will be available for overnight shifts to cover the entire city, the report further notes, stating that the decision has been taken due to “understaffing.”


So if you own a home in Pittsburgh and someone is robbing you, what are you supposed to do?

We really have reached a point in our societal decline where the wheels are coming off right in front of our eyes.

In Oakland, crime is so bad that four out of the five Taco Bell restaurants in the city have completely closed their dining rooms…

    Taco Bell restaurants in Oakland, California have been forced to suspend indoor dining indefinitely after being subjected to a series of robberies amid an unrelenting crime surge in the city, DailyMail.com can reveal.

    Four of the five Taco Bell locations across the Bay Area city now have large signs hanging from their windows advising: ‘DINING ROOM CLOSED.’

    Business has been restricted to drive-thru service only – a sad new reality for many customers and families hoping to sit down for a peaceful meal.

It may not be easy for a lot of people to admit, but we are rapidly becoming a third world country.

Theft is absolutely rampant in America today.  Organized retail crime has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, and according to CNBC some of these groups actually have very sophisticated facilities that are “indistinguishable from other e-commerce distribution centers”…

    But federal agents with Homeland Security Investigations, the Department of Homeland Security’s law enforcement branch, said some crime groups are even more elaborate — and theft is just one facet of their enterprises.

    “We’re talking about operations that have fleets of trucks, 18-wheelers that have palletized loads of stolen goods, that have cleaning crews that actually clean the goods to make them look brand new,” said Adam Parks, an assistant special agent in charge at HSI, which is the main federal agency investigating retail crime.

    “Just like any business, they’ve invested their capital into business assets like shrink wrap machines, forklifts,” Parks, who works out of HSI’s Baton Rouge, Louisiana, office, told CNBC in an interview. “That is what organized theft looks like, and it actually is indistinguishable from other e-commerce distribution centers.”

We have never seen anything like this before.

If you follow my work on a regular basis, you know that I have been saying that a lot lately.

Our country has been totally transformed.  At this point our youths are so lawless that even very young girls are committing acts of extreme violence…

    The Missouri Attorney General is calling on the 15-year-old girl who beat another teen’s head into concrete to be tried as an adult.

    The teenage victim is fighting for life in critical condition after her head was repeatedly smashed into the ground during a brawl near a Missouri high school.

    AG Andrew Bailey announced on X: ‘This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere. I am praying for the victim.

    ‘The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide.’

Our streets are stained with blood from coast to coast, and more violent predators are being allowed in on a continual basis.

Earlier today, I came across an article about the 50 most violent cities in the world.

If you can believe it, 46 of them are actually in the western hemisphere…

    To qualify for the list, a city (or metropolitan area) must have at least 300,000 inhabitants.

    The calculations are based on the rate of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

    Of the 50 most violent cities on the 2023 list, 46 were in the Western Hemisphere.

    The only exceptions were four cities in South Africa.

I suppose that most of you will not be surprised to learn that Mexico had the most cities on the list…

    The country with the most violent cities on the list was our neighbor to the south, Mexico, with 16. In second place was Brazil, with 10 cities, followed by Colombia with eight.

    The United States of America was #4 on the list with six cities.

With such extreme violence raging just across our southern border, you would think that our leaders would be doing all that they can to keep us safe.

But instead the Biden administration has been allowing millions upon millions of people to come pouring in.

Our migration crisis is fueling a growth explosion for criminal gangs all over the nation.

We are already experiencing a crime wave of epic proportions, but I am extremely concerned about what will happen if things go a certain way in November.

If they don’t win the election, leaders on the left may decide to make it very clear that it is time for “civil disobedience” on a massive scale.

I have been warning about civil unrest that would completely and utterly tear this country apart for many years, and I believe that we are now right on the brink of seeing that happen.

Many of our major cities have reached a point where they are literally on the verge of being ungovernable, and America is becoming a little bit more lawless with each passing day.

*  *  *

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #368 em: 2024-03-18 01:55:32 »
Por que adotar o cristianismo foi uma vantagem para a Rússia

É desnecessário dizer que os historiadores russos e ocidentais apresentaram inúmeras explicações pragmáticas para a escolha que a antiga Rus fez em favor do cristianismo grego. Segundo o historiador Vassíli Kliutchêvski, o principal objetivo dos primeiros príncipes de Kiev era proteger suas fronteiras de um ataque de um inimigo externo e garantir o comércio exterior.

Batismo de Vladímir.

Domínio público
Vladímir tinha que se certificar de que as terras e tribos que viviam nas terras ocupadas, que haviam sido recentemente reunidas sob seu governo, mas ainda estavam fragmentadas, pagavam os impostos em dia, eram leais ao governo e serviriam a ele no caso de um ataque externo.

De acordo com Kliutchêvski, a conversão da Rússia ao cristianismo – e a forma de cristianismo proveniente de Bizâncio – foi facilitada pela multiplicidade de laços culturais, comerciais e políticos que existiam entre a Rússia e Bizâncio. Em parte, isso também foi impulsionado pelo desejo de Bizâncio de “domar” um vizinho cheio de energia para se expandir.

Os príncipes varegues que governavam a Rus atacaram Bizâncio mais de uma vez. Para evitar ataques dos pagãos beligerantes, o imperador bizantino, muito antes do reinado de Vladímir, despachou missionários para a Rus.

Além disso, Vladímir, sem dúvida, queria se beneficiar de sua conversão ao cristianismo grego. Em 988, ele capturou a cidade bizantina de Korsun (atual Querson, na Crimeia) e exigiu - em troca de paz - se casar com a irmã do imperador, a princesa Anna.

Sob a ameaça da invasão de Constantinopla por Vladímir, o imperador concordou, mas exigiu que Vladímir se tornasse cristão primeiro. Reza a lenda que Vladímir foi batizado em Korsun (no século 19, a Catedral de Vladímir foi construída no local).

   e assim que bizantinos controlavam os "gatos"!  nas suas terras

Casar-se com Anna era, antes de tudo, um sinal de prestígio para Vladímir. Ele não era mais considerado um príncipe pagão bárbaro, mas um parente do próprio imperador.

A crônica registra uma mudança milagrosa que ocorreu no caráter do príncipe após seu batismo: ele teria renunciado à fornicação e se tornado virtuoso e misericordioso. Quando chegou a Kiev, a princesa Anna foi acompanhada por clérigos bizantinos e ministros da Igreja, que começaram a converter os russos ao cristianismo, difundir a alfabetização e ensinar a Lei de Deus.

A cristianização dos rus' de Kiev os ligou permanentemente ao Império Bizantino. O ensino do grego e a cultura literária bizantina foram adotados em Kiev e em outros centros do país. Igrejas começaram a ser construídas seguindo o modelo bizantino. Durante o reinado do filho de Vladimir, Jaroslau I, o Sábio, o metropolita Hilário de Kiev escreveu a primeira obra da literatura eslavônica oriental,
« Última modificação: 2024-03-18 02:07:03 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #369 em: 2024-03-18 02:15:48 »
merica hoje em dia nao tem casamentos nem fe

unir aquilo 

so propaganda  e socialismo  nao ha reinos para unir!

apenas povos sem rei!

se bizantinos duraram mais 1000 anos que ocidente

foi porque fazeram invasores aliados

Todos os povos estrangeiros que viviam longe da cultura, religião e costumes do grande Império Romano OCIDENTE eram chamados de bárbaros
« Última modificação: 2024-03-18 02:36:59 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #370 em: 2024-03-18 02:21:23 »
O imperador deverá ser re-entronado em 20.I.2025...   ;D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #371 em: 2024-03-18 02:27:18 »
One thing I have discovered is that people really love to directly equate Donald Trump with various historical figures from the ancient world. As I discuss in this article from December 2019, Trump’s evangelical supporters are constantly comparing him to Cyrus the Great, claiming that he is God’s vessel appointed to fulfill God’s will by enacting conservative policies. Meanwhile, people who do not like Trump seem to habitually joke about Donald Trump being Caligula or Nero.

Both Trump’s supporters and his fiercest enemies, though, love to compare him to one man in particular: Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was murdered by members of the Roman senate on the Ides
« Última modificação: 2024-03-18 02:35:18 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #372 em: 2024-03-18 02:37:30 »
Na Federação Russa acontecerá antes: «The winner is scheduled to be inaugurated on 7 May 2024»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #373 em: 2024-03-18 02:39:41 »
One thing I have discovered is that people really love to directly equate Donald Trump with various historical figures from the ancient world. As I discuss in this article from December 2019, Trump’s evangelical supporters are constantly comparing him to Cyrus the Great, claiming that he is God’s vessel appointed to fulfill God’s will by enacting conservative policies. Meanwhile, people who do not like Trump seem to habitually joke about Donald Trump being Caligula or Nero.

Both Trump’s supporters and his fiercest enemies, though, love to compare him to one man in particular: Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was murdered by members of the Roman senate on the Ides

Bem, em rigor, não será imperador nem ditador, apenas presidente por + 4 anos (2025-2029)...   ;)
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #374 em: 2024-03-18 02:54:44 »
One thing I have discovered is that people really love to directly equate Donald Trump with various historical figures from the ancient world. As I discuss in this article from December 2019, Trump’s evangelical supporters are constantly comparing him to Cyrus the Great, claiming that he is God’s vessel appointed to fulfill God’s will by enacting conservative policies. Meanwhile, people who do not like Trump seem to habitually joke about Donald Trump being Caligula or Nero.

Both Trump’s supporters and his fiercest enemies, though, love to compare him to one man in particular: Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was murdered by members of the Roman senate on the Ides

Cyrus the Great,
  «King of Anshan
    King of Persia
    King of Media
    King of Lydia
    King of the World
    King of Kings
    Great King
    King of Babylon
    King of Sumer and Akkad
    King of the Four Corners of the World
    King of the Universe»

parece ter tido uma vida bastante complexa e terá morrido em Pasárgada aos 70 anos, em 4 December 530 BC[3] (aged 70)

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #375 em: 2024-03-18 10:08:36 »
Na verdade, o primeiro grande império
da História foi a Babilónia há 6 000 anos!


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #376 em: 2024-03-18 10:32:07 »
The foundations of human civilization first flowered in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.


Settlers arrived in the Mesopotamian floodplain around the sixth millennium B.C. These innovators devised an irrigation system of canals to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates and better manage agriculture in the region. Their success created rich agricultural centers of trade. The wealth turned settlements into villages, and villages grew into cities with thousands of residents.

By 3500 B.C., Sumer had grown into a collection of city-states linked by linguistic and religious traditions. Among the most significant were Eridu, Uruk, Ur, Larsa, Isin, Adab, Lagash, Nippur, and Kish. Over time, some of them grew more powerful than others, and for brief periods, one city-state might rule the others until it fell from power. The Bible mentions Sumerian cities and rulers: “The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, and Accad, all of them in the land of Shinar

   todos imperios vieram seguir  foram cidades da 1 civilizacao

lutar pelo poder entre si

todas cidades tinham um rei

 judeus nasceram em casa! na babilonia!

   reis  eram donos de  cidades!  e nao paises

por isso foi criador de um pais...   Cyrus the Great

nao era fazedor de imperios....  mas criador paises
« Última modificação: 2024-03-18 10:55:14 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #377 em: 2024-03-18 11:05:40 »
Cyrus the Great,
  «King of Anshan
    King of Persia
    King of Media
    King of Lydia
    King of the World
    King of Kings
    Great King
    King of Babylon
    King of Sumer and Akkad
    King of the Four Corners of the World
    King of the Universe»

basicamente uniu cidades.....e deu autonomia aos "reis"  presidentes camara....

primeiro estadista  da 1 civilizacao do mundo  nasceu entre 2 rios
« Última modificação: 2024-03-18 11:16:44 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #378 em: 2024-03-18 12:06:37 »
gregos nunca foram unidos

sempre foram rivais com suas cidades

democracia nunca uniu nada na grecia

so foram unidos quando foram invadidos pelo imperio romano... que comecou  falar grego e escrever  grego!

unidos pelos invasores

alemanha foi unida por monarquista  anti liberal

 nao deixa ser aberacao homem branco querer unir... os paises  terceiro mundo com democracia...quando 1 mundo nunca foi unido com democracia

maioria vezes foi unido com estrangeiros
« Última modificação: 2024-03-18 12:19:40 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #379 em: 2024-03-18 12:21:23 »
Sim, Babilónia

Os Sumérios

Não eram semíticos,
mas cunharam a escrita
cuneiforme. Imperaram
mil anos, até serem
expulsos por Sargão,
o Grande, o primeiro
rei da Babilónia